Thursday, October 13, 2016

Wednesday: Doctor's Appointment

Today, we had some Fall weather - grey, overcast morning and cooler weather.  The afternoon, however, was sunny and warmer.

I did some work in the morning.  In the afternoon, I went to my doctor's appointment.  My doctor (primary care physician) was happy to see me.  She wanted me to give her an update, which I did, and she spent some time reviewing my file (she had received copies of my reports from my oncologists and surgeon).  She faxed my prescription refill to the pharmacy and I received my flu shots.
But my doctor doesn't think I should return to the office any time soon!  She looked at me rather incredulously when I told her I was planning to go back to the office next week and told me that I was a Type A personality and it was not good for me!  She doesn't want me to go back to the office until January!  Even then, she wants me to call her before I go back, to get the final OK!

I asked her for a doctor's note stating that I am not to return to work until January so I can turn it into my supervisor.  I also called my supervisor from the doctor's office, because I really felt guilty about staying home for another two whole months, especially after I had just told her I'm planning to come back next week!  I don't think my supervisor was very happy about it, but she was understanding.  I assured her that I will be working from home as I have been doing.

I didn't get home from the clinic until after 5:00 p.m.  I had planned to do some cleaning in the evening, but I was tired after I came home.  So, I only did a load of laundry (daughter's bed sheets).  Everything else will have to wait until tomorrow.  
One of my aunts called in the evening; she and my cousin won't be able to attend the prayer meeting, but they want to drop by on Friday evening and bring a dessert as their contribution to the dinner.

Wednesday' To Do List:
- Office work 
- Put away the laundry 
- Wash daughter's bedsheets 
- Remake her bed
- Doctor's appointment 
- Continue to tidy the family room

Thursday's To Do List:
- Office work
- Remake daughter's bed 
- Continue to tidy the family room
- Make the grocery list
- Grocery shop
- Pick up daughter from airport  :)

Today, I am grateful for:
- doctor's visit went well
- more time to work from home and recuperate per doctor's orders!
- an understanding supervisor
- video chatting with daughter
- family and friends helping with the prayer meeting dinner

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. Wow, it's a good thing that you went to see your doctor! Why did she think you shouldn't go back yet? Is it because you're still at a higher risk of developing infections if you're around too many people?

    Maybe your supervisor was planning something for your return (like a welcome back party) that will now have to be rescheduled... it could be where the annoyance is coming in, especially since you've been doing your work from home all along and she's been telling you to take as much time as you needed as recently as a few days ago.

    But I can tell you're also excited to be able to stay home a little longer. You still need your rest.

    Have a great day today! I don't have any specific plans save doing some baking and paying some bills. Yawn.

    1. Nathalie, I think she was a little concerned about me over-tiring myself. She told me she wanted me to get more rest to truly recover. She was also concerned about me being at risk of getting sick. My oncologist told me it was OK to get exposed again, but my primary care physician (who is the doctor I saw yesterday) didn't even want me to go down the hallway to the lab area at get my flu shots because she was concerned! She had the lab technician come to the examining room to give me the shots! This doctor is really very sweet and caring. She hasn't seen me since just before Christmas, last year. She called to check on me from time to time, but she didn't want me to come to the clinic where I could have got exposed to lots of germs, especially during the flu season.

      I think my supervisor was looking forward to having me be there in person. Even with me working from home, there are some documents that she needs to process on the projects I am working on, because I am not there to do the final steps and deal with the follow-up. Maybe I really shouldn't have said anything about returning to the office until I had seen my doctor, but I honestly didn't expect her to say don't go back until January!

      You are right that I am happy to be at home a little longer. I was thinking I should go back to the office now that my treatments were over (that was my excuse for working from home, after all), but also stressing just a little bit because I knew I'd be too tired after a long day at the office to do much at home.

      Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy a slice of whatever you are baking on my behalf. :)

  2. Just catching up on some fascinating writing about Sri Lankan food, Rosary meeting and more. The days have been going by so fast. I love the idea of the Rosary prayer meeting and I would love to attend one. I would like to hold one but DH is against anything religious, let alone Catholic and it would freak him out! Haven't tried Tango apples or even seen them up here in Ontario. Our favourite at the moment are Gala.

