Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Mid October

Dinner and More, Compliments of Neighbor S

Here we are, midway through October!  Already!

I'm happy to say that I've had two fairly productive days, so far, this week.  

On Monday, I called the pharmacy to request a refill, did a load of laundry, watered the garden both front and back, took the trash cans to the curb for pick up, and did a bit of decluttering.  I need to post an update on that.  I had a cold cuts sandwich for brunch and for dinner, I had chicken noodle soup and another sandwich. 

On Tuesday, I put away the laundry from Monday and did another load.  Then, I ran a cleaning cycle on the washing machine as the light came on to let me know that it needed to be cleaned.  Afterwards, I rewashed the kitchen wall.  I found that, if I stood on tip toes on the top step of my two-steps step stool, I could manage to reach almost up to the ceiling.  I used a microfiber cloth and undiluted Pine-sol and managed to get the wall mostly clean, but, I can still see the outlines of where the copper pans used to hang.  I might have to wash the walls another time or get a magic eraser or something.

I was resting after I washed the wall when neighbor S called to ask if I'd like to have some rice and kebabs, lahmajoon (a thin flat bread spread with a ground meat mixture), and burek (bread filled with a cheese mixture).  I said I'd love to have some and offered to come over to collect it, rather than have her bring it to me.  So, I was able to sit and visit with her for a few minutes, as well, and chat with her older daughter, too.  In addition to the food she had mentioned, S gave me a red velvet cupcake for dessert and another carton of coconut water!  Although it was about 5:30 p.m., I had not had eaten anything, yet, so I had lahmajoon and some of the rice and kebabs for brunch and had a small piece of the burek for a snack dinner.  I have a choice of leftovers for Wednesday's meals.  

In mid-October, I am grateful for:

- Neighbor S sharing more delicious food with me
- Working appliances and the electricity to run them
- Water for the garden
- Sunny days (in the 70s, but the nights are getting a bit chilly)
- The electric neck massager that was a gift from my daughter one year

Joyful activities the past couple of days have included reading, visiting neighbor S, and spending time in the garden.

Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M and washing another kitchen wall.

How is your week coming along?

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