Saturday, December 3, 2022

It Rained!

Raindrops on Succulents

It rained last night and this evening, too!  A gentle rain, but, it soaked the ground and we didn't have to water the garden!  Such a blessing!

It was cloudy, but, dry, during the day.  I made seeni sambol (spicy onion relish) to have with leftover milkrice for my brunch (yesterday, I had the milkrice with chicken curry).  Later, when M was here to tend to the garden, I served him a plate of milkrice and seeni sambol and gave him a small container of seeni sambol to take home.  I gave him a small container of the chili powder I use, too.  

M did some weeding and tidying up in the garden and pruned the plum tree.  We are going to wait another week or so to prune the peach tree.  I mentioned to him that I want to extend the edging along the length of the front yard and he said we could do that.  We might encounter some problems with the roots of the eucalyptus tree, though!

Later in the evening, I chatted on the phone with friend R and video chatted with my daughter.

Brunch had been milkrice and seeni sambol; dinner was leftover mac and cheese with leftover turkey.  Yes, I shared the turkey with a certain spoilt kitty cat!


"I don't see anything wrong with being spoilt!"

Today, I am grateful for:

- Rain!
- M tending to the garden
- A working heater
- Warm sweaters and blankets
- Phone calls, emails, and video chats

Today's joyful activity was tending to the garden with M.

Plans for tomorrow include doing some laundry and starting on shortening daughter's dress!

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. So happy that you got a soaking rain. We're having cold rain now with temps in the 40s. Not so much fun, but it is what it is. Spoilt kitties live in this house, too. :)

    1. Thank you, June; we really need all the rain we can get! I suppose your cold rain will turn to snow in the near future? Maybe you can look forward to a white Christmas! Ha, ha, Leo and Annie will get along just fine with Dancer, won't they? :D

  2. I always love your grateful lists. Our rain will be snow from here on out. I never think of people having things that grow this time of year. The only thing we grow are ice patches and icicles. lol. Have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

    1. Thank you, Diana. There's much to be grateful or thankful for, I think. Things grow year round, over here, with spring being our best growing season (summer gets too hot and dry!). Be careful on those ice patches! Hope you, too, have a lovely weekend, Diana. Stay warm!

  3. I was very relieved that it rained, too. The plants look so happy and healthy after a good soaking. Looks like we have more coming...

    1. I'm glad you received some rain, Stephenie. Yes, the forecast does say there will be more rain tomorrow and maybe even Tuesday! It'll be so good if it does rain. :)

  4. How wonderful that you got rain! No doubt the plants are all very happy! I have a spoiled cat here too, and she loves turkey. She and Dancer would agree that they deserve it!

    1. Thank you, Celie; we need this rain so much! The plants are looking refreshed and all kinds of seedlings are popping up! Many of them are weeds, of course, but, I've bunches of osteospermum seedlings coming up everywhere!
      Yes, I'm sure our kitties will agree that they deserve all the spoiling they can get and more! :D

  5. the succulent does look lovely with water droplets on it. And your food... it makes my mouth water. Unfortunately, since my operation, spices and sauces make me quite ill. Grrr!!

    1. Thank you, Ratnamurti. I'm sorry you can't have spices and sauces, anymore. I hope you find ways to add flavor without using a lot of spices.

  6. I'm glad you got some rain. We did too and it was cold rain! Dancer obviously believes pampering is in order. You wouldn't believe what I saw on sale today - Advent calendars for dogs and cats! They had portions of meaty treats behind the doors. I could hardly believe my eyes! They were not cheap, either!
    My friend had a headache yesterday but I was able to visit today and I walked round with an umbrella as it was still raining lightly by the afternoon. Her dog hadn't seen me for so long that he barked and growled a little at first, then realized who I was! I think the treat I gave him helped jog his memory.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; you know that we really need the rain. There's more in the forecast for tomorrow, too, and I'm hoping that the forecast will be accurate!
      Yes, Dancer feels entitled to some spoiling; he gets a Christmas stocking and there's usually a can of tuna in it, but, he is not going to get an Advent calendar, that's for sure!
      I'm glad you were able to visit your friend today, even if you had to go in the rain. Glad her dog remembered you, eventually, especially after getting a treat! LOL.

  7. Gentle rain is always nice for the garden. It has time to soak into the ground. X

    1. It is the best kind of rain! The ground just soaked it right up!

  8. Oh that is so good that you got some real rain. All of the living things around you must be so happy. I'm happy too all the way over on the other coast :)
    We've had a few days of wind blowing down a lot of branches from our trees. Makes me glad I've been tending to them over the last few years so it wasn't anything damaging.
    Except for my neighbor's old fence run (the one we replaced the section of this past summer). My husband took apart the old downed section that we replaced as I wanted to save the pickets for spot repairs of the remaining fence. We did some of those repairs this past week and wouldn't you know one of the heavy downed branches landed right on one of our repaired spots taking it apart. It was an easy fix though so it's all better now.
    I'm determined to keep that old fence going lol

    Dancer certainly deserves all the pampering he receives :)

    1. Thank you, Debra; we desperately need the rain. It drizzled a bit, today, too!
      Oh, my! I'm glad you didn't have much more than a damaged fence from all that wind and falling branches! Glad the damaged section of the fence was easy to fix!
      Dancer is missing my daughter; he goes into her room and meows and then, walks around the house, looking for her. Then he comes near me and meows as if to ask where she is and I tell him she's gone. Then he goes on her bed and sleeps! Poor kitty! I don't mind spoiling him a bit. :)

  9. Raindrops on your plants, now that's something we don't often see! Glad to hear you've had some rain at long last.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. We had a little more rain, yesterday, and have bright sunshine, today. :)


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