Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year Joy List

I was able to accomplish quite a lot of the items that were on my Winter Joy, although I couldn't to all the items I had listed.  I have decided to continue into the New Year.  It's too early in the year to call it a Spring Joy List, so I'm calling it a New Year Joy List, meant to cover the period from the New Year till the end of March, when it becomes officially Spring.  Some of the items are repeats, because they continue to bring me joy. 

New Year Joy List:

1.  Greet the New Year with my daughter - Done!
2.  Prayer and contemplation
3.  Continue to enjoy using the special china
4.  Continue to chat daily with my daughter
5.  Visit my neighbors for the New Year
6.  Do a craft project
7.  Attend the monthly prayer gatherings 
8.  Spend a little more time in the garden
9.  Continue to enjoy some candle light in the evenings
10. Continue to listen to music
11. Play the piano more often
12. Sing more often
13. Daughter's next visit home for her birthday (early March)
14. Go out to lunch or dinner at a favorite restaurant with daughter to celebrate her birthday
15. Invite a friend out to lunch or dinner

I might add to the list as I go along, but for now, I am keeping it fairly short and low key.

Will you be making joy lists, this year?


  1. I love your joy list. I think we get so caught up with the demands of every day we sometimes forget we have to create joy.

    1. Thank you, Anne. I want to spend more time doing things I enjoy, in the new year. :)

  2. I love your list. I did not know you played the piano. I used to also. It helped calm me when I was feeling stressed. I gave my piano to our Heather years ago thinking she could use it to give piano lessons and earn some money while raising our grandkids. Life just got too busy for that and they needed the room in their home so they sold it (after asking me if I wanted it back first) with my blessing. I am happy that it went to another home that will get great joy out of it as I did. :)

    1. Glad you like my list, Debbie. :) Ha,ha, I took years of piano lessons as a child, then, stopped when I was a teenager (hated to practice!) and took singing lessons, instead! I prefer to sing than play, and I don't play well at all, but I can read notes although I play by ear for the most part. I do want to get back to playing the piano for my own pleasure, though, and not let my skills rust too much! :D

  3. No, I'm not making a joy list. I already do too many things that bring me joy, which is why I'm a terrible housekeeper. So unlike others, I'm trying to limit my "joy" and be more productive at this time of year. However, I do intend on going on field trips, with or without Greg & visit new parks. Being out and about in nature has brought me joy in 2016 and I intend for this to be another area for me to focus on this year as well.

    I wish I could play the piano... I can just picture you playing the piano by candlelight and that sounds so peaceful and lovely. Which composer do you play most often?

    1. Oh, Nathalie, you make me laugh! :D I'm glad that you already do so many joy-bringing activities. Maybe I should include "a clean and tidy house/being well organized" as joy inducing activities and see if that motivates me?

      As for playing the piano by candlelight - now there's an idea! I can combine my joyful activities and multi-task! (I did listen to music while I did office work, today). I am not up to the standard of playing anything composed by anyone, unless it is the very much simplified versions for beginners. I mostly play the songs my mother taught me to sing - Danny Boy and Old Folks at Home (my step-father's favorites), Whispering Hope (my mother's favorite), Juanita (my father's favorite), Grace Darling (my grandmother's favorite), etc. And I sing (off-key, according to my daughter) but usually, Dancer is my only audience and he goes to the other room and sleeps! :D

  4. I think your use of lists is inspiring - seriously. I am starting to steal this. x


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