Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Warm December Days

More Yellow!

I picked this pretty yellow rose, yesterday.  It might very well be the last rose of autumn.  We are still technically in autumn, aren't we?  We were in the 80s, yesterday!  I loved it!  Today's high is supposed to be 76F.  But, tomorrow's high will be only 65F.  Yes, I know, I'm spoilt!  

Yesterday was a fairly relaxed day.  I brought in the trash cans, did a bit of gardening, practiced the piano, etc.  I spoke with two of my cousins and texted with the daughter of one of them.  I found out the funeral arrangements for my aunt and also, for the mother of my friend.  Due to the Covid restrictions, services will be limited to immediate family, only, but, apparently, they are allowing people to gather at the cemetery.  But, I will not be attending either funerals as I don't want to risk getting exposed.  Many of us received a text alert, yesterday, warning us about the rapid increase in new Covid cases in our area and asking us to stay at home.  In the evening, I had my piano lesson; I received an A+ on both  Joy to the World and Silent Night!  Afterwards, I chatted on the phone with my daughter for a couple of hours (we video chatted later in the night, too!)  LOL.

Brunch was a salad:

Brunch Salad

Followed by half a tuna sandwich at tea time.  

Dinner was a cheeseburger,  I used bread ends because I didn't have any hamburger buns!  And relish because I didn't have pickles.  My "special sauce" was mayo (well, Miracle Whip because I prefer that to mayo), ketchup, and relish, mixed together!  I cut up a potato and made homemade fries (seasoned with salt and chili powder).  My daughter called it homemade fast food!  LOL.  

Cheeseburger and Fries

Afterwards, I practiced my piano pieces, tried to teach myself one new song, and then, played a few old favorites "by ear" for my own enjoyment.  

Plans for today include more piano practice, some paperwork, and some household tasks.  

I am grateful for:

- Warm December days
- Roses in December
- Keeping in touch with family and friends
- Being able to play the piano
- Long conversations with my daughter

My joyful activity today will be knitting.


  1. I love the beautiful rose. I also liked the fast food supper you made. I often use the heals of bread, for sandwiches. Blessings, and congrats of the piano grade. xoxo, Susie

    1. Thank you, Susie. I normally don't like the heels of bread, unless it is freshly baked, homemade bread, but, they make a good hamburger bun alternative! :D

  2. What a gorgeous yellow rose! Your meals look delicious, even the homemade fast food. Good going on your piano lessons too!

  3. Your weather is unbelievable. So is ours (today). Usually by this time of year we have several inches of snow on the ground. Today we hit the mid 40s and most likely broke a record! Crazy!!!

    I had a cheeseburger, too, minus the bun...and green beans. lol
    Such a gourmet, aren't I? lol. xo Diana

    1. Yesterday and today have been unusually warm for this time of year, but, usually our coldest days are in January and February (nothing like how cold it gets in GB, of course!)

      Your cheeseburger dinner was healthier than mine! :)

  4. The rose is beautiful! Take care.💖

    1. Thank you, Susan. Hope all is well with you and yours.

  5. The rose is my favourite yellow 'something' so far. It's beautiful.

    I think you are wise to avoid the cemetery. There will be time for gathering to say goodbye when it is safe to do so.

    My friend's daughter has Covid now, the third one of her daughters to get it and hopefully she will recover as well as her sisters did.

    1. I, too, am leaning towards the rose!

      I'm sorry to hear about your friend's daughter getting Covid; I hope she will recover and be well, soon.

  6. I'm glad your warm weather is still hanging around.

    Your fast food for dinner looks very good. Sprinkling chile powder on my oven fries is something I'm going to try.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I appreciate it staying warmer than usual. :)

      Salt and chili powder was what we used to sprinkle on fries and chips; I hadn't heard of dipping them in ketchup until I came here. :)

  7. Congratulations on the A+ on your piano playing! You must be really coming along now. I wish I could come and sing along with you but no one gets together to sing in a pandemic!

    Our weather is above freezing, so the snow is slowly melting, but it would be a shame to lose it all when it is so pretty. No doubt it will soon be replenished anyway!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. This is beginner level piano music that I am playing, but, I'm slowly improving, I think. :) We will sing together, one day!

      Oh, I do hope you will have a white Christmas, Bushlady. The snow always looks so pretty at the start of winter!

  8. Such a beautiful flower! We've had a couple of warmer days but the ups and downs drive me crazy!

    1. Thank you, Sharon; I was so happy when I saw the yellow rose. :)

      Never quite know how to dress when the temperature keeps changing, does one? I just wear layers and adjust as needed. :)

  9. Hi Bless, Your homemade fast food looks really good! That photo is making my mouth water. I think it's great that you practice and play the piano.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie! I think I shall order some hamburger buns in my next grocery order, although the bread heels worked out well enough. I'm having fun learning to play the piano. :)

  10. I didn't realise you got graded for your piano playing. Congratulations on your A+ X

    1. LOL, it's really rather informal, Jules, but, when I am finally able to master a piece and play it without mistakes, my teacher says, "You get an A+" and says that piece is no longer part of my homework! I used to get stickers, pre-Covid, when I went for lessons in person, but, these days, my lessons are online. :)


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