Friday, November 5, 2021

November To Do List

Here I go again,
I'm making lists again.

(My apologies to the composer and lyricists of the song "Taking a Chance on Love"!)

I do like my lists!

Since one of my monthly Balanced Life goals for November is to improve my time management, I decided to make myself a list of things I want to accomplish this month.  This is a "brain dump" sort of list - I am adding to it as things come up that need to be done.  But, hopefully, it will help me better organize and manage my time since I can see what I need to do. If I can get most, if not all, of it done by the end of the month, it will give me a sense of satisfaction that I got things done and didn't just waste my time!  I have been careful to keep the list achievable and manageable.   

My November To Do List includes:

1. Get the furnace wall plastered - DONE (11/1)
2. Call and Schedule the furnace check by the gas company (called 4/11; scheduled for 11/11)
3. Call and Schedule the furnace check by the installers for delayed ignition (called 11/5; scheduled for 11/8) 
4. Schedule flu vaccine (booked appt. 4/11; scheduled for 11/8)
5. Have the eucalyptus tree trimmed (scheduled for 11/11)
6. Give Dancer his flea prevention medications - DONE (11/4 by daughter)
7. Restart piano lessons (as of 11/18)
8. Set up the new sideboard in the family room - Assembled (11/4; by daughter)
9. Clean, declutter, and organize the family room (November room of the month)
10. Take down Halloween decorations - DONE (11/4)
11. Decorate for Thanksgiving
12. Call my doctor/Schedule Covid booster shot
13. Paperwork/Bills/File
14. Start on holiday gifts
15. Declutter at least 30 items - Started
16. Redo binding on comforter
17. Check/replace smoke alarm batteries
18. M to get a roll of chicken wire mesh
19. Order 2 new lampshades
20. Paint family room??? Over Thanksgiving break, maybe?
21. Make a vet appointment for Dancer 

Anyone else has a To Do List for November?


  1. Lists tend to focus me, so I usually have a running one much like the one you just posted. It also helps me prioritize things with my husband when we can look at it together. Your list should keep you busy, but it looks doable. Good luck.

    1. Thank you, June. I hope to have most of it crossed off by the end of the month. But, first, I need to draw up some sort of schedule! Things like starting on holiday gifts and renewing the quilt binding take time!

  2. I'm not a list maker but I do jot reminders down on the calendar in the kitchen, does that count? I tend to take each day as it comes now, things get done when they get done if that makes sense. You are very focused so well done.

    1. Oh, it absolutely does! :) I've things jotted down on the calendar, too! :)

  3. I need to make such a list this weekend. Flu & Covid shots are booked, but I had hoped to redecorate the kitchen before Christmas. There's still a messy hole/missing tiles where the electrician fixed the wiring. That was quite a few weeks ago. But family life has been a little busy of late

    1. You have your priorities right, Angela; family life takes precedence over everything else! I'm sure you will get your kitchen redecorated by Christmas. :)

  4. A very good agenda. I'm your new follower. May you follow me back?
    Thanks and have a nice day!

    1. Thank you, Rocio; very kind of you to stop by and leave a comment.

  5. I agree with you about setting up a schedule. I find that some things on my list are more interesting and less urgent than others! Apart from thinking about Christmas, I must also consider collecting some greenery for outside decor (door swag, pots beside steps) before the snow flies, and more urgently I must turn out the hall closet and review my winter hats and scarves.

    1. I am feeling that I've been drifting a bit aimlessly through my days and not making full use of my time! I hope you are able to accomplish all your tasks in a timely manner. :)

  6. I'm a 'lists' person too. Yours looks achievable so hope you will be celebrating a successful month on the 30th.

    I haven't done a new list specifically for November as I still haven't finished the decluttering list and that's my focus for this month.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I am hoping that posting the list will keep me accountable! I find that I am very good at making lists, but, not quite as good with actually doing the things on my list!

      I think you are wise to focus on getting the decluttering completed! I think you goal was to be done by December 1, wasn't it? I think you're quite close to achieving your goal!

  7. I'm catching up having missed a few blogs over the last couple of days. I do hope that whatever is wrong with your new furnace can be fixed easily. What a pain it is to have problems with it right away! I wonder if your daughter got bit by a spider? I hope she's all recovered now. I also am a list maker, although I do it weekly only. I can't plan that far ahead to do a month! My best to you, Celie

    1. Thank you, Celie; I hope they can fix the furnace when they come to check it on Monday, although, with my luck, the furnace will work beautifully and they won't find anything wrong! :D

      I don't know if it was a spider or a mosquito, but, her hand is well, now, thank you.

      I have too many lists! I have a mile long to do list with everything on it, which gets broken down into monthly lists, which get broken down to daily lists! It is absolutely ridiculous!

      I hope all is well with you and your family, Celie. I keep you all in my prayers.

  8. Wow what a list! I have an extra few things that I do want to accomplish but nowhere like that list! I'd be happy to get more of Jane's house sorted and to feel a little more in control of things.

    1. I am about half way through the list, so, I am glad! Some of the tasks will take a bit longer, but, that's OK. I hope you accomplish your goals, Sharon. Take it one day at a time. :)


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