Thursday, April 25, 2024

In the Garden on Wednesday

More White Irises
There are more irises blooming.

Gaura Flowers

The gaura plant is starting to flower, too.


Serrano Chili Flowers

The serrano chili plant is flowering, again, too.  This is last year's plant and I left it in the ground over the winter and it is ready to produce more chilies for this year.  

M was here in the morning to tend to the garden.  He brought me more Harlequin (sparaxis) flower bulbs from his garden, mowed the grass, again, and watered the garden, both back and front.  

I spent the majority of the day watching breaking news unfolding on TV, about the protests being held on one of the local university campuses.  My late friend A's younger daughter takes evening classes at that campus as she pursues her Master's degree, and I was concerned enough to text her at work to alert her to the situation and to tell her to be careful.  The campus security officers weren't able to disperse the protesters and eventually, the police were called and, it took some time, but, several protesters were arrested and the campus was cleared of protesters, shortly after 8:00 p.m.  

Brunch was leftover tuna salad on toast; dinner was leftover soup with toast; kiwi fruit for dessert and popcorn for snacking.

On Wednesday, I was grateful for:

- Daughter had a safe journey to the conference she is attending (she was asked to be one of the panelists at the conference)
- M's help with the garden and gift of more flower bulbs
- Water for the garden
- Working appliances
- Leftovers for meals

My joyful activity was being in the garden and admiring the flowers.  

Plans for tomorrow might include putting gas to the car and maybe baking something (I've some wrinkly apples in the fridge that need to be used up).  

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. Beautiful Iris, I don't have one in this garden, perhaps I need to go to a garden centre to buy one?

    1. Thank you, Chris. My gardener friend gifted me these iris tubers. Maybe you do need to buy some for your garden, too. :)

  2. I find it's hard to take pictures of irises, but you did a nice job. I have a new iris that has some buds, and I am curious to see what color it is. I'm sure you'll be seeing a picture of it soon.

    1. Thank you, June. I am looking forward to seeing your iris in bloom. I only have white irises, so far - you know the story - one of M's clients decided they didn't like white irises... :D

  3. Your flower photos are beautiful, especially with little drops of water on the petals.
    My light work week has turned around, so off I go. 😬

    1. Thank you, Taconix. Oh, no; I can see you firing all cylinders as you go! :D

  4. Looks great.

    1. Thank you, Regine. Hope all is well with you.

  5. Those 3 photos of white flowers reminded me that there is a famous garden in England which has all white flowers. But I'm glad you have a variety of coloured ones as well.

    1. At one time, I tried growing all white flowered plants in one of the flower beds in the front garden! I had white roses, paperwhites, white gladiolus, Shasta daisies, etc. I still have a few paperwhites and one or two white gladiolus still in that flower bed, but, there are other colored flowers, too. :)

  6. I'm glad your friend's daughter wasn't bothered by the protests on her campus.
    Another honor for your daughter to be asked to participate in the panel. Kudos to her.
    I'm glad that little chili plant wintered over well and is ready to produce again for you.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, a definite honor for my daughter; she said that, afterwards, she was asked by the panel organizer if she had been on panels like that, before, and she had said no, it was the first time, and was told she did really well. :)


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