Friday, October 23, 2015

Another Step Backwards, Maybe?

I had an appointment with my regular doctor, this afternoon.  She wasn't very happy with the way the wound/incision is healing.  Apparently, it is inflamed!  Who knew?  She cleaned it, put antibiotic ointment on it and a nice big dressing.

I am to clean the incision (she gave me a bottle of saline solution) and put the antibiotic ointment twice a day.  And she prescribed an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory drug.  Both to be taken 1 pill each, twice a day.  Except, I didn't think to ask if I should start tonight (and just take 1 dose) or wait until after surgery tomorrow.  Because, I don't think I'll be able to take them tomorrow and one shouldn't start antibiotics and skip a day.  Also, one of them lists diarrhea as a side effect, and I really don't want to have to worry about that when I am recovering from surgery, tomorrow.  Yes, I told the doctor I have been scheduled for surgery tomorrow, but I forgot to ask her if I should start right away or wait until afterwards. 

Anyway, after the doctor's appointment, I went to the pharmacy to fill out the prescription.  It was past 8:00 p.m. when I came home. 

Daughter came home, tonight.  We've discussed what I should do.  We'll talk with the surgeon, too, but I'll probably hold off on taking the newly prescribed medications until after surgery tomorrow and maybe start on Saturday.  I've waited this long - another day shouldn't make much of a difference, should it?   

And maybe I should postpone the chemo by a week until I finish the antibiotics?  I will have to call and ask the oncologist's office.  I think it might be best to wait until I have recovered a bit more. 

Oh, and of course, even though I had signed the release forms and all the documents say "send reports to my regular doctor", she hasn't received any!  :p  I had to update her (and she sounded surprised at how quickly things are moving) and give her a copy of the path report!  I've a follow up appt. with her in 3 weeks' time.  Hope all will be found to be well by then.

So, it's off to the hospital bright and early tomorrow - I have to be there by 6:30 a.m.!  Wish me luck, please!


  1. Hugs and Thoughts and Many Prayers coming your way this morning and throughout the day!

    1. Thank you, Dawn. Surgery went well; I'm home and resting.

  2. Sending hugs. My mother took vitamin E to help healing, which may be something or nothing but it made her feel better. Take care x

    1. Thank you for the hugs and tip about the Vitamin E.

  3. She didn't tell you to wait and she knew what was coming up. Start. Infections can spread rapidly, Don't second guess.

    1. That's true. But I went ahead and waited and started taking them, today, after surgeon said it was OK.

  4. Good luck, hope everything goes well!

    1. Thanks, Jess. Surgery went well; I'm home and resting.

  5. Bless, so sorry about the infection.. Hope your incision heals soon.
    Praying for your surgery in the am..Will be thinking about you.

    1. Thanks, Judy. Surgery went well; I'm home and resting.

  6. Oh my, surgery tomorrow. I know how that feels. I've had heart challenges my whole life. I just found your blog and will do some reading to catch up.

    Wishing you luck and the best of care tomorrow for your surgery. I will say a prayer for you, your family and everyone involved in your care tomorrow.
    Take care,
    Crystal in Nevada

    1. Crystal, welcome! Thank you for the prayers and well wishes. Hope you enjoy reading my blog and thank you for commenting.

  7. Replies

    1. Thanks, Carolyn. Surgery went well; I'm home and resting.


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