Friday, December 4, 2020



Hard to believe that we are already in December!  This past week I've been busy posting my end of the  month updates, etc., and planning ahead for December. 

I have been busy learning new Christmas carols on the piano and making jam to give as gifts:

Apple and Feijoa Jam with Cloves

I didn't have a big crop of feijoa (pineapple guava) this year, in comparison to last year, but, I had enough to get 3 lbs. of fruit, after peeling.  I added another 1 lb. of peeled and chopped apples to it and made 12 half-pint (8 oz.) jars of jam (a note to my British readers - the U.S. pint is 16 oz., not 20; so, our half pint is 8 oz.).  It took me a lot longer than I had anticipated to make the jam, this time, but, they make good gifts.

In the meantime, my daughter has been busy transforming her apartment into a snowy pine forest! 
Painted Cardboard Pine Forest

She cut out the trees from some of the cardboard boxes and painted them.  When she ran out of green paint, she mixed up some blue and yellow paint to make more green paint, she said.  She plans to decorate the biggest tree, over the next few days.

This morning, I received a call from my cousin V.  Her mother, my aunt T, passed away early this morning.  She had been in declining physical health since a fall and fracture, early last year.  She was 92 and would have turned 93 in January, had she lived.  She was the widow of my mother's younger brother and the last of my mother's siblings-in-law.  The last time I spoke with her was on Thanksgiving Day.  Rest in peace, Aunty Thelma.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Cousin V calling me to notify me
- Being able to speak with cousin R (aunt T's younger daughter) to condole with her
- Memories  
- My daughter's concern for my well being
- Garden fruit for making jam

Today's joyful activity has been reminiscing about my aunt.

Hope everyone has a blessed day.


  1. So sorry to hear about the death of your aunt. She had a good innings at her age but it is still hard to say goodbye to someone so special. (((Hugs))).

    The jam will be delicious and make lovely gifts.

    I love the way your daughter is bringing the forest into her apartment!
    Well, we have the snowy pines right outside, so no need for me to make any. But sometime we will bring in a moderate sized spruce or balsam fir and decorate it for Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Aunt will be missed.

      I am glad I was able to make this batch of jam. :)

      I like her creativity. Fresh Christmas trees are the best, but, I will put up the artificial tree, this year, too. I hope the lights work!

  2. OH that jam looks so good!
    I adore your daughters trees! Keep sharing the pictures as it gets decorated, please!

    1. Thank you, Anne. I will share pictures as she decorates it! :D

  3. The pine forest looks wonderful and your daughter is very creative.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt. I'm sure she'll be greatly missed. X

  4. I feel like I've gotten to know T a little over time as you have talked about her here. It sounds like she lived a good life and I know she will be missed.

    I love your daughter's trees. As Anne said, I want to see them when the decorations are done.

    1. Yes, aunt T lived a good life, although it was a hard life in many ways. But, she was determined to make the best of things and did a lot to help others.

      Thank you; yes, I will post pictures of the decorated trees. She is trying to decide if she wants to make the decorations or use the ornaments she bought from the dollar tree a long time ago. :)

  5. Your Paperwhites are beautiful and your jam looks delicious! I love how your daughter is decorating her apartment, it's so pretty. I hope you'll show us the finished result. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of your Aunty Thelma, may she rest in peace.

    1. Thank you, Martha.

      The paperwhites return year after year and I look forward to them. My daughter wanted to have some Christmas cheer! :)

  6. Condolences on the loss of your aunt, Bless. It always seems even harder to lose someone just before Christmas.
    Your jam sounds delicious - I am just thinking how good it would be with scones...especially warm ones!

    1. Thank you, Eloise. Yes, it does seem harder to lose a loved one closer to Christmas, doesn't it?

      I am hoping to make some scones, one of these days (I've never made them, before!) and I shall try the jam on them. :)

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunty Thelma. I hope her passing was peaceful and that her daughter was able to be with her.

    I like your daughter's tree decoration ... very creative.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, according to my cousin, both she and her sister were there with their mother when she passed.

      Well, you know, if daughter can't go to the forest, the forest will come to her! :D

  8. I am sorry for the loss of your aunt. I'm sure it will be a harder holiday for all those that loved her.

    Your jam looks quite delicious and homemade gifts are always a good thing.

    I love your daughter's use of her boxes. She's so creative and the Christmas trees are a great idea.
    I'm looking forward to seeing her decorations.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I spoke with cousin V just this morning and she said the funeral (burial) will be on the 16th, but, they are not having a viewing, etc. Hopefully, next year, they might be able to have a memorial service that we can all attend.

      Thank you; I've been giving homemade jam as gifts for years now and everyone sort of expects it! LOL.

      Yes, she's very creative, isn't she? I will post pictures of her decorations when she does them. :)


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