Thursday, March 29, 2018

Paperwork on Wednesday

Today, I went to the office.  We had yet another staff meeting where we discussed the up-coming move to the new building.  I am not looking forward to this move because it means I need to find new parking as I will no longer have parking in the building (I will have to hand in my current parking permit and request to be put on a waiting list for parking at the new building).  Or, I shall have to find another way to commute to work.  I could take the subway, but that means driving to the subway station where I might or might not find parking (or taking the bus to the subway station), taking the subway to downtown, then, taking another bus from the downtown subway station to the new office building.  It is doable, of course, and I have commuted by bus to downtown, before, but it's not as convenient.  Nevertheless, I am grateful to have a job to commute to.  

I spent the evening doing some much needed paperwork.  I have a bad habit of procrastinating on paperwork and just letting it all pile up!  I went through and sorted the stack of paper that had piled up on the table in the family room.  I was actually looking for my property tax bill, since the 2nd installment is now due, and I seem to have misplaced it!  Eventually,  I found it - inside a file folder, along with several other file folders of documents that needed to be filed!  I will pay it, tomorrow, after I take a photocopy of the payment.  Of course, if I didn't find the paper bill, I would have paid it online, so the payment would have been made, anyway.

I also gathered most of the income tax documents I needed to file my taxes.  There are one or two other items I need to pull out from my files to add to them (including a copy of the property taxes I will be paying tomorrow) and they will be ready to be taken to the tax accountant, maybe Friday evening or Saturday.

Then, I filed the rest of the stack of papers.  

After which, I felt too drained to cook the chicken I had bought, yesterday.  Instead, I cooked some rice and had that with leftover from what I cooked on Sunday, for dinner.  I will cook the chicken, tomorrow.  After dinner, I video chatted with my daughter.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Getting my paperwork sorted and organized
- A sunny, warm day
- A safe commute to work and back
- Having a job to commute to
- A pleasant walk in the afternoon sunshine

How was your Wednesday?  Do you procrastinate on paperwork, such as filing?


  1. Papers have a way of piling up around here, also. I don't know anyone who likes doing them. Luckily, we just manage to keep up and don't lose too much. However, we do occasionally spend time looking for something. not the best use of our time, but it is what it is.

    1. Every time this happens, I tell myself that I will keep up with a weekly filing routine. I will do that for a bit and then, get lazy! Then, before I know it, there are piles of paper, all over the place! Friends have asked me before why I keep so many things - bill statements, and so forth. I don't know. But, it is very hard for me to get rid of paper!

  2. No parking provided by your employer makes it a real challenge getting to work. You mentioned that you can be put on a waiting list for parking at the new building so how does that work and do you pay a fee? Is there any possibility of car pooling with another employee(s) who may commute from your area? When we were first married and only has one car my husband did that with three other men for quite a few years. It did mean he was always promptly ready and you could not decide to come home at a different time etc. but it did work for us. At least you do have a public transit option but sounds like it may be time consuming.

    Glad you got some paperwork sorted out. Hubby is going to our tax man tomorrow morning and he is normally good at getting that taken care of. I always pay any incoming bills the day they are received. I still prefer to write checks and file any paperwork we need to keep immediately. For me it is easier than letting it pile up.

    1. Sandy, once I put my name on the waiting list for parking, I will be notified when a spot becomes available. It is employer subsidized parking (I pay a certain amount which is automatically deducted from my paycheck). Parking will become available only when someone who already has parking leaves - when I hand in my current parking permit, that spot will be given to someone else on the waiting list for parking in this building. I wish I could hold on to the parking spot in this building and then, take the bus to the new building - that would be much easier for me - but I've been told that I have to hand in the parking permit once I leave the building ("Bless has left the building!") I guess I could still park in this building (there are some public parking spots available), but it costs $16.00 per day. Which is considered very reasonable for parking downtown! Some parking lots charge $25/day!

      I don't know yet if the new building has monthly parking that I can obtain on my own, without going through my employer. Maybe, tomorrow or next week, I will go over and check it out. In the meantime, I will see what public parking lots are available in the vicinity (I don't mind having to walk a few blocks to and from).

      Car pooling is a possibility - I used to carpool, a long time ago. Even if I have to take the subway/bus option, it will be OK, as it will be for a few months at the most. I fully intend to retire this summer. :)

      You are very prompt with your paperwork and filing! That is how it should be! I used to be prompt, too, but I've become lazy! Bad Bless!

