Friday, November 19, 2021

Still Relaxing on Friday!

Yet another relaxed day, today!  I slept in, then, put away the laundry from yesterday, replied to blog comments, read some blogs, spent some time in the afternoon chatting with neighbor T and friend A, did a bit of weeding in the back garden, did the dishes, and checked the mail.

There was a sales ad from the fabric store, advertising their Thanksgiving/Black Friday deals!  Oh, I wanted to order just about everything they had advertised!  Fabrics at 60% off, plus a coupon for 20% off the total purchase!  I didn't actually buy anything, of course, but, I enjoyed drooling over everything!  LOL.  

M tended to the garden in the early evening and I chatted on the phone with friend R later in the evening.  I also watched news and one other program about ancestry that I like to watch on TV. 

Today, I am grateful for:

- Being able to enjoy another relaxed day
- Chatting on the phone with friends
- M tending to the garden for me
- Feeling well after the booster dose
- Hugs from my daughter 

Today's joyful activity was watching a hummingbird enjoying the nectar from the moringa flowers.  

Plans for tomorrow include doing some sewing (holiday gifts won't get done unless I actually start making them!)

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for Saturday?



  1. "Black Friday" ads are everywhere and it seems like I've been seeing them for weeks now. Sorta like the Christmas stuff has been in the stores for since before Halloween. I guess that's good if you know what you want to buy.

    1. Didn't they have a "Black Friday in July" sale, too? Yes, it's good for those items you have been wanting and watching the sales for a good deal on them. :)

  2. Weeding? Weeding? No! No weeding for you. NONE
    Seriously, I associate your painful sciatica with all that weeding you did in the spring up to that point. I know your doctor diagnosed it as a side effect of the vaccine but still -

    You were wise to do a lot of up front work around the house prior to your booster. And now you can continue to relax. :)

    It's been a pretty stressful week around here with all the work going on. Nothing in particular but you know what it's like to be up and ready early for the workmen's arrival and then all the banging and noise all day long. I am glad it is Saturday and we will have a nice peaceful weekend.
    Not to sound like a complainer because I am very very happy with all that has been done. I walked around outside this morning when the sun came up looking at my new fence and admiring the paint job and other things that were tended to.
    Inside there is a new window in the living room at the end where our dining table is.
    It is so nice to have a nice sound window there. I keep walking up feeling for air leaks lol - And I don't feel anything. It makes me so happy.
    No more putting up plastic for me!

    That is a really good sale on fabric especially when you stack the coupon on top.
    You are showing tremendous restraint. ;)

    1. Oh, Debra, I'm so sorry to have taken so long to respond to this comment! It had gone to my spam folder for some reason! I don't know why! Anyway, I found it today, when I was cleaning out my spam folder!

      It was just a tiny bit of weeding, I promise! I just bent down and pulled a few weeds - nothing at all like what I did in the spring! Yes, I'm sure the weeding contributed to the sciatica!

      I know it is difficult when workmen are doing things around the house, but, it's worth it, isn't it? Sounds like you are very pleased with things and how nice to have tight windows! Replacing my windows is something I had been thinking of for years, but, haven't done anything about it, yet!
      I'm not buying any more fabric, I'm not buying any more fabric, I am not buying...LOL! There are five more days left in their Christmas sale!

  3. Well done for resisting the temptation of the Black Friday fabric deals ... on a scale of 1 - 10, how hard was that to resist?

    Your day sounds lovely with just the right balance between chores, chatting with friends, and enjoying TV programmes. Which ancestry programme did you watch? I hope tomorrow is just as relaxing for you.

    1. Thank you! :D Oh, with 10 being the hardest, I'd say a 4! LOL. Simply because I really, really don't need anything when it comes to fabrics and I already bought the quilt batting and thread I wanted. :) Also because, even on sale, the prices were higher than what I wanted to pay.

      There is a program called "Finding Your Roots" with Henry Louis Gates, Jr., on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) channel. It features celebrity guests whose ancestry is traced back as far as they can. Not everything is presented in the 1 hour episodes, of course, but, I find it very interesting. :)

      Thank you, Eileen; today has been very relaxing, so far, with a little bit of crafting with my daughter thrown in! Oh, and a plate of goodies from S!

  4. Some of us have that reaction to fabric and yarn, especially when there are good sales! It must be in the genes. I haven't bought any fabric for ages and actually decluttered some upholstery fabric that I got in a CS and decided I didn't want on my dining chairs after all. When I donated it I did get some odd balls of yarn in a bag from the same CS, enough for a scarf.
    My foot was bearable Friday morning and I decided that I could safely drive and sit in a restaurant with my friend, but no shopping afterwards, and a lazy time on the recliner in the afternoon!

    1. Ha, ha, it's good to know that I'm not the only one! It must be in the genes, as you say, because my mother used to have the same reaction and my daughter does, too! LOL. I was gifted with a stack of upholstery fabric by a friend, one time, and I am still making my way through them!

      Glad to hear that your foot is getting better. I hope you are relaxing on the recliner, again, today, too. :)

  5. It takes a lot of self control to not be tempted by all the bargains. I enjoy any TV programmes about ancestry, I'm still beavering away on my family tree.

    1. Bargains are hard to resist, aren't they? But, I've bought so many bargains over the years that I am now faced with the task of decluttering them! I put myself on a yarn and fabric diet a couple of years ago, in an effort to reduce The Stash! I am nearing the end of my yarn stash, I'm happy to say, but, I've a huge amount of fabric and craft supplies!

      A cousin's husband did a family tree for my cousin's side of the family and shared the info with the rest of us cousins. I think I'm the only one who was actually interested in it! I find it to be quite fascinating. :)

    2. I need to start feeding the hummingbirds again. They are so sweet. I have been hauling firewood today. Lula and I took a walk; it's just gorgeous up here in the mountains. Tomorrow I will clean.

    3. I have not put up hummingbird feeders, but, they seem to find plenty of things to enjoy in the garden. You have been busy! I imagine the area around the cabin will be transformed into a winter wonderland, soon! Enjoy your day, tomorrow. :)

  6. Glad you had a relaxing day. Ack so many sales! They are really tempting aren't they? I am really trying not to buy things, but when I'm feeling down it seems to be the thing to do. I've bought a few books recently that I probably shouldn't have. Luckily our local craft stores have not got any new products in that I've wanted otherwise I might be really tempted!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, the sales are ramping up, now! A little retail therapy never hurt and you can always put it down to doing your bit to keeping the economy going. :) I've stopped buying books for myself, but, I will buy for gifting. I've put myself on a crafts supplies diet, too, unless I need to buy something specific for a project. I pulled some stuff out, today, and my daughter was amazed that I had all that stashed with my crafts supplies!

  7. A hummingbird!! How fantastic. A very tiny native bird has been rediscovered in New Zealand. We have a few small birds but this one!! - very tiny.

    1. That's such great news that a native bird has been rediscovered, Ratnamurti! Especially these days when we often hear about species of wildlife dying out and disappearing! What's the name of the bird that has been rediscovered?


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