Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Windy Monday

It was blowing a gale, today!  Sunny and windy!

I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing - it was my cousin wanting to come over to return the hair dryer she borrowed when hers quit working.  She came over and we visited for a bit.  After she left, I had a cup of tea and replied to blog comments, etc.

I had planned to go grocery shopping this afternoon, but I decided not to, because it was so windy and cold.  Instead, I stayed home and finished knitting the second sleeve of my sweater and read.  Later, I watched some TV, including the evening news.  Later, I took the trash cans to the curb. 

Lunch was a big salad:

Lunch Salad

Lettuce, a small grated carrot, some grated apple, the last of the steak I cooked last week, sliced, the last of the croutons that came with the salad kit, and a little salad dressing.  I got tired of chewing, half way through the salad, but I ate it all.

Dinner, unfortunately, wasn't quite as well-balanced.  I ate a sandwich with whole wheat bread and some of the pepper steak I cooked, last night! 

Aunt C called in the evening and we had a nice, long chat.  Later, daughter and I video chatted.  She had an annual physical and check up with her doctor and everything was found to be well with her.

"Hello, Blog Friends!"
Today, I am grateful for:
- A sunny, if windy, day
- The eucalyptus tree was trimmed last fall, so the winds didn't affect it
- A working heater
- A relaxed day
- Daughter had a good check up with her doctor

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Bring the trash cans in
- Grocery shop
- Sew the sweater
- Clean my bathroom

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?


  1. That's a lovely photo of Dancer. It's good to hear that your daughter's medical check up went well and long may that continue.

    The salad looks lovely, although I'd have to have lamb or chicken as I'm allergic to beef. Salad is probably one of my favourite meals and I eat it all year round ... and I know what you mean about getting tired of chewing!

    1. Thank you, Eileen.

      I am trying to eat more salads; "healthier eating" and all that. It's a bit of a work in progress!

  2. We've had very cold weather and I also just wanted to stay inside. I did go out to a friends house for a preplanned brunch, but put off errands until a warmer day. Great picture of Dancer.

    1. I've been hearing about the cold weather in other parts of the country, on TV, Live and Learn. Stay warm during this cold spell! Dancer says, "Thank you"! :D He likes posing for the camera!

  3. I can well imagine how stressed you would be had the eucalyptus tree not been trimmed back last year. You must breathe a sense of relief now. I had the same kind of stress before all the major branches were taken off the tree in my back yard. The rest of the tree will probably be taken down this Spring.

    I am saying hello back to Dancer and glad he is feeling so much better.

    1. Yes, it used to be that I'd stand at the window, peer anxiously at the eucalyptus tree, and pray that nothing happens! I would like to reduce the height of the tree, but the trimmers were reluctant to do that...maybe I'll call them back, this summer, and see if they'll do that.

      Dancer is feeling much better. He even likes the soft food, now that his mouth doesn't hurt!

  4. Your salad looks great!
    Glad your daughter's physical went well. They never get old enough that we don't worry about them.
    Have a great day. I get to do Mom duty today so____

    1. Thank you, Anne. Hope your day goes well and your Mom is doing well. (((HUGS)))

  5. I love the photograph of Dancer. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. :) He's a bit of a ham, isn't he?

  6. Your salad looks so good. Someone recently told me that the meals should have lots of color. :)

    1. Thank you, Nil. Yes, I guess the meals should include vegetables of different colors because that way, you get all the different nutrients you need.

  7. You were wise to stay in out of the wind. When I read that you became tired of chewing, it reminded me of when our son was a little lad and had a big bowl of strawberries that he couldn't quite finish. He said "I can't eat any more, Mummy, my face is tired!"

    1. Oh, Bushlady, that was cute of your son to say his face was tired! :D

      It was not as windy, today, and I did go grocery shopping. I hope you are doing well in the snow and the cold, up there. The news is full of storms and severe cold, everywhere in the north and east!


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