Saturday, August 16, 2014

Saturday Morning

There was a time when daughter was younger, and my mother was still with us, when Saturday mornings were busy.  I'd take daughter to her piano/voice lessons by 9:00 a.m., wait until she was done, then take her to dance classes.  Drop her off and go grocery shopping.  Rush home to put the groceries away and get mother's lunch (she was a semi-invalid by this time, after her hip replacement surgery and strokes) and back to the dance studio before daughter's ballet class to tie up her long hair in a bun!  I'd wait until she was done and then, bring her home.  Sometimes, we'd take a detour and go to the library, before going home.  But always, any time I was away from home, at the back of my mind, was the worry that my mother might have fallen again; so I was always impatient to get back home to check on mother.

These days, in contrast, Saturday mornings are quite leisurely.  No piano or dance classes.  No rushing around to get errands done.  Today, for example, I slept in.  Then, I sat down, with a cup of coffee, to watch some knitting and sewing shows on TV, to go on-line, to write this post, etc.  

Eventually, I'll get around to doing some housework and sewing, etc.  But it's nice to have a relaxed morning after the busy-ness of the work week, isn't it?

How do you spend your Saturday mornings?

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