Saturday, June 30, 2018

Friday's Doings

I went to the office, on Friday, and had a relatively productive day at work.  I wonder if I will miss not being able to write that, after next month? 

I also made a couple of phone calls during my morning break.  The first was to the billing office and, once again, I reached their voicemail and was instructed to leave a message, so I did.  It is the third message I've left, this week.  I suppose I shall call again, next week.  The second phone call was to schedule another doctor's appointment in July. 

I took leftovers from my dinner, last night, for my lunch, today.  A yogurt for breakfast.  A mango fruit cup for afternoon snack.  Dinner was the rest of the tuna salad on crackers, followed by more crackers with peanut butter and apricot preserves.  I wasn't hungry for a big dinner, tonight.

Friend M was working in the front garden when I came home in the evening, so I spent a few minutes chatting with him. 

After tea, I replied to an email from a friend and then, chatted with daughter.  Later, I looked up the pattern for the apron she has asked me to make for one of her costumes to wear to the Anime Expo, next week.  In years past, she and two of her friends would get together at our house over a weekend and make their costumes.  We'd set up two sewing machines on the big dining table and they'd watch sewing tutorials online and sew their outfits.  Her friends would stay the night and it would be a bit of a sleepover, as well!  This year, they are unable to get together to work on their costumes, but they will meet up at the Anime Expo, itself.  So, plans for tomorrow include clearing the dining table in order to set up the machine and cut and sew an apron!  I shall use fabric from the stash; I'll need about one yard of white fabric. 

After that, I need to sew myself a sari blouse to wear with my new sari to the weddings!  I have just three more weeks to do that!  Better get started on that, over the weekend, as well!

Today, I am grateful for:
- A productive day at the office
- A safe commute to and from the office
- Chatting with daughter
- Emails from a friend
- A relaxed evening.

Saturday's To Do List:
- Clear the dining table
- Cut and sew an apron
- Change my bed sheets
- Do laundry

Plus other things such as cleaning the litter box, watering the indoor plants, and doing the daily dishes.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Will you miss them all meeting and sewing at your house? Is the anime expo a thing that your daughter is interested in or do you go as well?

    1. Yes, I've missed all the energy and laughter there used to be when the girls got together to do their costumes and sleepover. And the singing. Oh, and did I mention the giggling? :)

      My daughter is really into anime, so the anime exposition is something she goes to with her friends. I don't go with her - for one thing, the tickets cost a lot of money and there are long lines and crowds. It's a 4-day extravaganza which goes on from morning until very late at night (although not everyone attends all the events). I don't have the stamina for all that! I usually just drop her off at the convention center where it is held, in the mornings, and pick her up in the evenings, unless she gets a ride from one of her friends. One year, she stayed with a friend at her friend's house for the duration and that friend's mother took the girls (and her other children) back and forth!

  2. Guaranteed! You will still be reporting on productive days after you retire. Ha. You will often go to bed exhausted and feeling like you accomplished much. For instance, look at this weekend you have lined up. You plan to sew part of your daughter's costume AND a new blouse to wear with your new sari. You may find yourself crafting more and working in the garden more. You may find yourself entertaining more as we all know how many friends and family members you stay in touch with. And you have expressed a desire to do some volunteer work. However, my advice to you is to give yourself a little time before jumping in too quickly. Enjoy your retirement for quite some time before taking on too much. Let things progress as they will.

    1. Thank you, Susan! I rather like your description of retired life! Actually, just about every retiree I've spoken with has told me that they are now busier than ever! I do intend to take it easy and really relax for a bit. Well, that and clean the house and revive the garden and do some sewing and oh, the list is endless! :D

  3. It's nice that you are able to help your daughter with her anime costume. My sister helps her sons make some pretty complicated costumes for anime conferences, also. They are always popular in their outfits.

    1. Ha, ha, yes, how successful a costume is depends on how many people ask if they can take your picture, according to my daughter! :D One year, she won a contest for the best costume for a particular character, and she was thrilled because it was one that she had sewn, herself! This year, she hasn't had time to make elaborate costumes (partly because she hadn't decided on the characters until a couple of weeks ago), so she's going for the more generic ones.

      She bought a pink dress at the discount store for $6, which is a regular shift dress and which can be worn to the office, etc., but, with the addition of the apron I'll be making, it'll be her Japanese maid costume.

      Then, she bought a green T-shirt for $3 from another store, and with the sleeves cut off and worn with jeans, she'll be a character from another anime (I think she's making a prop to go with that outfit).

      Some people make some very elaborate costumes and it's always fun to see them walking along the streets in their costumes!

  4. I hope it's ok to mention, one of the 1st things I did as a 'retiree,' was to move garments I considered 'career clothes' to the back [most awkward, least accessible] part of the closet. It was a visible, tangible action acknowledging and accepting a major life change. I also wanted to see if I wore those items going forward. It coincided with change of season, so I made it a point of wearing any tatty undergarments [one last time] and threw them out! My gift to myself has been to replace undies as needed with pretty, [survivor] fitted under garments. I find long standing habits hard to break so I continue to wear 'next outfit up,' rotating casual clothes. Turns out to be practical as the people in this complex are very social.

    1. Hon, of course it is OK to mention! In fact, "office wear" clothes are one of the things I've been thinking of, lately. I don't have a lot of strictly office wear, because I no longer wear suits to the office. But, I do have one or two suits and there are a couple of skirts I wear to the office, but will not wear to casual family gatherings or parties. I might keep the jackets from the suits to wear when going out during the colder months, but I shall probably give away the skirts. It'll be interesting to see how much I will keep and how much of it I will actually need! My plan is to give away what I feel I won't wear again and then, revisit the closet towards the end of the year.

      I'm glad you've treated yourself to some pretty undergarments. We need that, don't we? It'll be 3 years as a survivor for me, this October. I plan to host the October prayer gathering, and I think I will make a pink cake for dessert!

  5. I imagine the first few days will be incredibly relaxing and then some bittersweet moments will creep in. It seems one of the nicest things about retirement is how easy it is to adjust to, providing you don't just stay at home with no outside contact.

    1. I shall probably enjoy being able to sleep without worrying about alarm clocks in the morning and being able to potter about all day! Eventually, I suppose, I shall make myself some sort of schedule, so I'll get about at least a couple of times a week. :)

  6. You will love retirement, Bless, and you will be busier than ever! I sometimes tease hubby that I wish I were back at work so I could rest! Lol. I’m not officially retirement age but am no longer working outside our home. Your days will be so full and you’ll be amazed at how much there is to do and how much you will get done. A great season of life!

    1. Thank you, Carolyn. I hope to finally have enough time to do all those things I couldn't do because I was working and didn't have enough time to do!


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