Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Rainy Tuesday!

Guava Tree After the Rain

It RAINED today!  Woo Hoo!  Not just a drizzle, either, but a proper shower of rain!  Since early this morning until mid-afternoon.  It's 2:30 p.m. now, and the rain has ceased and the sun is shining through a break in the cloud cover.  What a blessing this shower of rain has been!  My garden has been so thirsty for a good drink of water!  And the plants all look so lovely and fresh with the sun shining on the drops of rain.

I tried to photograph the raindrops on the leaves of the cherry guava tree growing outside my dining area window:

My laptop photography skills leaves much to be desired - I just opened the window, stuck the laptop out and pressed blindly, hoping for the best!  :D  You might have to use your imagination to picture the raindrops on the leaves!  Ha, ha.

This tree was pruned, late last year, after a rather poor crop of fruit - poor in the size of each fruit, not quantity.  Cherry guavas are not very big, to begin with (about the size of a small cherry, which is why they are called cherry guavas), but with plenty of water to irrigate the tree, the fruits are soft and juicy.  Without water, however, each fruit is the size of a small blueberry, and tend to be hard and mostly all seeds.  There were plenty of fruit, but most were dry and hard and even the birds didn't want them.  Often we just eat the cherry guavas freshly picked off the tree, but I have also made jelly with the fruit in years past.  Maybe this year, with more rain, my garden might do better.

I am spending the day doing office work, today.  Later, I would like to change my bed sheets, do a load of laundry, and start taking down some of the Christmas decorations. 

In the half an hour it took to take the pictures and write this bit, the sun has been blocked by another bank of clouds!  There might be more rain on the way!  If so, we'll accept it gladly.  After 4 years of drought, we need every drop of rain we get!

Today, I am grateful for:

- Rain!  The gift of water for my garden!
- A good, tight roof!  (I still have some walls and ceilings that were damaged from when my roof leaked!)
- Not having to be any particular place, so not having to drive in the rain (too many accidents when it rains, here)
- A nice long chat on the phone with my cousin who called
- Coffee-flavored meringues made by my friend's daughter

Nothing spent, yet, today.

I had a frozen tamale for brunch and took out a packet of sauted beef from the freezer to thaw for dinner (will add some vegetables to go with it: carrots, green peas, broccoli, etc.).   There's some leftover rice that needs to be used up, as well - time for some fried rice, I think, to go with the beef and vegetables.

How is your Tuesday?


  1. So glad you had the rain, and I hope you will get some more to help your parched gardens, and to fill out those guavas.
    You have certainly been busy with treatment and your office work. Never a dull moment, eh? Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Bushlady. You know, at first, when I had thought I'd just go on sick leave (and take the pay cut), for the entire duration of treatment, I had this fantasy that I'd finally have all the time in the world to do all the stuff I wanted to do! At least on the good days, I'd be able to do crafts, clean and organize my house, get caught up on paperwork and filing and so on and so forth! Ha!

      Of course, I can still choose to take time off and just relax, but I prefer to work for right now, when my treatments are spread apart. Later, I will have weekly treatments, followed by a period of daily radiation. I might decide to take sick leave, then, or just work part-time. We'll see.

  2. So happy you got some rain!

    Tomorrow was supposed to be my first day of Jury Duty, but it got continued so it's been rescheduled for next week! So happy I don't have to go, but now just anxiety filled because I can't just go random days without real notice. For my mom to watch him needs done the month before and the husband can't take off right now because a project of his just got started which requires him to drive to the main office everyday. The docket is online and at the moment, that is all listed until February. Anyways, focus on the good. No jury duty tomorrow!!! And I'm still going to drop Little one off with my mom and have the house to myself for a while!

    1. Jess, good idea to focus on the good - you don't have jury duty tomorrow and you'll get to enjoy some Jess-time! Be sure to make it Jess-time and not house cleaning time! Do something you enjoy, whether it is playing a game, watching a movie, painting your toe nails, or reading.

  3. I spent many happy years of my childhood eating pomegranates, strawberry guavas, and pineapple guavas off the bushes in our yard. We also had lots of boysenberries and we picked peaches and cherries in the summertime, which my Mom and Grandma canned. I grew up in Monterey Park, the oldest of five kids.

    1. Monterey Park isn't too far from where I live! Small world, isn't it? :) I have 3 pineapple guava trees in my yard! Love eating those, too.

  4. Proud you got the rain for your garden. The fruit sounds wonderful.
    Had to laugh at your explaining your photography. Sounds just like me... I click the button,and what ever I get, is what I get.lol
    Have a great day.

    1. Judy, I've a friend who is a very good photographer who has been urging me to get a proper camera, but I'm afraid I won't know how to upload the pictures from the camera to my laptop! So, I just use the camera feature of the laptop, and try to keep random fingers and sleeves out of the picture! :D But if you click on the pictures, they enlarge and you can see the rain drops on the leaves of the 2nd picture, which makes me happy.

  5. What a blessing that you got rain! And how wonderful that you didn't have to take short-term disability during your months of treatments. What a kind and understandable employer you have. That's awesome!

    1. Carolyn, I'm blessed to be employed by this particular employer. I've worked there for 32 years, now, and we have a very good working relationship.

  6. Bless, I don't know how your laptop works but mine has a slot where I can put in a camera card, which is so much easier than the old days when I had to hook up a camera with wire and do complicated things.

    1. Bushlady, I asked daughter to see if there is such a slot on my laptop; she checked and said no, my laptop didn't. She has such a slot on her laptop (but when she inserted the card from her camera in there to show me how to use it, she received a message that the procedure failed and she didn't know why). Advanced technology defeats me! So, I'll just stick to taking blurry pictures from the laptop, itself! :D


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