Saturday, December 5, 2020

Something Yellow (WPSH)

One of the prompts for the Winter Photo Scavenger Hunt is Something Yellow (No. 19).  Suddenly, it seems like all I see around me are things that are yellow!  

From the flowers in the garden:


And the the cover of the book on the table near my chair:

100 Years of National Geographic Society

And the gloves I wear when washing dishes:

Latex Gloves

And the hard hat I keep near my pillows in case of an earthquake at night: 

Hard Hat

And the amigurumi "Pudding Chan" (a caramel pudding with a cherry on the top) my daughter crocheted for me:

Amigurumi Pudding Chan

To the pomegranate leaves  and lemons in the garden:

Pomegranate Leaves


Even the ripening oranges look more yellow than orange, right now:

Ripening Orange

No wonder I find myself humming "Mellow Yellow" by Donovan!  

Of course, I will have to pick one photo for the WPSH; which one would you pick?


  1. Love your bits and pieces of yellow. It is not a color we think of this time of year-but it sure is cheery looking! xo Diana

    1. Thank you, Diana. It's a bright and sunny sort of color, isn't it?

  2. That's lots of yellow for sure. I think I would pick one of the pretty flower photos for WPSH but of course that's up to you :)

    1. It's kind of funny, because I didn't realize I had so many yellow items around me, including others I didn't photographe (kitchen sponge, a flower painting my sister did, jar of turmeric, etc.)!

  3. They are all great yellow photos, but I would probably pick the lemon, although I think the yellow hard hat makes a really funky photo!

    1. Ha, ha, doesn't everyone sleep with a hard hat next to her pillows? :D

  4. All photos are beautiful and it’s hard to pick one. I’d pick Pudding Chan or pomegranate leaves. 😊

  5. You've got some great capture there, Bless. I think I'd be hard pushed to find something yellow in my house. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I was amused to find that I had so many yellow items to photograph!

  6. I will choose the hardhat for its beautiful color and his symbol of protection in the event of an earthquake

    1. Thank you, Vegevi. I bought two hard hats after we had a really strong earthquake in January 1994. It happened around 4:00 a.m., but the electricity went off, it was really dark, and I could hear all kinds of things falling down from cabinets and shelves! I grabbed my daughter from her cot (she was about 9 months old and slept through the whole thing!) and my mother who was in the next room and we huddled together until the shaking stopped and there was enough light to see what the damage was. The hard hats were one of the first things I bought after that, to protect our heads if anything falls on us during the next earthquake! My daughter has the 2nd hard hat with her, now. :)

  7. Pudding Chan, lemon or pomegranate leaves, with Pudding Chan way out in the lead as first choice.

    I have no idea why I chose yellow as I don't have anything in that colour to photograph. I'll have to wait for the spring daffodils!

    Well done on making a start.

    1. Pudding Chan always makes me want some caramel pudding!

      Well, I'm glad you chose yellow! I could probably do a whole second post on yellow! LOL. Maybe on one of those days when I feel I have nothing much to write about!

      Thank you! I took two photos for one of the other prompts, too. :)

  8. Yellow is not our prominent outside color right now so I appreciated seeing the yellow around you.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn; I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the yellow around me. :)

  9. I think Yellow is a cheerful color. We sure could use some today. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Yellow is a cheerful color, isn't it? Hope all is well with you and yours, Susie. Take care.

  10. What lovely bright cheery photos! It's hard to believe that you still have lovely yellow flowers in your garden. My husband was just commenting today how grey and brown everything looks here now that the glorious autumn colours have gone.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, there is still some color in the garden and some flowers. :)

  11. What a fantastic variety you've captured - a fun post to see and read.

  12. Yellow is such a great color. You had great things to use for this prompt.

    The hard hat! What a smart thing to have. I enjoyed reading your story in the comments about your experience in 1994. That must have been so frightening.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, it was the Northridge earthquake. Fortunately, there was no damage to my house. And I had very caring neighbors, who came to check on me, as soon as the shaking stopped.


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