Friday, October 11, 2024

This Week


Brunch Salad 

Since I didn't make a meal plan, this week, I haven't been keeping track of what I've been eating, but, I have been trying to eat a few salads along with spaghetti with meat balls and sauce, the frozen burrito and Hot Pocket I bought from the dollar store, pancakes with seeni sambol (spicy onion relish) and half of an apple fritter (keeping the other half for tomorrow!)

I have been spending quite a bit of time, this week, decluttering.  I am afraid that it has been a bit of a process for me.  Decluttering does not come easily to me.

However, in between bouts of decluttering, I've been doing a few other things, too.  I've already written about Monday when I went to the dollar store and my neighbor fixed my garage door.  Later, I took the trash cans to the curb.

On Tuesday, I continued to clear up the spare bedroom, which had become a bit of a dump as I store various things in there, from extra pantry items to crafts supplies and other items.  I was able to clear the items I had placed on top of the bed - rolls of quilt batting, and a couple of extra quilts.  I still have a quilt in progress folded and stored at the end of the bed, but, the top of the bed is clear!  I also sorted out the closet in that room, where I keep my crafts supplies (the bin with all the yarn, for example) and part of the fabric stash, as well as the air purifier filters and part of the fabric stash.  I haven't finished decluttering it, but, I've made a start. 

M was here on Wednesday and we tended to the garden.  He brought another iris plant and we planted a cabbage stem that I had rooted in water (not sure if it will grow or not, but, we shall see).  I picked more moringa and six green beans from the one green bean plant that survived the heatwave!  

On Thursday, I called the vet's clinic to confirm Dancer's appointment that is scheduled for Friday.  I also inquired about the status of his medication refill, which I had called in to the pharmacy on Monday.  The pharmacy was going to call the vet's clinic to request a new refill and they were going to call me when the refill was ready.  That pharmacy is usually very prompt with filling requests, and I hadn't heard anything from them.  The staff member I spoke with checked the records and said, "Yes, the pharmacy sent us a fax".  But, apparently, the fax just sat there!  He said he will call it in and I thanked him.  The pharmacy called me, later in the afternoon, to let me know that the medication was ready for pick up!  So, in the afternoon, I went to the pharmacy and picked up the medication (for Dancer's thyroid issues).  While there, I went to the doughnut shop (next door to the pharmacy) and treated myself to an apple fritter.  

I also dusted the living room and dining area and cleaned the bathroom, on Thursday, and did a load of laundry.  I was going to vacuum the living room, but, Dancer was sleeping there and I didn't want to disturb him!  He'll have a difficult day on Friday with his visit to the vet's clinic, so, he was entitled to enjoy his naps without being bothered by a vacuum cleaner, on Thursday!  LOL.  

Later in the evening, I watched the news, checked on my cousin's daughter who is in Florida (she came through the hurricane safely), called former neighbor T, and chatted with friend R (I accepted more packages for her, this week, which I will take to her on Friday).  

This week, I am grateful for:

- Sunny, warm days
- Neighbor E's help with the automatic garage door opener
- M's help with the garden
- Dancer's medication refills
- What I've been able to accomplish this week

Joyful activities have included watching videos, listening to music, tending to the garden, and being able to open and close the garage door at the touch of a button!  

Friday plans include:

- Taking Dancer to the vet's clinic for his injection
- Taking the packages to friend R
- Tending to the garden with M and having him take down the room a/c unit
- Vacuuming

How was your week?  What are your plans for Friday and the weekend?

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