Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Sunny Days


We call these meat or fish filled pastries "patties" and they are traditionally deep fried although I baked this batch.  They are, I suppose, a little like empanadas.  I used the last bit of leftover ground turkey keema curry as the filling, adding some mashed boiled potatoes to the leftover keema curry to extend it (and to make the filling stick together).   I brushed the tops with a little milk to glaze them a bit before baking them.  They made a nice tea time snack and I ate some for my dinner, as well!

Yesterday (Monday) was sunny, but, windy!  The daytime high was supposed to have been 65F, but, it felt much colder than that.  The loose roofing panels in the patio were being rattled by the wind gusts, but, the bags of mulch held them down!  I was very thankful for that!  I had a productive day; I dusted the living room and dining room, changed the bed sheets and did a load of laundry, made my meal plan for the week, cleaned the fridge, took the trash cans to the end of the drive way for pick up in the morning, watered the front garden (mostly to encourage the seedlings to grow), cooked dinner (sauteed salmon with onions and tomatoes, steamed broccoli, and a packet of flavored rice mix), did the dishes, and cleaned the litter box. I also called friend R to check on her.

Today (Tuesday) was sunny and still; it felt warmer without the wind.  I brought the emptied trash cans back, made French toast for brunch, dusted the family room and my bedroom.  During daughter's lunch break, we walked outside in the garden for a few minutes to check on the plants and get some sunshine and fresh air.  Later, I made the patties and I cooked a chicken curry.  I took some pictures of the process because I was asked if I had a recipe for it, but, I'll do a separate post.  I thought I had done a post on how I make chicken curry, earlier, but, a search didn't bring it up, so, I might have only imagined that I did an earlier post!  For dinner, daughter had chicken curry with leftover rice and broccoli from yesterday; I ate more patties and the leftover cucumber salad from Friday.  

I called neighbor S to offer to bring her some of the patties, but, she explained that she was taking care of a family member who was having a cough and sore throat and she didn't want to risk infecting me.  I thanked her for being so considerate and said I'll bring some patties over the next time I make them.  

I am grateful for:

- Sunny days
- Monday's winds didn't do any damage to the house or garden
- Weekly trash collection
- Working appliances
- Productive days

Joyful activities have included gardening and baking.

Plans for Wednesday include vacuuming, tending to the garden with M, and clean the bathroom shelving unit.

How was your start to the week?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. We call them patties too if they have savoury filling. It's been relatively calm here for the past week, no rain or high winds but very cold, I'm glad your roofing panels stayed in place. I'm planning on getting the dusting done today and husband wants me to cut his hair so I'll vacuum after that's been done.

    1. Oh, that's good to know that you call them patties, too, Eileen. Yes, the filling is savory.
      I'm glad the rain has stopped over there as you had been worried about flooding. Sounds like you'll have a busy day dusting, cutting your husband's hair, and vacuuming. I got my dusting done, so, I'm planning to vacuum, tomorrow. Hope you have a good day, Eileen. Give Tilly a hug from me.

  2. The wind definitely makes it feel colder. We have had temps in the 40s which is not too bad, but add in the wind and I am cold!

    1. The "wind chill" factor is real, isn't it? 40s would be cold for me, anyway! :D

  3. I call them patties as well but always bake them, not fry. I make spicy chicken ones occasionally.

    I don't like very windy days. They always unsettle me and I find it difficult to relax and unfortunately we seem to be getting them more frequently. I don't know if that's the same for you. It's the noise as much as anything, I think, and the house always seems colder even though it's the usual temperature on the thermostat. I'm glad you didn't lose you roof panels. xx

    1. Good to know that you, too, call them patties, Eileen. Over here, people know empanadas, but, not patties!
      Yes, the wind gusts result in a lot of noise here, not only with the patio roof panels threatening to take off, but, also the metal enclosure around the water heater rattling, the windows rattling, too, and the eucalyptus tree rustling. I always worry about a branch of the eucalyptus tree breaking off, if not the whole tree uprooting and falling over! I have plans to have it trimmed this summer, but, I might even move it forward to the spring! This is the year to get the patio roof redone (as well as other household repairs). It's a huge project, but, neighbor T and her daughter have recommended their contractor they always go to for various jobs around T's house and I will call him and see if he's available. But, first, I need to make a list of all the jobs I want done!

  4. Sounds like a busy housework day. Glad you were able to walk in the garden a little.

    1. I try to get some housework done most every day; some days I'm more productive than on others. I also take a stroll around the garden almost every day (at least when it's not raining!) I enjoy seeing what is growing and the little changes, especially this time of the year. :)

  5. Those patties look delicious. We had a meat pie yesterday and I was thinking, what is it about pastry and meat filling that is so great? Every culture has some form, including Cornish pasties which I loved when I went to Cornwall, England, as a child, or sausage rolls which were a staple at parties when I was growing up.
    I'm glad your roofing panels survived the wind.
    I was in the funeral choir this morning, then fetched a few groceries.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I think just about anything tastes better when enclosed in pastry! :)
      I asked M to put up another bag of mulch on the roof panels, but, he forgot to do it, today. Must remind him on Friday.
      Sounds like you had a busy day. Hope the weather was not too bad for being out and about.

  6. Those little pastries look delicious! And I agree with your comment of everything tasting better in a pastry.
    I thought I had saved a chicken curry recipe you explained one time but I can't find it either. Seems the aliens have abducted your chicken curry recipe lol
    You were busy and got a lot accomplished on Monday and Tuesday this week.
    I'm glad the mulch bags held!

    1. The patties turned out really well and we enjoyed them very much.
      I probably explained the chicken curry "how to" in a response to a comment, Debra and that's probably why we can't find it now. But, anyway, I have it written out on the blog, now.
      I find that I am likely to get more housework done at the beginning of the week. My energy levels and motivation to do housework tend to taper down by the end of the week!
      I, too, am glad the mulch bags held! Maybe I'll just start a "roof top garden"! :D

  7. Replies
    1. They were and now I'm thinking I should make more!


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