Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunny Days


Enjoying the Sunshine

The sunny and warm weather continues with the daytime highs being about 94F/34C.  Dancer still likes to lie on his quilt and enjoy the sun rays.  

My daughter had a virtual consultation with her doctor about her ankle on Thursday and the doctor wanted her to come in to have her ankle x-rayed and be fitted with a boot on Friday.  The x-rays showed that there were no fractures; thank goodness for that!  It's just a very bad sprain.  Even with the boot, my daughter is unable to put any weight on her foot.  The doctor told her that it might take a few weeks, but, if she is still unable to walk in four weeks, to make another appointment to consult with her.

My daughter's former supervisor K, who has since become a good friend, drove her to the clinic, stayed with  her until she was seen, and brought her home, again.  And on her way out, K took my daughter's household trash to the big trash container in the basement of the apartment building for her.  I am so grateful that my daughter has such a kind and helpful friend up there.

On Friday, I went to the pharmacy to pick up a medication refill that was ready.  I saw that they have opened a Dollar Tree where the former dollar store was (the one that went out of business).  I didn't go in to check it out because I really don't need anything, but, I just might go by one day, next week (and probably find things I didn't know I needed until I saw them!) LOL
M was here on Friday and he tended to the garden, watering and weeding, etc.  We discussed the cold weather vegetables I want to plant this year - carrots, beets, and maybe some chard.  I might plant some lettuce, too.  We will probably wait until late October or even, early November to plant them.

Also on Friday, neighbor S's family blessed me with most of a bag of frozen meatballs and a box of cereal bars with a strawberry fruit filling.  S's daughter called to ask if I'd like to have the meatballs as her father had bought them and they had some, but, didn't want the rest!  I was happy to have them and the box of cereal bars, as well.  I took some of the meatballs and made spaghetti with meatballs for dinner on Friday and had leftovers for Saturday night's dinner, as well.   The rest of the bag is in the freezer.  I plan to make some meatball curry, later.  

Saturday was a relaxed day.  I did a load of laundry, took some of the decluttered items to the recycling bin, watched some videos, and walked for a bit once it had cooled down.

I am grateful for:
- Daughter was able to consult with her doctor and have her ankle attended to
- It was not a fracture; just a bad sprain
- Her former supervisor was there to help her
- M's help with the garden
- Gifts of food from neighbor S's family

My joyful activities included tending to the garden, planning the cool weather crops, and watching videos.

Plans for Sunday include some kitchen cleaning and decluttering.

How is your weekend coming along?  What are your plans for Sunday?

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