  3. Hi BLess, it really bothers me that your employer did not think the parking situation through for all the employees. I would also think that if parking so so limited for employees, that would make it hard for anyone who had to visit the business to find parking also. Praying you are able to get a spot sooner than later.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. It is all part of the master plan to encourage people to use public transit. I feel I did my part, when I was younger - I used public transit for the first 15 years or so of my working life. This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've had to move to different buildings for work and each time, parking has been a bit of an issue. Everybody complains about the lack of adequate parking, downtown.

  4. My goodness, I read what you replied about public parking charges and I was shocked. But I guess I am out of touch as I haven't tried to park in a big city for a long time.

    I'm also needing to file my taxes, and I have made a start by listing medical expenses and charitable donations. I have all the documents I need, and now I need to stop procrastinating and get down to the actual forms right now!

    1. Yes, parking is at a premium in downtown! It is a bit more reasonable a couple of miles away from the central area. But then, it means taking a bus from there to the central area.

      Hope you get your taxes filed and get a big refund! I am afraid I might have to pay, this year, since I can no longer claim my daughter as a dependent!

  5. Paperwork Procrastination would be a definite yes from me Bless. I'm OK at dealing with what needs doing but the filing gets left for weeks on end. Usually by the time I do it I can throw most of it away. When it's cleared I always promise myself I'll do it on a weekly basis but of course there are much more interesting things to do!

    The lack of parking is a nuisance. Are spaces hard to come by over there and do you have to pay for them? The silver lining to this problem of course is that it will only be for a short time as you'll be retiring in a few months won't you :) xx

    1. Suzanne, yes, I too promise myself that I will keep up with the filing, and I do it for a few weeks and then, it slowly piles up!

      I've got spoilt by having employer subsidized parking in my current office building. I will qualify for employer subsidized parking at the new building, too, but, there is a waiting list - more people wanting parking than slots available. Conveniently located parking in downtown is at a premium! The other option is to park further away and take a bus (or a couple of buses, depending on the routes - that will easily add another hour or so to my commute!) Yes, it will be only for a few more months. I am glad about that!

    2. Bless, I'm wondering if you could get priority parking. I know you probably wouldn't consider 'using' your illness for gain if that makes sense, but honestly another hour or more on your day or even having to walk further than usual seems a big ask considering you're still recovering. Would it be worth asking? xx

    3. The only priority parking they'll give is if one is in a carpool or have a medical handicap and for the latter, I need to apply and my doctor has to fill out a form certifying that I need handicap parking, etc. I somehow doubt if my doctor will be willing to do that, so I haven't even bothered to ask. Maybe I should, though!

  6. Sorry your office is moving! Good luck with your taxes! Andrea

  7. What a shame that your retirement didn't coincide with the move to the new building. That would have been so fortunate. Good luck with the hunt for public parking next week.
    I mentioned a week ago that I needed to get my paperwork over to the accountant. Haven't done it yet. I am one of the best procrastinators that I know, humbly speaking of coarse. My mail is sorted usually as soon as I bring it in the house. Some of it is recycled and some of it is placed in the box under my desk for shredding. Appointments are marked on the calendar and papers shredded and greeting cards are put on the mantel. Tax papers are placed in a dining room cabinet, so they are always in the same location. I do online banking so no paper records there. Papers that I print from the computer are placed on top of the printer until I finally get around to them. That could take weeks, but they are not a priority.

    1. I know, Susan, it would have been so nice if I had been able to time my retirement to coincide with the move! Oh, well.

      Sounds like you have a very efficient mail sorting system in place! I need to be more like you, in that respect. I collect the mail from my mail box when I walk into the house in the evening, after work, toss it onto the table in the family room and it sits there! I might pull out a bill or two and put them aside on a different pile, but, after awhile the piles tend to merge and that's when I know I've got a problem!

  8. I hate paperwork. I need to pull out the shredder again, but it's something I don't like doing so put it off. I hope things work out with the move.

    1. I handle paper all day at the office, so, when I come home, it's the last thing I want to do! I don't even have a shredder! I tear everything up by hand, or sit and cut into strips with a pair of scissors!

      Thanks - I suppose it will all work out well, eventually. If not, it'll be a care of "grin and bear", Bless!


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