Friday, April 26, 2024

A Cloudy Thursday

Pink Apples

Ha!  No doubt everyone is happy to see something other than a photo of yet more flowers!  I had one of the pink apples that M had given me sometime ago.  

Thursday was cloudy and cool (for me, anyway); I sat in front of the electric space heater most of the day.

The tree trimmer contacted me in the morning, stating that his records indicated that I had my eucalyptus tree trimmed last in 2021 and suggesting it might be time to trim it, again, and offering to give a free estimate.  I didn't want to tell him that he needed to update his records, but, reminded him that he had last trimmed my eucalyptus tree on January 12, 2024 and the tree didn't need to be trimmed, yet!  He, then, admitted that he had been looking at old records.  Poor guy, he must be trying to find more work for him and his crew.  

I spent a good part of the day watching news, watching online videos, emailing a couple of friends, helping Aunt C with some information she wanted, and joining the granny squares for the blanket I am making.  I sewed them in rows and the next step is to join the rows together and crochet a border.  

I wasn't very motivated to do any housework, today, but, Thursdays are my days to clean the kitchen and I did a little bit in the kitchen - washed all the dishes, scrubbed the sink, wiped down the stove top and the counters, and cleaned the microwave.  

Brunch had been a ham and bread roll; dinner was baked salmon with rice, carrots, and peas.

On Thursday, I was grateful for:

- Daughter had a safe journey back from the conference
- Working appliances
- Being able to help Aunt C
- Exchanging emails with friends
- What I was able to accomplish

My joyful activity was crocheting.  

Plans for Friday include crocheting and tending to the garden with M.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday?



  1. Never get tired of photos of flowers, especially such beauties as yours. A pink apple, what fun.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. There will be more photos of flowers to come! :D

  2. I am happy to see pictures of flowers every day, but that apple is pretty interesting on its own. I haven't seen one like that.

    1. Thank you, June. That is an interesting apple, isn't it?

  3. I never tire of flower photos! The apple looks intriguing. I bought a few different apples two weeks ago. I like to try new varieties, although one was too tart for me.
    Friday I will be doing paperwork, tidying, and packing for a 2-week trip with my sister at her condo. Both our husbands are staying home in New York. Younger daughter will be traveling to California for a couple of days to find an apartment to rent and complete paperwork and fingerprints for her new job.
    It’s good to have a cleaning schedule to stay on track. 🧹🧺

    1. There will be more flower photos in the future! :D
      I generally buy whatever apple is on sale, but, M buys different varieties to try and often shares them with me!
      Oh, I hope you have a wonderful visit with your sister! Are you going to Florida, again? Hope your daughter finds a good apartment and all the paperwork, etc., goes well. Is she excited to move to California?
      Ha, ha, my cleaning schedule is a bit hit or miss at this time, but, yes, I do have one!

  4. Your poor tree trimmer, you should send him up to Canada. I am sure there are plenty of places where the existing tree trimmers are overwhelmed with business!
    It's sunny today, but started out really cold again, about 38°F.

    1. Ha, ha, I shall mention it to him, but, then, I might have to find a new tree trimmer when it comes time to trim the eucalyptus, again!
      Oh, my! That is chilly for late April, isn't it? I'll not complain about it being only 68F, here! :D

  5. I am wondering how the pink apples taste. Are they hard and crisp or are they soft apples?

    1. I liked how the apple tasted, sweet, but, a little tangy, as well. Considering the fact that it had been languishing in my fridge since January or something, it was fairly crisp. :)

  6. Your apple looks interesting I'm sure it was very tasty. The tree trimmer just taking a chance you'd have it done again.

    1. The apple was tasty; sweet and a bit tangy, too. The tree is just starting to leaf out, again, so nothing much to trim, yet!

  7. Well, look at that apple. What a neat apple. Glad you enjoyed it.
    That is funny about the tree-trimmer. When I started to read about him calling, I thought - "Didn't she just give that tree a HUGE haircut?"
    Turns out you did :)

    1. It was a tasty apple, but, more of a novelty apple than anything else.
      Yes, I guess the tree trimmer was looking at old records! But, I looked at my records and I confirmed that it was pruned earlier this year! :)


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