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Wednesday's Outfit |
A long time ago, when one of my cousins first started working, her mother (my mother's oldest sister) advised her to get 15 different outfits for the office, one for each work day for three weeks. After the end of the 3rd week, cousin would start with outfit #1, again. According to aunt, by that time, people would have forgotten what she wore that 1st week and it would appear she had a new outfit every day! Technically, I have more than 15 outfits, but, lately, I've been wearing some of the same items way more frequently than once every three weeks!
Today, I had a follow-up appointment with the Physician Assistant to check my blood pressure. I had assumed that if my pressure had been deemed acceptable, then, I'd get my clearance for dental work. The appointment itself went well enough - my pressure was good, blood sugar was good, weight was OK, etc. The PA had received the abdominal ultra sound results, too, and confirmed that there was no evidence of blood flow to the cyst (which apparently is an indication it is not cancerous), but, since she knew I was still anxious about it, she said she will put in a referral for a biopsy as well for further analysis. I appreciate that very much. However, with all this going back and forth to test the blood pressure, it seems they overlooked the initial reason for the visits - the medical clearance! Apparently, I still need to be seen for a "pre-op" consultation by the medical doctor for that! So, I made an appt. for Monday afternoon, which was the earliest they had available. Hopefully, the tooth won't bother me before I get the clearance!
my appointment, I went to the office and spent the afternoon working on my
projects. I felt tired after I came home, and almost fell asleep in my
chair, but I didn't take a nap. I had a cup of coffee, instead,
returned an aunt's phone calls, chatted with a friend who called, responded to blog comments, and just took it
I received a lovely card from my cousin who visited from Australia in the mail today:
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Card from Cousin |
called about the jury duty, this evening, and was told I don't need to come in
tomorrow. Now I am almost positive I'll be called in on Friday!
Today, I am grateful for:
- The availability of medical services
- The blood pressure and other readings were good
- There was parking validation available today (they were out of validation stickers the last time I was there)
- I don't have to report for jury duty in person tomorrow
- Family and friends keeping in contact
How was your Wednesday? Did you have a good day?
I am enjoying your fashion show. From my perspective, you have a lot of nice outfits--more than three weeks worth especially since you are trying out new combinations. Do you find it fun to do this closet refresh? I think I would. I don't have enough clothes that I need to do one.
ReplyDeleteSo glad that your doctor's visit was full of good news. Now if you could just get clearance for the dentist. Hopefully, that will come Monday.
I'm glad you are enjoying the fashion show, Live and Learn. I think you are being kind! I used to have a sort of uniform for work - 5 or 6 pairs of neutral colored pants (black, navy, grey, brown, burgundy, a black with pin stripes that I'd wear occasionally) with various blouses that I could mix and match. I'd change things up a bit with the occasional skirt or dress, but for the most part, those pants and tops with a sweater or jacket were my uniform. And then, I lost weight due to the cancer treatment, and now, just about everything that used to fit is too big!
DeleteI do have a closet full of clothes, mainly because my aunt blessed me with about 6 huge bags (think trash bags, rather than grocery bags) stuffed full of clothes culled from her closet! Everything from a beaded evening dress to T-shirts! Some still with tags on them! I have tried some of them, but there are others I haven't even tried yet! I gave some of the skirts to my daughter and I've donated some of the other items. Somethings fit, but are hard to match (there's a lovely aqua blue print skirt which I particularly like, but I've no blouse to match it and it looks a bit lame worn with a white blouse).
Yes, I was happy the doctor's visit went well. Hopefully, things will work out equally well on Monday!
I have to admit I've never been that fussy about clothes. It doesn't bother me if people remember what I've worn. Now I wear things that are comfortable for me - maybe that's just a sign of getting older lol. I have my favourites - things I wear when comfy at home and others I wear out.
ReplyDeleteUgh - I hope you get the medical clearance soon and the tooth doesn't bother you before then. Not so good Wednesday - talked to Mum. She got her latest scan results and they have found something on them. She has to go for more tests. A bit of a blow. We were looking forward to her being clear for two years and us going on holiday. Now there are more tests and waiting. I tried not to cry on the phone while talking to her. Deep breath.
Oh, Sharon, I am so sorry to hear the latest scan results weren't clear. The uncertainty and the waiting on additional tests and their results are hard. I am keeping your Mum and you in my thoughts and prayers. May it all turn out to be nothing serious and may your mother enjoy the best of health for years to come. Please tell her I will be adding her to my prayer list. (((HUGS)))
DeleteAs for the clothes, it is a very important subject among my family. Every social gathering is an opportunity to wear something new. I am perhaps the least fashion conscious and stylish member in the family and was a big disappointment to my mother in that regard. :)
Glad things are looking better healthwise!
