Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Three Months Ago, Today

Three months ago, today, on July 21, I went in for what I had assumed would be a routine mammogram.  It proved to be anything but routine, of course.  The results came in the mail, a week later, saying the results showed an abnormality. 

Since then, I've had a more focused, follow-up mammogram; an ultrasound guided core needle biopsy, which detected invasive breast cancer; a lumpectomy which determined it was Stage 2 cancer; and now, I am scheduled for chemotherapy, to be followed by radiation, to be followed by anti-hormone therapy.

Three months ago, today, my life took an unexpected twist and my world tilted, as did my daughter's.  There has been a paradigm shift in our lives, since then.
Hard to believe it was only three months ago, today.


  1. I often say that life can change with the next breath we take. I have found that to be true a number of times in my own life. I honestly believe that those are the moments and events that create our character and those are the moments in life where we can choose which direction we take. We can either allow these events to break us down, or we can allow them to bring out an unbelievable amount of strength and faith inside us that we didn't even realize we possessed and let our circumstances make us stronger in the end.
    You have come so far these past few months, Bless. I admire the way you and your daughter have handled what you have been going through. I know there are times when everything may feel overwhelming and you want to question, "Why?" but I see the grace and strength that you have displayed and I believe that you are a truly amazing lady. You and your daughter are a wonderful team and you are blessed to have each other. And all of us who read your blog are blessed that we are able to go through this with you and see the remarkable courage of a wonderful person who rises above her circumstances and inspires us to handle life with grace.

    1. Thank you, Dawn. You truly have a way with words! :)

  2. Sending my best thoughts and wishes your way.

  3. I will be thinking of you when you go for the catheter port installation tomorrow. You are entering another phase of this journey. Remember, when the mountain seems it might be dark ahead, we are all with you holding our lanterns of love and caring thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I feel bathed in the light from the lanterns! I need to add a lantern to the mountain quilt I'll be making. :)

  4. Life sure can change in an instant, huh? You have a tremendous support system always keeping you and daughter in their thoughts.

  5. You have handled all of this with grace & courage. I hope you feel all the positive thoughts & many prayers that are being sent your way.
    Becky (Hartbe)

    1. Thank you, Becky. I am so blessed to have everyone's positive thoughts and the many prayers.

  6. Praying for you , and will be thinking about you tomorrow, as you get the port installed.
    Praying for peace and help through each step of the mountain climb.

    1. Thank you, Judy. I really appreciate you thinking about me and your prayers on my behalf.


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