Saturday, May 14, 2016

Friday the 13th!

Happy Friday the 13th!  This is the only Friday the 13th, this year, so hope everyone made the best of it!

I went in for hydration and an immune booster injection, today.  No chemo therapy as it was postponed until next week in order to prevent my immune system from being more compromised during my up-coming trip to Berkeley.  I am so glad the doctors are willing to work with me to enable me to attend my daughter's graduation.

After we came home, I finished this week's work assignment, sent the completed work off, and sent a status update to my supervisor.   I also sent her a reminder that I will be taking vacation time off Monday through Wednesday of next week. 

In the evening, my daughter tried on the sari blouses; the one she wore for her Bachelor's degree graduation still fits her so she will wear that.  The sari she will be wearing is one of mine.  I offered to buy her a new sari to wear for the occasion but she declined saying she didn't see the need for that expense! 

My daughter signed her work contract yesterday and we spent some time figuring out a budget for her.  We know her gross pay; what we don't know is how much will be deducted for taxes, etc.  So, we won't know her net or "take-home" pay until she gets her first pay check, towards the end of June.  I prefer to make budgets based on net pay since I think it gives a more accurate picture of what is exactly available to spend and save.  But, for now, we are going to assume that her taxes and other deductions will amount to 20% of her pay, leaving her with 80% as net income.  The budget we made out is based on a presumed take home pay of 80% of her gross income.   Obviously, there will be some adjusting done as we find out what her exact take home pay will be.

Her biggest expense will be rent.  Rent in Berkeley is ridiculously high.  Daughter has searched for lower rent apartments outside of Berkeley, but within a reasonable commute of her job, but only one of the places she sent inquiries to even bothered to respond to her inquiry.  All the others were non-responsive.  So, we decided she will continue to rent her present studio apartment and renewed her lease.  She has the advantage of being familiar with the neighborhood after living there for the past two years, being on the direct bus line to her office, and even being able to walk to work and back when the weather is nice.  Most importantly, we know the area is relatively safe and the apartment management has been very responsive to service requests, etc.

She is allocating herself $100 per month for utilities.  So far, her utilities have not amounted to $100, but we are keeping a nice cushion, for just in case. 

Her grocery budget will continue to be $100 per month and she's allowing herself another $100 for all her other expenses (household purchases, clothes, eating out, socializing with friends, etc.)

She is also hoping to be able to save a certain amount of her salary.  I have given her my ideal guideline of living on 70% of her income and saving 30%.  We don't know if she will be able to do it, but that's what we are aiming for. 

Today, I am grateful for:

- My doctors have done what they can to enable me to attend daughter's graduation.
- I am able to take vacation time off from my work to attend daughter's graduation.
- Daughter being practical and willing to wear what's already in our combined closets.
- Daughter having a job waiting for her upon graduation.
- Budgeting skills!

How was your Friday the 13th?


  1. I'm glad you are looking after your daughter by going through budgets with her. I wish mine had. x

    1. Budgeting is something I kind of learned as I went. I know my mother budgeted, but I don't think she ever sat down with me, as I have done with my daughter, to go over things with me. But I've always been very open about budgeting with my daughter and she has been very receptive to it.

  2. Health insurance keeps taking huge jumps under Obamacare. Be sure to factor that in. As an independent adult, can she stay on your insurance?

    1. Marylynn, thank you for bringing it up. Initially, when the job was offered, it was going to be a permanent position and included employer paid health insurance. However, the approval of the permanent position got stalled and it was turned into a 1 year contract position, instead. The one thing I neglected to do was have daughter ask about health insurance coverage under the contract position. It maybe that we'll have to buy insurance for her, in which case, she won't be able to save as much money as she's hoping to. Important life lessons.

    2. Your daughter can stay on your insurance until she is 26 as long as your plan covers children We still have Greg's daughters and my oldest sons.

    3. Nathalie, thank you. I looked at my health care coverage and it says "dependent" children until 26 years. I currently claim her as a dependent child, but I don't think I'll be able to claim her as a dependent once she starts working full time.

      I did ask her about health insurance coverage, and she seems pretty confident that it is still included. She said I had brought it up and she asked. She'll know for sure once she gets all the detailed paperwork to sign. If not, she's fully prepared to pay for it. Or I can pay it for her. She might only break even with this job, but it will be valuable full time paid work experience which equivalent jobs down here seem to require. I think it will all work out OK. :)

    4. Bless, this is a federal law now. From what I understand your employer cannot deny you coverage for your daughter if she is less than 26 if the employer offers coverage for any children, even if she is no longer a dependent. I suggest you contact your HR department and ask them. Now, if she does get coverage through her job, it's great, but again the coverage she might have though you might be better. Anyhoo, I suggest you look into it with HR.

    5. Nathalie, thank you! I will certainly call my HR when we come back from Berkeley and ask! :)

  3. So happy you will be able to attend to daughters graduation.
    Proud daughter is getting her budget set up.
    Have a safe and fun trip.

    1. Thank you, Judy. Looking forward to it!

  4. Hi Bless,
    Just wanted to let you know I started reading your posts from the very beginning and I am really enjoying them. I'm up to December 2014 now. You have such a positive attitude and I have learned a lot from you. I was also a single Mom. Just got married 2 years ago and my daughter is now 26. She still lives with us and has been a wonderful daughter, just like yours sounds. Keep up the great work. Thank you.

    1. Hi Mia! Welcome! Wow, you are reading from the beginning! I hope you are enjoying what you are reading. :)

      Congratulations on your recent marriage! Sounds like your daughter has been a blessing to you, just as mine is to me.

      Thank you so much for commenting. I look forward to hearing from you, again.

  5. Wishing you and your daughter a very happy and triumphant trip for her graduation on Monday. I hope the weather surprises you with a warm evening!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. And thank you for not laughing at me for being such a baby about the temperatures! :D

    2. We once attended a Leonard Cohen concert outdoors. The stars, (LC and the celestial ones) were superb, but it was such a cold night! Nevertheless LC and his wonderful backup singers and extraordinary musicians kept on playing until they had exhausted all their encores. Everyone was having a great time!

    3. Sounds like it was a fun evening!

  6. Hi Bless,
    I am really enjoying it. I live in the inland empire so I like to see what you pay for groceries, etc. Aren't the price of eggs high? Though, they seem to be coming down a little bit. I wish gas would come down more.

    1. Oh, you are practically a neighbor, then! Eggs have gone down a bit, recently. And gas isn't as high as it was a few years ago when it was over $4/gal. Back then, I was driving over 60 miles a day and had to fill the tank twice a week, with each tank costing $50; I budgeted $400/month for gas.


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