Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Mondays always seem to come too soon after the weekend, don't they?

Mondays mean getting up early and going back to the office to start another work week.  I wore a new-to-me skirt (thank you, Aunty T), paired with a blouse and jacket I have worn before.  It was the first time I had worn this particular combination, though, and my outfit was admired and I was told I looked very nice.  I guess my colleagues were tired of seeing me wear the same outfits, day in and day out and appreciated something new!

I came home and had a short nap, then, watered the front garden.  Mondays also mean taking the trash cans to the curb for pick up on Tuesday morning, so that was done, too.

Then, dinner was cooked, some of the leftovers packed for tomorrow's lunch, and the dishes done.  I dropped a plate when washing it and it broke and nicked my right index finger.  Daughter put antibiotics on the cut and a band-aid.  I chipped a mug, the other day, when washing it and I've broken umpteen glasses the same way!  It's one way to have less dishes to wash, I guess!  After all, just how many plates and mugs and glasses does a person need?

How was your Monday?


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