Friday, April 20, 2018

Rain on Thursday!

It rained, this morning!  That was a surprise!  It was clearing up when I woke up and looked out the window, but it had rained enough to wet the ground and snarl up the traffic!  It remained cloudy all day and our high was only 53F.  It was cold inside our office, with the a/c going full blast.  Even the girl who has the cubicle next to me was complaining that it was cold!  I wore two 2 cardigans, my jacket, and gloves!  Even my head felt cold and I'd have gladly worn a hat, if I had one!  I might take one of my knitted hats, tomorrow, and keep with me just in case!

I took a bagel with cream cheese for my breakfast, today.  Lunch was an egg salad sandwich.  A banana and strawberries for fruit, along with some apple juice.  In the evening, after I came home, I cooked rice, a meatball curry, and sauted zucchini for dinner. 

Dinner: rice, meatball curry, sauted zucchini

At first, I was going to cook only half of bag of frozen meatballs, but then, I decided to make the whole bag.  There are supposed to be 26 meatballs in the bag (I didn't count); that would make 4 servings for me.  I added a tomato and half an onion to the curry, along with spices and half a can of coconut milk.  I chopped up and froze the balance half of the onion.  I will take some of the leftovers for my lunch, tomorrow. 

Daughter attended a trivia game night with some colleagues from her office.  She said her team came last, but she enjoyed an evening of socializing with her colleagues away from the office setting. 

I felt tired after I came home from work, so took it easy.  I cooked, put away the washed dishes from yesterday, wrote to a friend, and watched some TV.  Later, I video chatted with daughter.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Rain!
- The garden got watered!
- A safe drive to the office and back
- A productive day at the office
- Daughter had a fun evening with colleagues

Friday to do list:
- Go to the office
- Do the online safety training
- Buy a bag of cat food on the way home
- Water the indoor plants
- Clean the cat litter box

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for tomorrow?


  1. I hope it's warmer in the office for you tomorrow Bless. Even in a warm room I often get cold when I'm sat at a desk. I believe you can get heated gloves that plug into a USB port if you get really chilly!
    It must be a time for getting cat food. Mog's food delivery arrived yesterday. A large bag used to last six months, but now I'm lucky if it lasts five! X

    1. Thank you, Jules, yes, it is warmer this morning. I'll see how the afternoon goes (that's when the a/c really gets going!)

      The garden cats (mostly strays/feral) are eating me out of house and home! They must be spreading the word that the crazy cat lady lives here, because I've noticed a couple of new cats hanging around! Not to mention the possum, who is starting to look suspiciously plump, lately! I think there'll be baby possums, soon!

  2. I don't like a/c and always get too cold and shivery. I don't thinks it's a healthy way of cooling the temperature but I have no suggestions for a better solution!

    1. Yes, especially in these modern buildings, where the windows can't be opened! We haven't been able to locate a thermostat that we can adjust, so, I just bundle up!

  3. At my work, they turn on the AC and heat from a central location and they go by the calendar. So during the transition seasons, it can be really hot or really cold because the weather doesn't always follow a calendar. I think it's a smart idea to keep a hat and an extra sweater at work.

    1. I tend to feel cold, anyway, as you know, so when my colleagues complain it is cold, I am already freezing! It doesn't feel quite so cold, today, so I am happy. :)

  4. When I worked at the school, my office shared the AC ducts with the computer lab next door that had to be kept much cooler because of the heat generated by all the computers and the students. I was SO cold, all the time. I had to wear sweaters and gloves very often while I worked even when it was sweltering outside! I don't miss that at all. I was miserable.

    Your dinner looks delicious and even more so because I haven't had breakfast yet so now I'm craving meatballs for breakfast, lol. Have a great day today (hooray for rain but boo for traffic!).

    1. When I am retired and at home, this summer, and it is 100+F inside the house, maybe I'll miss the days of being cold at the office! LOL! I hope you are able to have some meatballs with your breakfast, one morning. :)

  5. Oh my another cold office, makes no sense to me that maintenance can not adjust the temperature setting.

    Nice to hear that your daughter enjoyed trivia night with some work colleagues.

    Wednesday evening around 5:45 pm we lost power due to a big tree coming down from the high winds. Power didn't come back on until 11:15 pm so after awhile we simply went to bed. Thursday it was still very windy so potted around, did some laundry etc. Today Friday wind has dropped, sun is out and it is quite nice. I have put together a casserole for dinner and we are gardening again so wanted something that only required putting in the oven.

    1. Sandy, we share the floor with other offices, so, I guess they keep it at one temperature for all. We haven't found a thermostat for our section of offices, so we can't adjust it just on our side.

      Sorry you lost power! Hope the downed tree didn't cause any other damage! Yes, nothing much one can do without power, these days! Glad you are having nicer weather, today. Did the tomato plants survive the cold?

  6. Oh the dreaded AC! Wherever we go in warm weather it seems that some powers-that-be consider that we need to be reminded of winter! What a waste of resources to keep the temperature so low so unnecessarily.

    Well, we were blessed with sunshine and plus 10°C (50°F) and the forecast declares that the temperature will go even higher over the next 2 or 3 days. Not exactly a heatwave but for us poor frozen mortals it is worth celebrating! With luck those awful snow ruts and the mud will go away. The sap is running well, too.

    1. I am glad you had some sunshine and warmer temperatures, Bushlady. Maybe it will be spring, after all!

  7. Well...try having a husband who is always hot and opens the window at night quite often. Like when it's snowing outside. Or frost is predicted. The sound of rain at night is quite soothing after 36 years. So, I just get up and get myself another blanket for my side of the bed only if it gets too frigid, and we get along just fine! I hope you can get a shawl, or big scarf and wrap it around yourself when the air is on too strongly. I have a friend who always has a scarf and wraps it around herself frequently. She ends up looking very elegant, and stays warm.

    1. I will not do well with having a window open when it is cold! I had to do that one year, when I had the floors refinished - had to keep the windows open to air out the house even when we slept; daughter and I were like upside down princesses and the pea, with about a dozen blankets and quilts over us!

      I will be taking my knitted poncho to the office, next week, and a knitted hat! I won't look elegant, but I will be warm!

  8. Wow I hope the new work building gets sorted soon. I hate being cold. It makes me unproductive and grumpy.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. I get cold very easily, so I am almost always bundled up at the office. I am planning to take my knitted poncho to the office, next week, to wear while I am at my desk!


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