Saturday, October 3, 2015

More Surgery Details

Still typing with left hand only.
The surgery took 2 1/2 hrs. - an hour longer than first estimated.  They had to do a longer/deeper incision, because, in addition to the tumor and lymph nodes, there were also some other hard lumps.  Dr. had told daughter that they might be scar tissue from the biopsy or new tumors.  Will do tests to see.  If they are benign, then all well and good; if malignant, then, I'll need a full mastectomy.  We shall know by Tues.  So, the uncertainty continues.  I am still in need of continued prayers and well wishes, please.  


  1. Sending prayers your way... Pray that all is clear, and NO more tumors.. Thinking about you each day. Take care of yourself..

  2. Thank you for the update; count on us all praying for the very best possible outcome. I hope you are continuing relatively pain free, not needing meds but please don't avoid these if needed.

    1. Thank you, Hon. I did take a Tylenol last night.

  3. I heard that the philosophy behind pain medicating is not to allow the pain to get too much, or a greater amount of medication is needed to overcome it. You were wise to take the Tylenol to help avoid night time pain that might come on and disturb your sleep. Always keeping you in my prayers for healing and return to normal life.

  4. Will continue to be positive and err on the side of the cause being scar tissue. :). Thank you so much for posting updates ... You and daughter are in my constant thoughts. You're amazing, Bless!!!!!


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