Monday, October 24, 2016

Quiet Weekend

I've had a fairly quiet weekend. 

On Saturday morning, a friend called me to tell me that she had made milkrice (rice cooked with coconut milk, a little like rice pudding, but not sweet) and fish curry and invited me to come over for brunch.  So, I took two items I had for her daughter and my postage stamp collection for her husband - he had seen it where I had stored it in the garage and had told me if I was getting rid of it, to let him know.  I no longer collect postage stamps and my daughter is not interested in them, so it is better for it to go to someone who will enjoy it. I took the two stamp albums and a box of extra stamps.   My friend also gave me more milkrice and fish curry to bring home with me and she gave me a lemongrass plant she had growing in a pot since my lemongrass plant died this summer.

After I came home, I dusted the living room, dining room, and family room.  I wanted to do more cleaning, but I started to feel tired, so I decided to stop.  Last Saturday, I pushed through the tiredness to get all the cleaning done and it took me practically the whole week to recover!  So, on Saturday, I listened to my body and stopped before I got too tired.  Also, my daughter begged me to leave the cleaning for at least a few more days because I am just getting over the asthma flare up.

So, instead of doing more cleaning, I decorated for Halloween!

Halloween Mantel

I "refreshed" the wreath by hot gluing the mini jack-o-lanterns to it.  At first, I propped the wreath up on the mantel, but then, I changed my mind and hung it up on the dining area wall, instead:

The Wreath on the Wall

I put the Halloween table runner on the coffee table and placed daughter's trick-or-treat pumpkin (bought for her first Halloween) on it as a centerpiece.

Coffee Table

I took it easy on Sunday.  It was a cool, cloudy day and it even drizzled a little in the evening!  I remade daughter's bed in the morning and, as usual, Dancer claimed the freshly made bed!   He slept on it all day!

Dancer Claims the Newly Made Bed!

I also hand washed a lace doily my mother had crocheted (it has been on the coffee table all summer) and swept and mopped the kitchen.  Otherwise, I watched TV and played on the computer, all day!  One of my aunts called and I video chatted with my daughter, who said she did laundry and cooked, today (glass noodles with butternut squash sauce; quinoa and black bean burgers; carrot-oatmeal cookies).

Saturday's Weekend To Do List:

- Remake daughter's bed - DONE
- Sweep and mop kitchen - DONE
- Paperwork
- Dust - living room, dining area, family room - DONE
- Decorate for fall - DONE
- Vacuum if I feel up to it; otherwise, do it on Sunday later in the week

This weekend, I was grateful for:
- Friends who cook and invite me for brunch and send me home with more food!
- Sunny, warm day on Saturday
- Cooler day on Sunday
- A drizzle of rain
- A new lemongrass plant

How was your weekend? 


  1. I love your Halloween decorations, especially your wreath. I must get something sorted myself this week. I'm so pleased your prayer meeting went well. Just having a blog catch up this morning. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I don't celebrate Halloween as much as I used to when my daughter was small, but these are things I have on hand, so decided to put them out. Glad to hear from you, as always.

  2. I like the wreath! And a freshly made bed always feels nice. Smart cat :)

    1. Thanks, Jess. I made the wreath years ago and it used to hang on my front door, but I no longer decorate the outside (after someone stole most of my decorations, one year!)

  3. Such a pretty, cheerful Hallowe'en wreath! I only like the attractive decorations, not the ugly stuff. Our son has fun decorating the yard and one item is cute, a black cat that snarls and raises its back when anyone goes by. He has to watch out for people stealing, too. He lost pumpkins and straw bales one year, but his love of Hallowe'en keeps him going. I no longer bother as we are out in the country and no one comes anymore. But I still get some candy ready just in case. There is a resident "trick or treater" (DH), who is just as happy to dip into the bowl!

    1. LOL, Bushlady, I used to be the "resident trick or treater" in our house! My daughter didn't much care for candy (still doesn't) and she'd give most of her candy to me.

      I'm glad you like the wreath. :) My mother picked up the jack-o-lantern witch/scarecrow from a crafts store for my daughter and I decided to make a wreath with it. :)

  4. It was very nice of you to donate your stamp collection to your friend's husband, Bless, and smart to recognize when you needed to rest!

    1. Thanks, Nathalie. I was happy to give the collection to someone who appreciates it. And yes, I am getting better at acknowledging that I do actually need to take it easy and that it isn't just an excuse for being lazy!

  5. It sounds like a lovely weekend and I am so glad you were able to spend it with friends. :)

    1. Thank you, Debbie. It was lovely to meet up with friends.

  6. I love all the pics, but the one of dancer on the awesome quilt is my favourite. We don't decorate as much here. We are starting to get the habit but it's still quite new, so I love seeing the decorations for the different seasons. That wreath looked so beautiful. x

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. We didn't celebrate Halloween when I was growing up, although I've been told that they celebrate it now. We are one global village, these days, I guess. :)

      The "awesome quilt" is one of two matching quilts I made back in 1981. I wrote about it here:


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