Tuesday, February 18, 2025

More Mending


This is a shawl I knitted several years ago.  I call it a shawl, but, it is more like a poncho.  It was knitted as two rectangles which were then, sewn together.

The Tear

This is the tear that appeared one day.  Not quite sure what happened - whether the yarn, which is quite fine, gave out or whether Dancer's claw pulled it, or, it got caught to a branch while I was out in the garden.  I have been wearing this shawl with the hole around the house for several weeks, but, I decided that it was time to repair it.  

Mended Hole

I didn't have the same yarn, but, I had wool in a similar color.  I darned the hole, using a regular darning weave, without trying to duplicate the knitting stitch.  I didn't mind if the darning was visible.  I was mostly interested in preventing the tear from becoming bigger.

The Mended Shawl

And here it is, the mended shawl/poncho.  I could turn the mending into another rose bud, but, I think I'll just leave it as it is.  What do you think?


  1. That's such a tidy darn I would leave it as it is

    1. Thank you, Angela. The darning is hardly noticeable unless you know where to look for it. I think I will just leave it as it is. :)

  2. First of all, the poncho is beautiful and looks like it was hard to knit with the fine yarn. The patch looks good, and I bet it's not that noticeable when the poncho is draped around you. I'd leave it the way it is.

    1. Thank you, June. It was a very fine yarn and I must have enjoyed knitting with it because I made a second poncho with the same yarn and same pattern for my daughter, too!
      The patch is not noticeable when I wear the poncho; I see it because I know that it is there, but, I don't mind it.

  3. I think you did an amazing job using what you already have.

  4. What a beautiful shawl! Your mending is incredibly neat, Bless, but I'm starting to wonder what you are doing in order to cause all these holes :)

    1. Thank you, Jules. I guess I am rough on my clothes?

  5. Yes, I'd leave it be. Only you will know that it's there.

    1. Thank you, Celie. Yes, only I (and all of you, my blog readers) will know that the patch is there! :D

  6. I agree with Angela, the darn is fine as it is, and you did a good job on it.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I don't think the patch shows and, in any case, there's no one to notice it, even if it does show!

  7. That shawl was too beautiful to lose to a hole, and it looks like it's a practical garment as well - a nice weight to keep the chill off you.

    I am in awe that not only did you mend it, but I'm in awe that you knitted it in the first place. It looks lovely and dainty.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. I do like that shawl and I wear it most days in the winter when I want another layer that is not another sweater or cardigan which tend to feel a bit tight around the armholes and neck when worn over two or three other sweaters!

  8. I also would leave it just as it is. I do wish you would quit posting your mending because it reminds me of the pile I need to mend but keep finding excuses to let it go 😗

    1. Thank you, Anne; I've decided to keep it as it is.
      Oops! Sorry! Didn't mean to remind you of your own pile of mending! If it is of any comfort to you, these garments have waited for several months to be mended. I just wasn't in the mood to mend them. There's more clothing items waiting for replacement elastics at the waists and so forth.

  9. That's really lovely. I'm so glad you managed to mend it.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I'm happy I finally got around to mending it. :)

  10. Such a delicate shawl and beautiful, well worth repairing, hope it lasts as long again keeping you warm.

    1. Thank you, Chris. I'm wearing it, again, today, as I type this. :)


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