Monday, April 22, 2024

Sunny Sunday


The Back Garden on Sunday

I might be slightly obsessed with my garden, right now!  But, I've been spending a lot of time, just walking among the plants, watching the lizards scurry out of my way, and listening to the birds singing.

Flowers and Weeds!

On Sunday, I walked in the garden, read for a bit, watched some videos and played some games (Sudoku, Solitaire, etc.)  I had the leftover fried rice for brunch and for dinner, I baked some seasoned potato wedges (I put salt, garlic powder, and paprika) and had them with a scrambled egg.  As I told one of my friends, I'm on a "breakfast for dinner" streak!  

Daughter said the choir performance went well.  One of the other ladies gave her a ride to the venue and brought her back, afterwards, which was very kind of her.  

On Sunday, I was grateful for:

- A sunny and warm day
- Being able to open the doors and windows to air out the house
- Having a garden and being able to spend time in the garden
- Internet service and electricity
- Emails from friends

Sunday's joyful activity was spending time in the garden.

I've had a lovely, relaxed weekend, but, I need to be productive on Monday!

How was your weekend?  What are your plans for Monday?


  1. I can see from your photos why you would spent so much time in your garden, it's so calming; what a beautiful retreat. The photos you have been showing are stunning. I am sure every day there is a change or two, something to see & enjoy. :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou; yes, there's something new to see almost every day! Today, it was the gaura plant starting to flower and yellow gazanias. :)

  2. Your garden is lovely and it must be joyful to spend time out there in the sunshine listening to the birdsong. I'm a fan of Sudoku and Solitaire too.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I'm truly finding a lot of pleasure being out in the garden, right now. :) Hope you are keeping well.

    2. Thank you Bless, I've just been through a bad patch but feeling better now. I've shut down my blog though but won't abandon my kind blogging friends, you know who you are :-)

    3. Glad you are feeling better, now, Eileen. Our health is so very important! Yes, I was sad to see that you shut down your blog, although I understand why you felt the need to do so. Hope you will keep in touch, though. :)

  3. Your garden obsession is understandable—lush and beautiful as it is! I love the birdsong too. Our front yard is small with some flowers including daffodils, hyacinths, and forsythia. With a busy sidewalk, it’s not quiet though. Our backyard is more peaceful with lots of birds and we just had two purple irises open up this weekend.
    It’s an easy work day today. 😊
    Your daughter’s chorus concert sounds as though it was wonderful and rewarding. 🎶

    1. Thank you, Taconix. This is the best time of the year for the garden. Your garden with all the flowers sounds lovely. Glad you had an easy work day. :) My daughter enjoyed the concert and is planning to rejoin the chorus in the fall (they are off for the summer).

  4. Your garden looks so inviting to wander around! I'm glad you have been able to relax over the weekend. I relaxed, too, but not outdoors as the weather wasn't behaving itself!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I'm glad that you had a relaxing weekend, too, even if you had to stay indoors. :)

  5. Breakfast for dinner is my favorite; I do the same thing. Your garden looks beautiful. We have a lot of lizards sunning themselves, too.

    1. I generally don't like to eat first thing in the morning, so breakfasts for dinner works well for me. :) Thank you Stephenie. the garden is thriving after all the rain we've had! :)

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Anne. I'm enjoying the garden, this year. :)

  7. If you're obsessed with your garden, then I am too with mine.:)

    1. Gardens are good things to be obsessed with, aren't they? :)

  8. Wow, your garden looks so lush and full of life! It's beautiful! I'm so glad your daughter had a great performance!

    1. Thank you, Mandy. We had a lot of rain, this year, and it made the garden thrive! Yes, my daughter was very happy with how the performance went. :)

  9. Your garden is so cheerful and inviting! I like the informality of it.
    What was the concert programme? (I don't mean the complete list, but was there one major work, for example, or a predominant theme/style/composer?)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella; yes, the garden is definitely informal! LOL.
      The concert's theme was "Love is in the Air" and the songs they sang were Johannes Brahms’s Liebeslieder Walzer and Carl Orff’s Catulli Carmina. Daughter (a second soprano) had been struggling with one particular note (high F#) she had to come in on (she said she was always either too low or too high!), but, she hit it perfectly at the performance and the choir director nodded and gave her a thumbs up! :D She had fun, she said, and that's what's important, isn't it?

  10. In the first photograph, with everything so lush, the wall kind of disappears and it's as if your garden goes on forever.
    I'm glad your daughter's concert went well and how nice that someone gave her a ride.
    Yum, potato wedges :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. When that back wall was first built, the sun used to cause such a glare! We planted oleander and roses all along the wall. I still have 2 oleander plants growing there.
      Thank you; she had a fun time at the concert.


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