Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Goals and Balance Wheel

September Goals will focus on Health, once again.  But I intend to appreciate all the other aspects of my life, as well. 

Spiritual: Continue with daily devotions/meditations.  Continue to focus on gratitude and abundance.  Attend the monthly prayer meeting, if possible.   

- Outside:  Continue to maintain: Weed and Mulch
- Inside: Focus on decluttering

Daughter:  Support her as she starts her 2nd year of grad. school.

Family:  Continue to keep in touch with family members: phone calls, letters, emails, etc.  Send cards for 2 birthdays.

Friends:  Continue to keep in touch with friends through email/phone calls/video chat, etc. 

Career:  Continue to work on my projects in a timely manner.

Finances:   Continue to manage budget.

Health:  Once again, the main focus this month is on health.  I had the follow-up diagnostic tests, today; need to call the doctor by the end of the week to see if results have come in.  Take it one step at a time from there.

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Me-Time:  Finish the quilt I started.  Read the newest library book. 


  1. Hugs to you Bless! Sending good wishes your way for positive news on your latest diagnostic tests. :)

  2. Bless, I have been praying for you. pray for positive news on your test. And blessings for each aspect of your life.
    What kind of degree is your daughter getting.. [my son is back in school, He has a doctorate in his field, but is going back for another doctorate. He is a Baptist preacher.], Wish your daughter the very best in her studies.
    Have a blessed week.

    1. Judy, thank you. I'm supposed to get the results at the end of this week. My daughter is studying for a Masters in Public Health, majoring in Epidemiology and Bio-Statistics. Best wishes to your son as he pursues his second doctorate!

  3. Sending prayers and best wishes for good test outcomes. We're all here to offer support.

    1. Hon, thank you. How are you doing? Are you feeling better?


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