Thursday, November 11, 2021

Chapter 66

Birthday Scone!

If life is a book, then, today, I started on Chapter 66!  

It began early, with the tree trimmers arriving at the crack of dawn 7:00 a.m., in a big truck with a shredder/mulcher attached and a crew of three:

Tree Trimming In Progress

They had already started trimming the tree by the time I was awake enough to go outside to check on things!  I asked them to reduce the height of the tree as well and they did some, but, not quite as much as I wanted, saying the tree might not continue to grow properly.  They were here until almost 8:30 a.m.

Almost as soon as they left, the gas company technician called to say he was on his way.  When he arrived, I showed him the screen shot and the video my daughter had taken of the furnace shooting out a flame and he agreed with me that it was not normal!  He checked the furnace and adjusted the pilot light flame to increase it a little more.  He had me switch the furnace on and off a few times until he was satisfied that the furnace came on quickly enough.  He was not very happy with the fact that I didn't have a digital thermostat as it didn't show the temperature of the room, but, we have a wall thermometer hanging in the family room which gives a good indication of the general temperature in the house.  We left the furnace on for a little while, afterwards, but, turned it off, mid-morning.  It was a sunny and warm day, with a high of 87F!  Just my kind of weather!

Birthday Lunch

My daughter treated me to Thai food from our favorite Thai food place.  It is not a restaurant as such, although they have a few tables and chairs set out in a patio area.  It was, and remains, a place to order food to go.  A tiny, family owned and operated, hole-in-the-wall type of place, but, they serve the most delicious food and their prices are very reasonable.  We ordered beef fried rice, Thai beef salad, barbecue pork over chow mein, and their spicy seafood combo special (served over steamed rice).   We had some of it for lunch, some for dinner, and there is enough leftover for at least two more meals for the two of us!  

After lunch, I got to open my gifts from my daughter!  They included some of my favorite eau de cologne, lotion, after bath splash, a new pastry sheet, a pastry scraper, and a mini food processor since I didn't have one!

Later, my daughter made me almond scones for my birthday, instead of a birthday cake! 

Birthday Scones!

I feel so blessed to be able to celebrate this birthday with my daughter being here, in person.  In addition, throughout the day, there were phone calls, cards, ecards, and emails from family and friends (both new and old), from here and abroad, to wish me for my birthday; I was very touched and pleased to be remembered.  

All in all, it was a very happy beginning to a new chapter in my life!  Especially since, when I was a child, I always expected my life story to end at Chapter 65!  I don't know why, but, that is what I thought!

Today, I am grateful for:
- Being alive and well enough to celebrate this birthday!
- Having my daughter home with me to help me celebrate!
- Well wishes from family and friends, both near and far
- Birthday presents!
- Special birthday meals!

Today's joyful activity was celebrating my 66th birthday!

Today's decluttering - one birthday candle after I blew it out!  


  1. Happy Birthday, Bless! I'm happy you get to write this next chapter and many more. Xx

  2. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bless, happy birthday to you. May the good lord bless you, may the good lord bless you, may the good lord bless you, happy birthday to you. You're supposed to be singing this so I hope you are. LOL Happy birthday and many more. Enjoy the next chapter of your life. Denise

    1. Thank you, Denise. I did sing it! :D I am looking forward to this next chapter! I hope it will be a good one! :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Bless! It looks like you had a lovely day. I love the idea of birthday scones! And the Thai food looks delicious. I'm glad you had the furnace checked by the gas company. I hope it works safely now! Best, Celie

    1. Thank you, Celie. :) I liked the birthday scones (less sugar than cake!) My daughter said I was too young for birthday pies! The story behind that is - when my daughter was still a little girl and we were celebrating my mother's birthday, 5 or 6 year old daughter realized that birthday cakes meant you were getting another year older and older people died! She didn't want grandmother to get older and die and in her 5 or 6 year old logic, grandmother wouldn't get old if we didn't have a birthday cake for her. It was decided that a birthday pie was a more acceptable alternative. So, after that, my mother received a birthday pie, every year, until one birthday, when we had a birthday cake because I was not able to get a pie, that year. Yes, it turned out to be her last birthday, after all. I know that, realistically, having a cake or a pie didn't really make a difference, but, sometimes, I wonder.

