Thursday, December 13, 2018

All Charged Up!

Yay, I have a working charging cord, again!  The old cord had been acting up for a couple of weeks and, yesterday, it just quit on me.  Of course, I didn't have a fully charged computer when it did that!  I went to the computer store, this afternoon, and bought a new cord.   It cost me $54+ with tax.  I had to buy a universal cord, which came with an assortment of inserts; not quite sure what to do with the 7 remaining inserts - more clutter in the making?

Computer Charger
The past couple of days have been busy shopping days for me.  On Monday, I went to the post office to mail a couple of bill payments and to get some priority mail shipping boxes.  Then, I went to the bank and to the dollar store, again.  You see, when I was at the dollar store on Sunday, I saw that they had some Red Heart yarn.  It was a type of novelty yarn that I hadn't knitted with before.  After I came home, I checked the Red Heart website and saw that their prices were higher for the same yarn!  I know I had said no more yarn until I used up my stash, but I decided I needed to take advantage of the good deal!  So, I returned to the dollar store on Monday and I bought six skeins of yarn:

New Yarn!
The Sashay yarn needs to be stretched out before knitting; one knits into every other loop on the top edge and it knits up into a ruffled scarf:

Stretched out Sashay yarn 
The Ribbon yarn can be knitted as it is, by knitting into the loops on the top:

Ribbon Yarn
I did a little knitting with the ribbon yarn, before I put it away!  It is too distracting to be knitting right now, when I have so many other things I need to do to prepare for the almsgiving and Christmas gifts, etc.

Yesterday, I went to the Sri Lankan store:

Sri Lankan Store Haul

I bought a few things I needed for the almsgiving, such as the red rice and some sesame sweets.  I also bought four boxes of the tea I like, some items I needed for my general cooking (curry powder, etc.), and a few treats (cookies, a tin of golden syrup, two packets of kotta kelengu, which is the dried root of the palmyra palm).  I spent just under $51.  This is about the only store where I will go and pick up items off the shelves without any consideration of price!  I'm just glad that they have the items available for me to buy!  Before I went to the Sri Lankan store, I called cousin P to ask if she wanted to go to the store with me or if she wanted me to pick up anything for her, but she said she didn't need anything.

Later, in the evening, I spoke with one of the monks at the temple to confirm the date of the almsgiving and to find out how many monks will be attending and any dietary restrictions.  There is one monk who can't eat any spicy food; I will be sure to have some non-spicy food for him.  I have almost finalized my almsgiving menu; I still have to buy some of the groceries, but won't do the final grocery shopping until next week. 

I also worked on one of my Christmas gifts and did some reading.  

Today, after I went to the computer store, I walked around the crafts store, that is next to the computer store.  I looked at a few things, but didn't buy anything.  Then, I went to another store and bought a bag of cat food, a big package of toilet paper,  two new toilet brushes,and an assortment of chocolates to serve at the almsgiving.  I also looked for possible gifts for a couple of friends, but I didn't see anything in particular that I liked that wasn't ridiculously overpriced.  As it was, I spent over $60 at the store!

After I put my purchases in the trunk of my car, I went back to the store and walked around the store, checking the floor of all the aisles for a tote bag that was in the car!  LOL!  I had taken that tote bag with me when I went to the crafts store, in case I bought anything (we have to pay for plastic shopping bags).  I had left it on the front passenger side seat and had intended to take it with me to the other store, as well, but had forgotten to do so.  Yet, when I paid for my purchases and the cashier asked if I wanted to buy a bag for the smaller items, I began to look for my tote bag and it was missing! It was a denim bag that I had sewn with a strawberry appliqued on the front pocket (the strawberry had been on one of my daughter's baby outfits!)  I assumed I had dropped it, so, walked around the store looking for it!  Of course, I didn't find it!  By this time, I was getting tired.  So, I told myself that it was OK, maybe someone will find it and enjoy using it.  Went back to the car and there was my tote bag, on the seat where I had left it!  LOL!  Mind like a sieve! 

Strawberry Tote Bag

After I came home, I had a very late lunch of naan bread and meat ball curry.  Followed by a cup of tea and some of the lemon puff biscuits I had bought at the Sri Lankan store.

Later, I video chatted with my daughter.  We tried video chatting on my phone, yesterday, but she said the reception at her end was so bad that we ended up just talking on the phone!