ReplyDeleteI have never served on a jury. I sit and wait and wait and get called only to be struck. Maybe they won't need you Friday.
Thank you, Anne. I am hoping I won't get called on Friday - I've just too many things going on to be able to concentrate on listening to hour after hour of testimony!
DeleteI really hope you get the clearance for your dental work soon and it sounds positive about your cyst. What a lovely card from your cousin. It's very cheery. X
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jules. Yes, the cyst sounds like it is benign, but I'll be glad to have the additional biopsy results, as well. I was touched to receive the card; she wrote a nice personal message inside, too.
DeleteYou really look fabulous in this length of skirt and it looks nice with the white t-shirt and dark cardigan.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first came to this country and went to work in the early 60's I was surprised to find that the custom in offices was to wear a different outfit for each day of the week! The most changes of clothes I had was probably two weeks. I actually was happy when my employer changed over to a dress work uniform. It was so much easier to dress nicely and appropriately for work and cheaper.
Your cousin has sent you such a lovely card. "May you rest safely in God's hands" - so true.
Thank you, Sandy. This is a good length of skirt, isn't it? A little below the knees (so it hides the tops of my knee-highs, which I prefer to panty hose and bare legs to the office). I have considered shortening some of the longer skirts, but my daughter has urged me not to! LOL. She likes long skirts (and borrows mine when she visits).
DeleteWhen I wore mourning for my mother, I was able to get away with wearing the same color (white) and a handful of items over and over again, for the duration. These days, I think black is about the only color one can wear consistently, without people commenting on it.
A card in the mail. How lovely! I try to do my part in keeping Canada Post in the black. I love to make and send cards too. Cards and letters are quickly falling out of favour with emails and texting being far easier to do. But who doesn't love receiving that little gift in the mail. I will continue to do my part until it becomes too expensive to keep it up.
ReplyDeleteI read earlier in one of your blogs that you have journalled every day of your life, and that is what you attribute to being a faithful blogger. I think that is wonderful. You have obviously made it a regular part of your routine. Sadly, I spend my evenings in front of the idiot box (TV). I guess I need to find a better use of my time. I just feel way too tired to do anything else. Did you know that it takes far less energy to watch TV than to sit and do nothing. It's true.
I do like to receive a card or letter in the mail, Susan. And the cards you make are so lovely that I am sure they are looked forward to and much appreciated.
DeleteThe TV is a nice distraction and source of entertainment, but I don't watch a lot of TV. Many days, I don't even turn it on! I prefer to read other blogs and stuff on the computer, instead! :)
Do you ever feel that all those health professionals are just stringing you along? How long has it been since you've asked for the clearance to be able to get that tooth fixed? Weeks? Personally, I find all of this very ridiculous. You were in pain no wonder your blood pressure was up! The world has really gone mad.
ReplyDeleteI think you look lovely in all of your outfits but I agree with the commenter above who said she's not fussy about clothes and doesn't mind re-wearing the same outfits. Honestly, I personally couldn't tell you what my kids or Greg is wearing on a particular day, I'd make the worst witness ever. You could probably wear the same outfit every day and I would probably not notice. I think 15 outfits was a bit excessive. If you get plain colored separates
(tops, a pair of pants and a skirt), that go more or less together and mix them, you get lots of different combinations. It's one of the advices that French women's magazines used to give when they discussed building a business wardrobe on a budget.
No, I think they are just following standard procedures. And, probably, they forgot why I originally came in. My fault for not insisting I be seen by the physician, but, I've a feeling, even if I had, they would have told me I needed to be seen by the PA, first, to see how the blood pressure was. That, and they get reimbursed by insurance for each visit...plus my co-pay.
DeleteWell, the 15 outfits my cousin was advised to get were saris, so one really can't mix and match. It would be the equivalent of 15 dresses, as opposed to separates. I have a few dresses, but I have a lot of separates, as well. :)
That, and they get reimbursed by insurance for each visit...plus my co-pay., that's what I meant by "stringing you along". A doctor can definitely take your blood pressure and a PA should be able to release you to get your tooth fixed. Arrgh. Sorry, I'm annoyed for you.
DeleteAh yes, I missed that it was saris. Sorry.
It's OK; I guess they have their red tape just like any other place! Although I appreciate you being annoyed on my behalf. :) No need to apologize about the outfits, either. You weren't to know; I don't think I specified saris in my post.
DeleteAt least you can see the light at the end of the tunnel with your tooth Bless and hopefully treatment will start sooner rather than later now.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear everything is looking good on the medical front. xx
Thank you, Suzanne. Yes, hopefully, once I see the doctor on Monday, I'll get my medical clearance and then, I can make the appointment with the dentist for later in the week.