Sunday, January 8, 2017

Resting on Sunday

I took it rather easy, today.  I first woke up at 6:30 a.m., turned the heater up as I felt cold, and went back to sleep!  When I woke up later in the morning, I stayed in bed for a bit.  My shoulder and knee felt much better, today, but I still decided to take it easy.  Taking it easy included a nap on the sofa, in the afternoon, cuddled under a crocheted throw.  

The forecast called for rain, but the day turned out to be clear and sunny, although it clouded over later in the evening.  Daughter, however, has been having rain all weekend.  I aired the house in the afternoon during the warmest part of the day.  But I decided not to go for a walk today.  I want to give my knee another day or so to rest.

My neighbor called to check on me around 11:00 a.m. and later, one of my friends called.  And, of course, my daughter.  :)  It was also the birthday of one of my friends and I wished her.  Later, I exchanged emails with another friend and video chatted with my daughter. So, it was a good day for keeping in touch with daughter and friends.

I did minimal housekeeping, today.  Only did the dishes and scrubbed my toilet.

I also did a little cooking: rice, fish curry, dhal (lentil) curry, and made a cucumber salad, as well.  Since I am trying to eat from the freezer and the pantry as much as possible, this month, the piece of fish, and the onions and green chilies used in the curries, were from the freezer; the dhal, rice, and coconut milk (along with the curry powder, etc.) were from my pantry, and the cucumber is what I had in the fridge.  The lemon for the curries and the cucumber salad, and the curry leaves I used for the fish and dhal, came from the garden.  :)  I had some of the rice, fish, and dhal for my dinner, along with the cucumber salad, which was a bit of an after-thought and was eaten a bit later, in lieu of dessert!  There's enough rice and curries leftover for at least 2 more meals.  I just have to cook another vegetable (probably the zucchini that's in the fridge, or the green beans, or both).

Today, I am grateful for:
- My shoulder and knee feeling better.
- Pleasant weather.
- Chatting with my daughter and friends.
- A well-stocked freezer and pantry.
- An afternoon nap on the sofa.

Tomorrow, however, is a working day for me, although I am planning to call my supervisor in the morning to tell her about my fall and ask if I may work from home for another day or two.

Monday's To Do List:

- Call supervisor
- Call primary care PA to inform about fall
- Do office work
- Empty household waste baskets and kitchen trash can
- Take the big trash cans to the curb for pick up on Tuesday
- Start taking down the Christmas decorations

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?     


  1. I'm glad you decided to rest yesterday!

    Today is "Domestic Monday" for me so I'm a busy bee :) Take care!

    1. You are a "Domestic Goddess" on Mondays! :) Have fun!

  2. I am glad you got some rest too! The weekends come and go in a flurry of activity usually but this weekend we were iced in so a lot of naps and reading happened!

    1. Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing weekend! Time to rest and enjoy. Hope you are having a good start to your week, today.

  3. Glad you too the time to rest up. Better to take it easy rather than leap to it and maybe take another fall. I hope everything works out well with your supervisor. Another couple of days working from home sound just the thing. I love that you have so many people caring about you, calling to check in and chat.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I spoke with my supervisor this morning and she's fine with me working from home another couple of days. Hope your daughter is having a good 1st day at her new job, today, and Shasta is doing well being on her own at the new apartment. Hope you are doing OK, too, and not missing your daughter too much.

  4. What a blessing that you can work from home a few more days. That will be nice to have a little more time. Will you be taking cooked meals for work lunches? The extra meals you've frozen will come in handy!

    1. It is, indeed, Carolyn. I'll be going back on Wednesday. Yes, I'll be taking my lunches to work. Usually, I pack leftovers from dinner, to take; sometimes, I take sandwiches. Occasionally, I treat myself to lunch from one of the eating places in the area. I will have to get used to packing lunches, again!

  5. I was just getting caught up on your posts over the last few days and I am so sorry that you fell and hurt yourself. I'm glad your gardener neighbor was close and able to help you up. Despite being hurt you really did get a lot done so I am glad to see you taking time to rest. Be blessed and please take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you, Debbie. Trying to rest and still be productive! It's a losing battle, I tell you! But I am trying! Hope all is well with you.

  6. I'm really glad you took it easy. I think I said in an earlier comment about a fall shaking the soul loose. I think you need to take care of the shock of a fall as well. Lots of hugs x

    1. Thank you, Lyssa. All the signs are telling me to slow down, aren't they? Sigh.

  7. Proud you have had a good day.. Everyone needs to take a day and just rest.. Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Judy. I think I am going to need a few more days of rest like that. Just wish that fairy godmother would come and wave her magic wand and get all the housework done! :D

  8. I like that expression from Lyssa about a fall shaking the soul loose. That is exactly what it feels like after a bad fall. The shock of a fall is sometimes as bad as the physical damage it causes.
    Let me know when that fairy godmother comes around. I would love for you to send her over to my place when she is done with you. Ha.

    1. She seems to have taken a leave of absence, Susan, but I'll be sure to point her in your direction if she does show up! :)

      I was wondering why my shoulder was still hurting this morning, but then, I realized it's not quite 1 week since I fell and it probably takes a bit longer to heal.

  9. Hopefully, it will heal on its own. But if it persists beyond what is normal, see your doctor. I had a soft tissue injury that needed physio therapy for 6 months. I took the dog out and slipped on the ice. It was one of those Laurel and Hardy moments when my feet went straight up and I came down on the top of my back. It happened so fast. It reminded me of a cartoon when someone slips on a banana peel. Anyway, I hope it heals quickly for you.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I have a couple of medical appointments scheduled for next week (Monday and Tuesday), so I'll mention my shoulder during them and see if I need further check ups. So sorry to hear you fell and hurt yourself, earlier! Hope all is well now.


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