Saturday, January 9, 2016

Saturday after Chemo

I had a fairly good day, today.  I woke up early, feeling OK.  No nausea.  Good appetite.  Fatigue set in later, though, and I took a nap.  
I didn't do much, today.  I cooked French toast and bacon for brunch and did a big pile of dishes that had accumulated in the sink, yesterday and today.  Called an aunt to wish her for her birthday, and one of my cousins called and came over for a visit, which was nice.

Today was a rather overcast day - no rain, but no sunshine, either.  It was a good day to stay indoors with the heater on and play on-line games!  :)
Today, I am grateful for:
- A good day after the 2nd chemo treatment
- Minimal side effects (just a little tired now)
- A visit from cousin
- A quiet, restful day
- Hugs from daughter

How was your Saturday?  Did you have a good day?


  1. I'm glad you had a nice day yesterday, Bless. It sounds like you had some relaxation and some nice company. :)
    I hope today is another nice day for you as well and you are feeling alright.
    Yesterday we received a surprise blessing in the morning. My husband went to the dump to get rid of our trash and there was a lady there throwing away a bunch of board games. My husband asked her about them as she was about to throw them in the dumpster and she said he could have them. He brought them home and it was like Christmas all over again for us! We were playing them on and off all day and we've already played with one this morning. I am still in awe that these were going to be tossed out. You know what they say, "One man's trash is another man's treasure!" We are rich with blessings! :)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Dawn, I am so glad you were able to have those board games for your family.

      The fatigue that set in yesterday stayed with me all day today and I slept practically all day. But at least I'm not nauseated, so that's a blessing.

  2. I'm glad you aren't feeling too bad and you were able to have a relaxing day.

  3. So so happy that you had minimal side effects. Take care..


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