Today, I am grateful for:
- I was able to buy a new charging cord for my computer
- Being able to be back online
- Pleasant and helpful store clerks
- Being able to video chat with daughter
- A productive day

Thursday's To Do List:
- More shopping
- Finish up Christmas gifts
- Put gas to the car
- Write holiday greetings cards

How was your day?  What are your plans for tomorrow?  Have you done all your Christmas shopping and gift making?


  1. So glad you were able to fix your computer probably relatively cheaply - at least it wasn't time for a new computer. The yarn looks interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished articles as I've never seen anything like that before. I love the colour of the ribbon yarn.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I'm glad, too, that I didn't have to replace the computer, because this is my new computer! The ribbon yarn is a lovely color, isn't it?

  2. I'm glad it was an easy fix and you're back online again! That yarn looks interesting. I'll be interested in seeing what you do with it.

    1. Thank you, Sharon, me, too! I tried using my old laptop, but it is not working properly, at all (which is why I bought this current laptop!). I need to take that old one to the store and have them take a look at it - maybe after the holidays. The yarn is interesting to knit, and all you do is knit on both sides, as the yarn itself provides the texture. I'll post some pictures, soon.

  3. A few years ago I also knit up some ruffled scarves for some of the women on my gift list. I am not a knitter (I know how to knit and purl, but that is the extent of it) I cannot follow a pattern that is more complicated than a granny square, but these turned out so beautiful and knit up so well and so quickly. I also got my wool at the Dollar Store. A few balls had a "break" in the skein, but I easily tied the ends together like joining two balls together. I think they were lovely homemade Christmas gifts. I have never tried knitting the ribbon yarn before.

    Yes I am DONE with my gift making and buying. I am trying to stay out of the stores, to stop spending money and also to stay away from the crowds. There are so many great deals out there now. Retailers must be hurting.

    Glad you are on-line again. I missed you yesterday. Love the tote bag. That would make a great gift for someone on your list.

    1. Yes, I think the height of fashion for these ruffled scarves were a few years ago, but, that's OK. One of my friends said that, when she designed sweaters, she would use these novelty yarns to accent them, and that has given me an idea or two!

      Yay, you're all DONE with gift making and buying! Well done! Want to come and help me? I'll give you as many fresh lemons as you'd like! :D

      Aw, thank you! I didn't want to disappear without an explanation! I've made a couple of tote bags to give as gifts, earlier, using specialty fabric (apples and ABCs for an aunt who taught; cats for a cat-loving cousin, etc.). Maybe I'll make more tote bags for next year!

  4. I bought yarn for the first time in a long time yesterday and the prices have definitely gone up. I am making a scarf for one of my sons to replace one I made years ago. It has a couple of snags and places unraveling. He says it's fine, but I think it looks bad. I got similar yarn. I hope he likes the new one and will wear it. You never know with him. He doesn't like change, especially if something is still serviceable.

    1. Your son sounds a lot like me, when it comes to change and replacing items! LOL. I hope he will appreciate the new scarf you make for him and will wear it gladly. :)

  5. Bless,
    Glad you were able to get a new charger and get back online. I don't comment often but I enjoy reading your posts daily
    I am a knitter and crocheter and am looking forward to seeing what you make with your new yarn


    1. Hi Debra, glad to hear from you! I started knitting a scarf with the ribbon yarn. But I put it aside until after the almsgiving and Christmas!

  6. It's great that you have a working computer again.
    Your story of missing tote bag made me chuckle. I've done something similar several times. :)

    Tea and lemon puff biscuits! Yum!

    1. Yes, I'd miss being able to blog if I didn't have a computer. Well, at least I got my day's exercise walking around that store! It's a huge store and I walked up and down the aisles, twice!

      I suppose you get your treats and curry powder, etc., when you go to visit your mother, but, do you have a place to get Sri Lankan groceries near you?

  7. I'm so glad you got your new cord so that you are up and running again! I was amused at how you mislaid your tote bag, because this morning I was about to walk downstairs and went back to the bedroom and bathroom to look for my glasses, only to realize that I was wearing them!
    I finally finished my pink sweater, by including some turquoise stripes and it turned out well. Now I have an excuse to buy some more yarn, for sure. I think I will make sure I have enough next time, though.

    1. Thank you. :) Too funny about your glasses! I am forever putting down my glasses, somewhere, and forgetting where I put them!

      Well done on finishing your sweater! I think you knitted that one trice over, didn't you? Enjoy your yarn shopping, when you do!


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