Sunday, December 27, 2020



Recycled Greeting Card Gift Tags

Last night, my daughter and I stayed up till quite late, talking, laughing, and snacking.  I was trying to finish my blog post and she wanted me to pay attention to her!  I can see that I need to write my blog posts in the morning or afternoons from now on!  

This morning, I woke up at 9:30 a.m., after going to bed at 4:30 a.m.  It was an overcast morning, but, it has since cleared up and we have sunshine and clear blue skies.  There is a possibility of rain in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow, but, I doubt if we'll get much rain, now!

One of the things I did this morning was cut up some of the old Christmas cards to make gift tags.  These tags are then attached to packages with tape or, I punch a hole at the corner and pass through some cord or ribbon and tie them on to the packages.  If you have paper punches, you could cut them out in different designs, too.  But, since I don't have any punches, I just cut squares and rectangles for the most part and, occasionally, circles.  

Greeting Card Gift Tags in Use

Admittedly, gift tags don't cost a lot (especially if one buys them at the dollar store or during an after Christmas sale), but, turning old greeting cards into gift tags can save a few cents, is a good way to reuse and recycle, and can help out in a pinch if one has run out of store bought gift tags and doesn't want to run to the store for more!

Today, I am grateful for:

- A sunny afternoon

- "Free" gift tags

- Dancer keeping me company while daughter slept in

- A warm and comfortable home in which to shelter

- Thoughtful gifts from family and friends

Today's planned joyful activity will be spending time with my daughter and relaxing.  If I manage to clear the dining table, we might try working on a jigsaw puzzle, later, today!

Do you make gift tags with your old greeting cards?  Or, make new cards using the fronts?


  1. We used to make gift tags from greeting cards both at home and at school but I haven't done it for years. We used to use Mum's pinking shears which used to drive her mad but the tags had a lovely zigzag edging! Some of my friends still do it though ... I had a couple of gifts with homemade tags this year.

    1. Oh, pinking scissors is a good idea! I have several pairs of scissors with decorative cutting edges that I use for scrapbooking - I shall use them on the gift tags!

  2. I did make gift tags this year with some old cards! Yes I did not want to go to the store. Like minds are us.

    1. Glad to hear that you, too, turned some old cards into gift tags. Definitely like minds! :)

  3. I make tags, and next year's cards--and I turn the largest cards into postcards. It is a shame to think that many lovely cards end up being "single use"

    1. Oh, that's a great idea to make postcards! I didn't send out or receive as many cards as I normally do, this year, but, there are enough cards to make at least a few more cards and gift tags!

  4. I didn't make any tags from cards because I have a good supply that I got after Christmas a couple of years ago. However, there are so many possibilities if you use old cards for tags and other things. But there are fewer and fewer cards being sent these days, so my supply of old cards is is dwindling.

    1. Yes, you are right about fewer cards being sent these days. I am guilty of that, myself! I still have enough old cards in my stash to keep me going for at least another year or so! :)

  5. I never thought to do that but it's a great idea. I think I'll do that with this years cards and put them away to use next year. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. You are welcome, Martha. I am glad you found it to be helpful. :)

  6. I like to make gift tags from old greetings cards too, but often I just write a message directly onto the gift wrap. X

    1. Writing the message directly on the gift wrap is what we used to do when I was growing up and we used brown paper to wrap gifts (because we didn't have all the colored and fancy printed paper, back then, in that place!)

  7. I also re-use old cards, I like the recycle aspect of it. Your idea yesterday of gluing cards or paper to pretty up plain bags is a great idea ... I've put that one into the ideas tab in my brain! I bet Dancer has the downward dog down to a fine art of stretching ...

    1. Glad to read that the idea of gluing card fronts to the plain bags is being filed for future reference! Dancer does his cat pose stretch very nicely! :D

  8. I didn't even turn gift cards into tags. I just used scalloped edge scissors and cut parchment paper into tags. Yes, I am lame!

    1. Not lame at all, Anne. I think that's a great idea and I might do that once I run out of cards to reuse!

  9. Some Christmas cards are just asking to be made into gift tags! It's almost as if the designers decided that they should have a part that might be cut out perfectly for a tag, sometimes complete with sprinkles or embossing. I have often used them and I always appreciate when others use them too.

    1. Some cards are so pretty that I hate tossing them, but, I can't keep all of them, either! Reusing them to make new cards and tags is a good alternative, I think. :)

  10. Yes I do make gift tags from old cards. I like making things and I enjoy seeing all the pretty things made by others.
    Thanks for showing us the things you and your daughter make.

    1. I do enjoy crafting and if I can recycle something into a craft project, all the better! :) Thank you for always being so complimentary about the crafted things I show!


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