    2. Very sweet of your daughter! I doubt that having that cake made any difference though! I have always preferred pie to cake, and my mother always made me a birthday pie! (Usually cherry pie, my favorite). Celie

    3. It was very sweet of her, wasn't it? She was so serious about it, too. :) Ooh, cherry pie! I went cherry picking, once, when I was in Green Bay (went to Door County, I believe), and baked a cherry pie, afterwards. :)

  4. Sounds like you had a lovely birthday Bless. I'm glad you saw my birthday wishes to you over on Eileen's blog but I'm sending many more to you now. So glad all is well with the furnace and you can rest easy now.

    1. Thank you, Eileen, once again, for the birthday wishes. :) Yes, such a relief that the furnace is OK, now. Of course, we are having a few really warm days, now, so don't need the furnace on! :D

  5. Happy Birthday Bless. It sound like you've had a lovely time and the Thai food looks wonderful.

    I was the same as you as a child and always, for no particular reason, believed that I wouldn't live to retirement age. It didn't distress me in any way but I lived with that certainty that I wasn't destined to make old bones. I wonder now if that's because in my child mind, retiring equalled old age.

    I do hope your 66th chapter is a happy, healthy and fulfilling one for you. xx

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Eileen, both here and on your blog. :) It's funny, isn't it, how 60+ seemed so old when we were children and now that we've reached that age, it doesn't seem all that old, anymore?!
      Thank you; I hope to look back on it fondly, this time, next year! :D

  6. Wishing you a very happy (belated) birthday. I like the idea of birthday scones & like those scones, I hope that the new chapter of life is just as sweet & satisfying. :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. :) "Yes, please", to sweet and satisfying! :)

  7. Happy Birthday, Bless! How wonderful to feel good about living! And, your birthday lunch and scones look wonderful, too.

    1. Thank you, Sandy. As far as I am concerned, every day is a blessing! It's something I told myself when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, six years ago; no matter what challenges the day will hold, I will cherish each day with which I'm blessed! :)

  8. Happy Birthday Bless. It seems like you had a very nice day.
    Your food looks delicious. Are those the favorites you always get or did you try something new?

    I just read the birthday pie story in your comments. What a cute story from the mind of a child with a very interesting side note.

    1. Thank you, Debra. It was a lovey day. :) As for the Thai food - we went with two old favorites (the beef fried rice and the Thai beef salad) and two new dishes to try (the barbecue pork and the seafood special). Of the two new dishes, we liked the barbecue pork more than the seafood special, although it was very good, too. :)

      As for the birthday pie, apparently, I have to be 75 before I can have a birthday pie! :D

  9. Happy belated birthday, Bless. It looks as though it was a great day. Interesting how we make decisions based on what we see, as per your daughter watching people get older when they got a birthday cake - that was very clever of little her. My Mum died a few months after giving up coffee, and whilst I'm quite sure there is no connection - I am unable to stop drinking coffee, for that very same reason.

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. It was a lovely day! :)

  10. The only thing that ended was the chapter. The story continues!
    Happy Birthday! I secretly love that you had a birthday scone!

    1. Thank you, Anne. Yes, the story continues! :D Birthday scones have a lot to recommend them! I shall be making some, myself, in the future, especially since I now have a mini food processor to speed up the process! :)

  11. Happy Birthday, Bless! What a start to your day, with the tree trimmers and then the guy about the furnace, but it seems that both situations are now taken care of. Your birthday lunch looks delicious and so do the scones. And now I wish you many more birthdays and good health to go with them!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; your wishes are much appreciated! :) It was a good start to the day, with things getting accomplished and the rest of the day to relax and enjoy. My birthday lunch and the scones were delicious! I had half a scone with my brunch, today!

  12. So pleased to read that you had a wonderful day. No lie-in (boo!) but blue skies, sun, scones, thoughtful gifts and well wishes from many! Congratulations on turning the first page of chapter 67! Hip hip!!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella, for all the well wishes. :) I had my lie-in, today, instead! And still get to enjoy blue skies, sun, warm temperatures (95F was our high, today! No jackets or sweaters were worn to go outside! :D)

  13. Happy Birthday to you! If I could sing I'd be singing out loud for you. I'm glad you had a wonderful day and got to spend it with your daughter.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I'm sure you sing very well. :)

  14. Happy birthday Bless. I hope you had a truly lovely day 🎂❤️🎉☺️❤️🙏❤️⭐🎈👍

    1. Thank you so much, Angela. Yes, I had a truly lovely day. :)

  15. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had quite a lovely day. I hope the coming years includes many, many more of those for you.

    1. Thank you, Susanne. I did have a lovely day and the celebrations continued to the next day, too! :D


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