Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mostly Good News!

We spoke with the surgeon, yesterday afternoon, to get the results of the pathology report.

The bad news first (to get it out of the way):  the tumor was larger than first estimated.  It was actually 2.1 c.m., not 1.6 c.m. as first thought.  Being over 2.0 c.m. seems to automatically put it in the Stage 2 range, from all our research on-line (although surgeon didn't give me a staging over the phone).  It also makes chemo therapy almost a given.  I have an appointment with the oncologist scheduled for this Friday, to go over the pathology results and to discuss treatment options.  And a follow-up visit with the surgeon for next week Tuesday.

Now, for the good news:  the tumor margins were clear!  The surgeon was able to remove all the tumor.  The lymph nodes he removed for testing were all clear!  And the hard lumps he removed were benign!  Seems like the cancer was detected in the early stages and it hadn't spread, even though it was an invasive type.

Our prayers have been heard and answered!  We are SO thankful.  Daughter and I cried tears of gratitude.  Yes, there will be chemo, most probably, with all the side effects that will entail and radiation therapy, etc.  Yes, there is still the rest of the mountain to climb, but, suddenly, it doesn't seem quite as high nor as steep.  Hopefully, there won't be as much backsliding, either, although we must be prepared for them.

I know all of you will rejoice with me over this news.  I can't tell you all just how grateful I am, for your prayers, thoughts, well wishes, and support.  Thank you for being there for me and my daughter, during this time.  I know you will all be there for me for the rest of the journey, too, sharing the rest of the climb with me.

My cousin and aunt came to visit us, last night, bringing dinner.  Cousin went down on her knees with me in a prayer of thanksgiving.  Afterwards, I asked her to play the piano (she's a very good pianist) and the first song she played was "How Great Thou Art", followed by "Whispering Hope", which I sang.  

Daughter left for Berkeley, this morning.  She was blessed to go knowing it was mostly good news.  Her friend since 7th grade picked her up and gave her a ride to the airport, because I am not allowed to drive yet.  Daughter will return on Thursday night to go with me to the oncologist on Friday.  Another friend of hers, friends since 4th grade, will pick her up from the airport and bring her home. 

Daughter was worried about me being on my own tonight, so a friend of mine has agreed to stay the night with me.

Have I mentioned how blessed we are to have such caring friends?

Today, I am grateful for:  everything!  


  1. Oh Bless! Right now I am crying tears of gratitude and joy! I know that you still are in the process of climbing this mountain but I am so thankful for the report you received! You and your daughter have been constantly on my mind and in my prayers and will continue to be. I also love those two beautiful songs- I remember my great-aunt singing and playing them often on her organ. Much love and hugs to both of you!
    PS- After you reach the top of this mountain you will hear us all saying "Wheeeeeeee" with you as you smile and slide down the other side! :)
    (Can you tell I live with 2 silly kids?) :)

    1. Dawn, thank you! Oh, yes, that'll be the best slide down! :) Please give your 2 little ones a big hug from me.

  2. Such great news, Bless! Prayers really do work!!!! Am so happy for you and your daughter, too. I can imagine that her departure and return to Berkley was much easier thanks to the news. Prayers for continued recovery!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Carolyn, thank you. Yes, prayers do work. A friend of mine has also been diagnosed with cancer and I'm praying for her, too.

  3. Thoughts and prayers winging your way. God bless and strengthen and heal you - and may your daughter know strength and peace when she is away from you x

  4. Bless I too am crying with this great news. I am so happy for you and DD!
    Prayers will continue thru out your treatment. I know you are one strong woman and will beat this. TYGod for your blessings to all of us! Wished I lived near you
    and could help you out~DianaRo

    1. Thank you, Diana. I know you are there for me.


    So happy for the good news.

  6. I join the others in rejoicing in your news Bless. And tell little Bless it is okay to cry and have a melt down once in a while. I am so happy to see your friends and family coming to your aid. It is wonderful to have loving people by your side isn't it?


  7. Smiles and prayers for good treatment outcomes winging to you. I'm so happy that you and young Bless are willing to accept the help offered by friends. You haven't mentioned surgical zone and I hesitate to ask if I can presume the slow healing process is underway.

    I hope you'll fight off any tendencies to allow negative self messages; can you sing a favorite hymn instead? While you can't yet wear regular undergarments, can you wear something comfortable and enjoy a brief walk in vitamin D sunshine? I found that one of the most satisfying parts of the day.

    Treatment is boring and getting to medical appointments was the worst of all here. I get quite impatient thinking of things I'd rather do. Can you take some crafting project, knit, crochet etc.

    Have you ever made scrubbies? They're really wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Hon. Surgical incision is still not quite healed - it is being held together with Dermabond and no dressing; it is oozing a little, but dr. said that was normal. I would have been happier if there was a dressing, however. I haven't made scrubbies, but they look simple enough. Must try making some. Thanks for the idea.

  8. Wonderful news, and also wonderful that there are so many caring people surrounding you and your daughter. Now as soon as your incision is fully healed and you are feeling less fragile, poor old Dancer will be able to come into the bedroom!

    1. Yes, indeed! He sits outside the door, puts his paw under the door, and cries in the night!

  9. Bless, I am singing a song of thanksgiving for this wonderful news.. And going up that hill, I will be praying all the way up it.. And thanking God for this awesome news.. I am continuing to pray for speedy healing, and praying for the chemo..
    Happy DD got back safely.. and for all your wonderful friends and family helping you. Hugs. Judy

    1. Judy, thank you! Yes, I've been abundantly blessed.


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