    I'm glad your doctor is being cautious and wanting you to stay away from work until January. You are diligent at working at home, so I hope your boss will not mind too much.

    The wildlife are still keeping me entertained and if the sunflower seed feeder is being refilled around late afternoon the birds can hardly wait to get at it, fluttering around me almost like a scene out of a Hitchcock movie! It's so cute how a chickadee will flit to the feeder before I have finished filling it, or while I am still lifting it up onto the hook.

    Yesterday I was surprised to see a hairy woodpecker resting on the deck and I wondered if perhaps he was recovering from hitting a window, but he looked fine. What surprised me was the length of time he was there. I saw him for 20 minutes, then left the house to walk to the mailbox and then to the river. He was still there when I got back 40 minutes later. I opened the door and he flew away. I was sorry to have disturbed him but had wondered if he was okay. I think he just was enjoying the shelter from the wind in that area.


    1. Bushlady, you are more than welcome to attend my Rosary gathering, if you can book a flight to So. Cal. and get here by Saturday night. :) You'll get to try some Sri Lankan food, as well.

      Sounds like the birds in your area know that you are their friend! I used to feed birds, too, and had a bird bath, but now, I feed all the stray cats and I'm afraid to encourage the birds in case the cats get them.

    2. I'd love to! I'll just have to be thinking of you instead, though.

    3. I'm sure you'll be with us in spirit, Bushlady. :)

  3. I am so happy that your doctor wanted you to stay home , until the first of the year.. Little soon , to jump back into the long drive to work and then the work itself. So proud your supervisor was understanding. Take care of yourself, and rest when you feel the need. You have been through alot this year.
    I have been cleaning today,, I have been gone for a couple days..My mom is in the hospital with pneumonia, so went to see about her [she lives 5 hours away].
    Hope you have a wonderful day.

    1. Judy, I am sorry to hear your mother is in hospital; I hope she recovers soon. I shall keep her in my prayers.

      Yes, I am grateful for the extra time at home to recover before I return to the office. My doctor didn't have to twist my arm too much! ;)

  4. Bless, I second that opinion. I too thought you were rushing back too soon. The treatments may be done, but your body needs this time now to heal itself.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I guess I would have been pushing myself a bit too much if I had returned to the office, next week. I don't want to get sick because I was tired and run down because I went back to the office too soon.

  5. Hi Bless,
    I am so relieved that your doctor told you to take more time to heal and recover. Just because the treatments themselves are over does not mean your body is healed up. That is going to take time and your immune system needs time to recover too so you don't catch everything that is going around. As someone with a lowered immune system, I know that I catch things easier and take longer to recover than people who have their immune systems working well. ;)
    Be blessed my friend and take care of you!

    1. Thank you, Debbie. One of these days, I will learn to recognize that I am not quite as young as I used to be and it takes me longer to recover. Especially from something as serious as cancer. :)

  6. Glad that you get a bit more time to enjoy being home to fully recover. Can so understand your supervisor being unable to disguise her disappointment at the news, tho. You're an important asset to them and they were so looking forward to your return. So happy for you!

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. I admit I am glad to have that extra time at home. I was a bit concerned about how tired I might become; I don't want to push myself too much too soon and get sick!

      As for my supervisor, well, I am the most experienced worker under her supervision, so she knows she can leave things to me and I'll get them done. I think maybe she misses that. But I'm sure we'll work things out.

  7. You've climbed a mountain with all the treatment. It must seem like going back to work is easy in comparison. I think you have to take the doctor's advice. Sending hugs x

    1. Thanks, Lyssa. I need to build up more stamina, before I go back to the office. I still tire rather easily.

  8. I think your Doctor is right. You might mentally feel up to going back to work but you've been through such a lot it would be a shame to have to work at a pace your body isn't ready for, for the sake of a couple more months off work.

    Not sure that would be the case over here. Getting a sick note at our surgery is like getting blood from a stone. xx

    1. Yes, I'm sure the doctor is right. As much as I enjoy my work, I'm sure it's not worth jeopardizing my health! Besides, working from the office is never as comfortable as working from home. Although the doctor gave me a note saying I am not to return to work until January, I shall be working, just from home.


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