Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday Update

I'm continuing to recover.  I had a good night's sleep, but got up a couple of times.  I also took a nap in the afternoon.  There's still a bit of leakage - I guess I'm lucky I'm not in much pain, all things considered. Daughter was too worried and stressed to sleep last night.  She was up till 5:30 a.m. and then slept for a bit.  She's taking a nap now.  Poor thing is worn out with worry.

We had rain, very early this a.m. and today has been cool and cloudy.  I'm thankful that Mother Nature watered my garden for me, because I am not able to do much this week.  They are forecasting scattered showers tonight into tomorrow.

One of my friends brought us lunch today, so I had some of that, and after my nap, I ate some leftovers.  One of my aunts and cousins had planned to bring dinner tonight, but I just called and said not to worry.  Aunt has asthma and doesn't do too well when it is cold and damp.  There's plenty of food in the fridge and freezer.

A quiet evening is planned.  Time to rest and recover.  By tomorrow, no doubt, I'll be wanting to do more and getting impatient of the forced rest!

Hope all is well with all of you.


  1. Am hoping your sweet daughter gets some rest. She is doing such a good job of taking care of you ... just as you did with your Mother. Amazing women in your family, Bless! Still sending {{{hugs}}}} to you both.

    1. Thanks, Carolyn. She had a bit of a meltdown, last night, feeling overwhelmed, upset because she needs to leave me, crying, etc., but tears are a catharsis under the circumstances. She's worried on my behalf. I'm letting her sleep-in this a.m.

  2. Hope you slept well, it gives your body the opportunity to heal. You will need to draw as much patience as you can muster. We'll all admonish you to leave dragging a hose around the garden to DD or gardener chap or neighbour. Did they give you a list of modest exercise to perform? Perhaps discuss that as well, tomorrow.

    Sorry DD is not sleeping well, perhaps she can counter that with some project that requires physical effort like chasing cobwebs, washing walls, vacuuming car etc. Sounds ridiculous I know but it combats stress.

    1. Thanks, Hon. Wise words; voice of experience, I know. I promise I shan't overdo; I'm actually not doing anything!

  3. I'm glad you got some rain. And that was very thoughtful of you to think of aunt.

    1. Thanks, Jess. We had a bit of rain today, too!


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