Saturday, February 8, 2025



Friday Sunset

It rained in the early morning hours of Friday and the rest of the morning was rather overcast.  But, we had some sunshine in the afternoon. Clouds were moving in later and the sunset was more or less hidden by them.  

M texted in the early afternoon, stating that two of his Friday clients had cancelled today's visits (probably due to the rain) so he was headed over to tend to my garden, earlier than usual.  I served him some of the muffins I had made and we chatted a bit.  Today marks the 19th anniversary of my mother's death and M was the last person to see her alive.  He had been tending to the garden, that day, too, and mother had come to the back door to ask how things were going and he had given her a thumbs up.  Then, she had gone back inside the house and sat in her chair.  M's aunt Katy, who was a neighbor, came over to check on my mother a short time later, and found her unresponsive, slumped over in her chair. It was M who called the paramedics and then, called me at work.  

I ordered more groceries, today, and picked up the items in the early evening.  I spent more than I should have, but, there were some good sales and I wanted to stock up.  I will do a grocery post, later.  

I picked up two frozen pizzas ($2.99 each) and daughter and I shared one for a late lunch/early dinner.  The other will be frozen for another day.  

I mended another wool sweater I had knitted - one of the sleeves had a cuff that was tearing.  I unpicked the cuff part way and reknitted it.  Luckily, I had leftover wool from that sweater, so you can't see the mending.  I have another sweater with a sleeve that is starting to tear along the inner edge, near the wrist, so that's another one I will have to mend.  But, I don't have any matching wool, so, I'll have to do some visible mending and make it look intentional!

Today, I am grateful for:

- Being my mother's daughter
- M's help with the garden
- Being able to order groceries online and have them brought to the car
- Pleasant store workers
- A safe drive to the grocery store and back

Today's joyful activities included remembering my mother.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. It's lovely that you remember your mother so fondly. Passing away peacefully at home is a blessing. I'm glad you've had some more rain.

    1. Thank you, Celie. Yes, she passed away peacefully at home and I know that's what she wanted.
      It was good to get more rain and there's another band of rain in the forecast for next week, too!

  2. So not only was today a hard day for you, I'm sure it was for M, too. What a friend he has been to your family all these years.

    1. Yes, M has many good memories of my mother and she was very fond of him. :)

  3. Sending hugs on this hard anniversary. It's good that M called round today.

    On another note, I'm always impressed by your ability to mend things. You stretch your resources so well. I hope that you get a little rain as I'm sure that it will energise the garden.

    1. Thank you for the hugs, Lyssa. As I mentioned to a friend of mine, yesterday, I still miss my mother, but, the pain of losing her has gone away.

      As for mending, I was taught basic mending when I was a young girl and as long as I can patch or darn something, I am happy to wear it, if only around the house. :)

  4. Sending hugs. Losing a mum is tough. I hope the good memories now outshine the bad.
    The photo is lovely

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, losing my mother was very tough. It took me a long time to stop crying each time I thought of her. These days, I miss her, but, I no longer cry for her.
      Thank you for saying the photo is lovely. It means a lot coming from you. :)

  5. I think you have a planet in your photo.
    It is almost as if your mother saw that all was well and just quietly and peacefully passed, while for the rest of you it was a different event altogether to find her. ( Hugs)

    1. Yes, I think it is Venus, although I don't know for sure.
      Yes, my mother made sure that all was well and passed away peacefully. It was how she wanted to go. Thank you for the hugs. :)

  6. 19 years! I'm sure that must seem unreal at times. I'm glad you and M were together on the day. It's nice that your connection goes back so far, and that he can share some memories with you. That's very important, i think.
    An almost unique photo to see on your blog!

    1. Yes, time almost stands still when it comes to death anniversaries of loved ones. I can recall details of the day almost as if it happened yesterday. But, the pain does ease as the years pass.
      M has been taking care of the garden for almost 32 years, now. He's practically a member of the family. :)
      Yes, you don't see many photos of grey clouds on my blog, do you?

  7. I'm sure you've mentioned that M was the last person to see your mother alive but I didn't recall it nor the details of that day.
    That must have been a terrible call when it came in at work. The years muffle the pain, but still it is sad.
    I am looking forward to seeing what you got at the store. :)

    1. Yes, M was the last person to see and speak with my mother on the day she died. I remember all the details of the phone call, too; M called and then, gave the phone over to one of the paramedics who didn't want to tell me the bad news over the phone, but, eventually did.
      I got some good deals at the store (but, spent quite a bit!)


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