Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Productive Tuesday, Too


Frayed Sweater Cuff

One of my hand knit wool sweaters had a frayed cuff on one of the sleeves.  It also had a small hole, further up on the same sleeve:

Small Hole on Sweater Sleeve

I had just enough of the grey wool leftover to mend the hole, although I didn't do the neatest of repairs:

Mended Hole

But, I didn't have enough leftover wool to mend the cuff, so I improvised:

Visible Mending

I took some black yarn and sewed a row of blanket stitches around the cuff that was fraying and the other cuff, too.  The blanket stitching will prevent any further fraying.  

On Tuesday morning, my daughter had her follow up appointment with the podiatrist.  She required another injection as she seems to have an inflammation in her plantar fascia, as well.  She was also recommended to have her foot scanned and be fitted for a more supportive shoe than the one she is currently wearing, so, we will schedule that, next.  She has an appointment for physical therapy and a follow up visit.  

She took time off from work to attend the doctor's appointment, but, worked after we came back.  While she was working, I mended my grey sweater.  

I also brought in the emptied trash bins, looked through the grocery ads for the week (new ad prices go into effect on Wednesday), washed my bed sheets and remade my bed, started reading my library book, watched a few gardening videos, and cooked a pot of rice for dinner.  Lunch was pot roast sandwiches; dinner was rice and leftover sausage stir fry and leftover sauteed green beans.

On Tuesday, I was grateful for:
- Access to medical care for my daughter
- Her foot is healing, although very slowly
- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- Free parking at the clinic
- Weekly trash collections

My joyful activity on Tuesday was watching a video with my daughter.

Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M (although, there is a chance of rain in the forecast for Wednesday), some tidying up in the family room, and some paperwork.

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?

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