Sunday, October 20, 2024



Living Room Bookcase

This is the "before" picture of the bookcase in the living room.  It and the one in the family room are a pair, bought at the same time. in 1982.  I worked for an office space design company and employees could buy furniture through them for cost plus 10% and pay in installments deducted from the paycheck.  I have plans to declutter the books in this bookcase, too, over the next couple of weeks.

But, not on Saturday.  On Saturday, I took a package to my friend R and we had a brief curbside visit.  When I got back home, two big bags of cat food had been delivered and I managed to get them inside the house.  I also wrestled the two 30 lb. boxes of kitty litter that had been delivered earlier, which the very obliging delivery driver had left just inside the front door for me, from the living room to the bathroom.  

Then, I dusted and vacuumed the living room and dining area, vacuumed my bedroom and daughter's bedroom, and the hallway.  I had meant to do some kitchen cleaning, too, but, I ran out of energy.  I cleaned Dancer's litter box, but, the rest of the evening, I relaxed and watched some programs on TV.  Later, I video chatted with my daughter.

On Saturday, I was grateful for:

- Being able to help friend R by taking her packages to her
- A safe drive there and back
- Being able to order things online and have them delivered
- Working appliances
- What I was able to accomplish during my "productive" period

Saturday's joyful activity was the curbside visit with friend R.

Plans for Sunday include cleaning the kitchen a bit more, vacuuming the family room, and decluttering, of course.

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


  1. Your bookcase looks very tidy although I understand the need to declutter books as I have had to do that too. You had a good deal on the bookcases from your employer, a very generous perk of the job. Being able to order online is such a blessing and have items delivered straight to our door. I get good email updates as to the time items will be delivered which is very handy when wondering the best time to take Tilly for a walk.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, the bookcase does look tidy, doesn't it? In fact, I am quite happy with it, as it is, except, I know that I am not likely to re-read the majority of the books stored on the shelves and why keep them if I am not going to re-read them? My daughter isn't interested in them and she has her own books.

  2. The bookcase looks like a good solid unit, and it would appear they have served you well over the years. A good investment.
    This morning I made some soup, and I'm taking Lily swimming, shortly.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Xx

    1. They are good, solid bookcases. I like them a lot.
      I hope Lily enjoyed her swimming and a nice, warming bowl of soup feels good during this time of the year, doesn't it?
      It's a sunny (and warm) day, today, and I am relaxing while I procrastinate about doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen! :D

  3. I think the before picture of the bookcase looks pretty good. But the main goal is decluttering, so good luck with that.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, I like how this bookcase looks. The majority of the items displayed are gifts I've received from family and have special meaning to me; they will not be decluttered. But, the books can be decluttered; I know that I am not going to re-read them and my daughter is not interested in reading them.
      Once both bookcases are decluttered, I might shift things around a little bit.

  4. The bookcase looks so nice, I assumed it was an "after" shot! Ah well, good luck with your next round of sorting. Talk about running out of energy - today I got up at 10.30, went back to bed at 2.30 and have just slept for four hours. I still feel tired!

    1. Thank you, Ella. As I mentioned in a reply to an earlier comment, above, most of the decorative items displayed will be kept - they are items that have a special meaning to me, gifts from family and an item or two I've bought. But, the books can be decluttered.
      Sounds like you really needed some extra sleep! I hope you can sleep well tonight and feel less tired, tomorrow.

    2. I am having a drowsy phase at the moment. Tuesday night I slept 12 hours and still felt tired. I thought I wouldn't sleep well Wednesday night but I got a decent rest and felt ok on Thursday, if a bit sluggish. I thought I was over it but you know what happened today! I am not complaining as I'm glad to take the shut-eye when I can get it. Most of the time I am sleep deprived so it's good to catch up eventually!

    3. Get as much sleep as you can. I wonder if the sleepiness is due to the change in seasons?

  5. I agree with others that your bookcase looks good! But if you're not likely to reread the books, then there's no reason to keep them. You can make room for new books! Ive been infected by the decluttering bug this weekend! I've gone through several bins of clothes, and have two large garbage bags to take to the charity store. Then I searched through the kitchen, and have two grocery bags of things I no longer use. I don't know if I'll continue but at least it's something!

    1. Thank you, Celie. Yes, no real reason to keep the books I'm not going to read again.
      Wow, you did well with your decluttering this weekend! You don't have to declutter anything else this month if you don't want to. :)

  6. The bookcase looks like excellent quality. I guess we will all be waiting now to see what it will look like after you declutter some more books!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Watch this space, as they say. :)


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