Monday, October 14, 2024

Kitchen Cleaning on Sunday

Strawberry Salad

This salad was part of my dinner on Saturday.  I had half a cold cuts sandwich with it.

Last week's cleaning area was the bathroom.  This week's cleaning area is the kitchen and I got a head start on it on Sunday.  I emptied the dishwasher and dish drainer, refilled the dishwasher with the dishes that were waiting in the sink and ran it.  Then, I washed all of Dancer's food bowls by hand and kept them to dry on a fresh dish towel.  I wiped down the counters and stove top, swept the floor, and mopped it.  I started to wash one of the kitchen walls, but, I think I need to bring in the step ladder for that; the step stool wasn't tall enough for me.

Brunch had been half a cold cuts sandwich and dinner was rice, mackerel curry, dhal, and tomato chutney.  I ate some strawberries for dessert.

On Sunday, I was grateful for:

- Working appliances
- What I was able to accomplish
- Pleasant weather (in the 70s)
- Interesting videos and TV programs to watch
- My hands didn't cramp when I was cleaning

Sunday's joyful activities included video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for Monday include more kitchen cleaning (the fridge needs to be cleaned out), watering the garden, taking the trash cans to the curb, and making an appointment for my Covid booster.

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?


  1. Your strawberry salad looks nice. You have been busy but please be careful on the stepladder. I skipped Sunday cleaning and took Tilly to the park to play chasing the ball, her doing the chasing not me :-) I'll finish off the housework today.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I'm sure Tilly enjoyed her trip to the park to play ball with you. Don't worry; I'll be very careful on the stepladder (I might even just ask M to clean the wall for me!)

  2. Not sure I am happy with you planning to take a ladder and wash the walls! Not sure your daughter would approve, either. Do you have anything like a spin mop or Swiffer that you could use to reach the upper part of the wall?

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. No, my daughter would definitely not approve! In fact, she was telling me to be careful moving the boxes of clean litter that arrived, last week, from the living room to the bathroom. She was suggesting I asked M to do it for me.
      I have a string mop and I tried using it, but, it didn't do a good enough job. I do have an old sponge mop head (need to fit a new pole to it) and I'll see if that works. :)

  3. The strawberries look delicious. Are they from your garden? Not much exciting happening here. I had to work Sunday and Monday.

    1. The strawberries are what I bought from the grocery store on Saturday. They are good. Sounds like you've been busy with work! I hope you get a day off, mid-week, to make up for having to work on Sunday.

  4. I also cleaned the kitchen yesterday, thought not the walls. I'm never that industrious! I think my comment on Saturday's post ran off. Just wishing your daughter more healing for her sprain. It's a slow process.

    1. This must be the weekend to clean kitchens. :)
      Sorry about your Saturday's post disappearing! I checked the spam folder, but, it wasn't there. Thank you for the well wishes for my daughter. Yes, it is a slow process as she's still unable to put any weight on that foot.

  5. I try not to clean on Sunday unles it is absolutely necessary. Truth be told I hate cleaning, especially deep cleaning, though I love when it is done.

    1. Sundays are the days when one rests, aren't they? But, my kitchen was really needing to be cleaned and I felt motivated to do so. I wasn't very motivated, today, though. :)


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