Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Critter Wars!

Kitten Revenge!

"Terra Catta Pot" kitty was not happy that I had activated the Kitten Defense System and it can no longer sleep in the planter!  It decided to show me its displeasure by knocking down one of the smaller pots and dislodging the paperwhites bulb that was planted in it!  Fortunately, the hydrangea cutting that M gave me, which had also been stuck in that pot, didn't fall out!  I replanted the bulb and cleaned up the mess!  The small pot is now firmly wedged against two other, bigger, pots!  

Later in the evening, I turned on the sprinklers at the back of the back garden (I've two sets of sprinklers in the back yard - one for the back half and one for the front half) and I saw a small ball of fur start up from where the sweet potato vine is growing and dart off to hide behind the garden shed!  Oops!  I guess kitty was sleeping in the sweet potato vine!  But, it was not harmed.  This morning, I watched it playing with its mother in the middle of the back garden, pouncing on her and practicing catching its "prey".  

In the meantime, M sent me a picture of the pea seedlings that were picked clean by birds (he suspects the mockingbirds, but, I know that mourning doves like pea seedlings, too, because they ate all of mine, one year!):

Pea Seedling

He said he had to replant a second set of seedlings and he made individual cages for them with wire mesh:


Caged Pea Seedlings

M's Bird Defense System



  1. Oh dear, between the kitten and the birds you are having quite a time with your plants!
    Have you heard about squirrels taking Christmas light bulbs and chewing through the wires in several places? It seems that the newer sets of lights have a soy based wire coating. No one seems to know where they hoard the bulbs, either. We are okay so far, I think our lights are older than the ones being targeted.

    1. I've not heard about squirrels taking the Christmas lights! Maybe they are decorating their own nests for Christmas?

  2. This is why I can't have nice things lol. I give in to the critters every single time!

    1. LOL. They do seem to think that we plant a garden for their enjoyment, don't they?

  3. I love the cat attack! Viva la Revolution

    1. LOL! I guess it was saying, "I"ll show you who's the boss!"

  4. I have had enough things like that happen over the years inside with my cats, that I could totally see that happening. :)

  5. Those little yard kitties want their way don't they? lol
    They are very funny staging their own little protest!

    M has protected his seedlings well - I'm sure they will remain safe.

    That's an interesting comment from Bushlady about a soy based element attracting squirrels to Christmas lights.
    I have squirrels and one of my light strings is new this year so we shall see ;)

    1. I've put the kitty on notice that it has to play nicely, otherwise there will be consequences! But, it just blinked its eyes at me and ran away!

      Oh, I hope your squirrels don't try to eat your Christmas lights!

  6. The secret side of growing vegetables - creatures of nature love to eat them too. I don't have space for a garden anymore, and I do so miss growing vegetables and herbs.

    1. Yes; the birds and squirrels, etc., want a share, too, don't they? :) Do you have any room for some potted herbs on a windowsill? Would that be an option?

  7. Round one to the kitten. Good luck in this battle - I think you're going to need it!

    1. LOL. I gave him a towel to sleep on! He did sleep on it for a little bit. :D

  8. Oh dear. I'm glad your cutting is OK. X

  9. Well, kitty's certainly persistent! Perhaps he likes the cool nickname ... bad mistake naming him like that! 🐈🐱

    1. Oh, that kitty proved itself to be a lot more persistent than I gave it credit for being! I've had to reinforce my Kitty Defense System! :D


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