Saturday, December 10, 2022

Not A Good Day

First of all, my daughter woke up with a "fuzzy head"/headache, she said.  But, she put in a full day of work (from her apartment).  Later, when we video chatted, I asked her if she had a fever and she said she didn't think so.  But, I could tell from her eyes that she wasn't 100%.  I asked her to check her temperature and yes, she has a 101F temperature.  I asked her to take an at home Covid test and yes, she tested positive.  She will call her health care center, tomorrow, to report it and ask what she needs to do (besides staying at home and isolating herself).  Whether she will be able to come home for the holidays is now entirely up in the air.  We were both looking forward to her visit, but, she doesn't want to bring the virus home to me.  She is so disappointed that she was crying and she hardly ever cries.

Secondly, I received a message from someone I knew - the last time I had corresponded with her, she was saying her husband had cancer.  The message I received today, said her husband had died and there was a link to an article.  Guess who swallowed the bait?  Apparently, her account was hacked and now, my computer is sending me messages that a virus has been detected!  I need to take the computer to the computer store to have it checked.  Until then, I might not be posting much.  I need to figure out how to post from my phone!

So, if you don't hear from me in the next few days, it's because I'm having computer issues.


  1. Oh dear. I'm sorry you had all that on one day. I do hope there is no lasting damage to your computer or any files. And obviously I hope that daughter's bout of COVID passes quickly with no lingering effects. There are still two whole weeks for her to recover, test negative and come back for Christmas. All is not lost by any means!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella (I presume).

      My daughter is feeling very tired and has a sore throat, but, she took some ibuprofen last night and her fever went down. She helped me run a virus scan on the computer this morning.
      The computer is fine. No viruses were detected. What I was getting earlier were notifications saying a virus was detected and click to install virus protection. I guess clicking on them would have installed the virus or enabled someone to hack into my computer. I've blocked all pop-ups for now.

    2. Yes, it was me. I didn't notice I had become anonymous or I would have signed. Glad you averted a computer disaster. I have had quite a few dodgy emails lately, which look quite convincing, but luckily I haven't clicked on anything. One giveaway is often the sending address. If it is a long list of letters and numbers, or doesn't exactly match the one I am expecting, I delete and contact the relevant friend.

    3. I need to be more aware and less gullible!

    4. I didn't mean that!

    5. I know you didn't, but, really, this is the 2nd time I've clicked on something that I shouldn't have and then fretted about getting a virus! I really need to be more aware!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter has tested positive for Covid. I really hope that she has a mild case and is able to recover quickly. I also hope that she will be well enough to come home for Christmas as planned without putting you at risk in any way.

    That's unfortunate about your computer and I hope the virus can be removed easily. xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I, too, hope that my daughter has a mild case. She took some ibuprofen for the fever, last night; she is feeling very tired, she said, and has a sore throat. Still, she talked me through the steps to run a virus scan (no viruses were detected) and I stopped all the pop-ups. :)

  3. Definitely not a good day. Sorry, Bless. According to the CDC, if your daughter has a typical case of COVID, she should be able to freely move about (without a mask if she wanted) after 10 days and stop isolating after 5 days as long as she doesn't have a fever. So I wouldn't rule out Christmas plans yet.
    And a computer virus, too. Not a good day for you and viruses. Hopefully, they will be able to clean things up for you.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, my daughter and I are hoping that it will be a relatively mild case and she will be symptom free and testing negative after 10 days. Hopefully she is still able to come home for Christmas. If not, we will celebrate whenever she is able to come home.
      The computer is fine; I panicked when the notifications popped up, but, my daughter talked me through running the virus scan and no viruses were detected. Daughter also told me how to block the pop ups. :)

    2. When I had COVID, my work (using CDC guidelines) did not require a negative test to return to work. Apparently you can test positive long after you are not contagious. I tested positive for about two weeks, but was able to return to work after 5 days with lessening symptoms and no fever. However, I already had vacation scheduled so I stayed out for about 1 1/2 weeks. What are the rules where your daughter lives?

    3. Thank you for sharing this, June; it's very helpful to know. Currently, my daughter's office requires a negative Covid test every week on the first day the workers come into the office, if they come in one or two consecutive days a week. If they go in 3 consecutive days a week, they need to test on the 1st and 3rd day. I am pretty sure they will require a negative test before my daughter can return to the office (but, she will be able to work from her apartment).

  4. Hello, Bless. So sorry to learn of your woes. When it rains, it pours. Prayers for a speedy recovery for your daughter and prayers for you too. Judy in Anaheim.

    1. Thank you, Judy. Yes, when it rains, it pours! So far, my daughter's symptoms seem to be moderate and I am grateful for that. She was able to talk me through the steps to run a virus scan on my computer and no viruses were detected! Another big sigh of relief about that!
      Hope all is well with you and yours.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter has Covid, but I hope that this is early enough that she will be clear in time to come home for Christmas.
    As for the computer problem, that is scary as usually there is no problem with links to obituaries. I hope that you will be able to trust your computer again soon.
    The temperature dropped overnight and was 14°F when I looked this morning - more like December weather. But the sun has been shining for a couple of days which is lovely.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; we are keeping our fingers crossed that she will be able to make it home in time for Christmas. If not, we will delay the celebrations until she is able to visit. I know you had to do that, last year.
      My daughter felt well enough to help me run a virus scan on the computer, this morning, and no viruses were found, which was a relief. I have blocked pop-ups, as well. Hopefully, I will know better from now on to verify that messages and attachments were actually sent from the person who is supposed to have done so! The person from whom I received the message was a former GON member; I found out that her husband had passed away, but, earlier in the year, not earlier this week.
      It's a lot warmer than 14F, here, but, it is cold enough for me! A cloudy day with rain in the forecast for tonight.

  6. Oh Bless, I'm so sorry your daughter has Covid. I hope it's not too bad and she recovers quickly. I'm sorry your computer got a virus, too. It's understandable that you were tricked, the bait used would have fooled anyone. I don't understand why people do things like this. I hope the store can fix it easily. We'll be here when you get back to blogging. I'll keep your daughter in my thoughts.

    1. Thank you, Celie; my daughter is having moderate symptoms, currently. I'm praying that she recovers quickly without any lingering health effects.
      Apparently, my friend's husband had passed away, but, earlier in the year and not earlier in the week (which is what the message indicated). I really should have known better than to click on a link without first verifying that it came from the person who is supposed to have sent it!
      Fortunately, my daughter talked me through the steps to run a couple of virus scans on my computer and the good news is, there was no virus detected! I've now blocked all pop-ups and hopefully, that is the end of that!

  7. I do hope your daughter IS able to visit. I know how much that means to you both. And how horrid for your friend to be scammed like that. Why are some people so cruel??

    1. Thank you, Angela. Prayers for her recovery are much appreciated.
      My friend said her husband had passed away earlier in the year. I think the world is full of people who prey on others; thank goodness my daughter was able to help me run a virus scan and clear up all cookies, etc. I've also blocked all pop ups on my computer.

  8. Oh Bless - not a good day is putting it mildly! All the best to your daughter in dealing with her case of covid.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I'm praying my daughter will recover without any lingering after effects. She had been so careful, too. :(

  9. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. Hopefully it won't be too bad. As you know, my daughter had it over Thanksgiving. She had it rough for a few days, but had mostly recovered after a week and tested negative. There is still hope she can come home! Just have her test again after a few days.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, I remembered that your daughter had it, too. Glad she's recovered, now. I hope my daughter will recover too, and will be able to come home for the holidays.

  10. I'm so sorry your daughter has caught Covid. And after being so careful all this time.
    I hope she won't suffer too badly with any symptoms and will be able to make it home in time for Christmas.
    Fingers crossed your computer issues will be easily resolved. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. It does seem rather ironic, doesn't it, that she had been so careful and still came down with it. So far, she seems to be experiencing only moderate symptoms; hopefully, she won't get worse.
      The computer issues have been resolved! :)


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