Thursday, December 1, 2022

Monthly Photo Challenge - November: Food

Time to post the photos I took for the November Monthly Photo Challenge, hosted by Eileen at A Bracelet of Days!  The theme was "Food":

Birthday Lunch 

The "lunch" that my friend R had delivered to me, which lasted me practically all week!

Birthday Ice Cream

The "Birthday Cake" ice cream from gardener friend M!

Thanksgiving Dinner

The lovely Thanksgiving dinner provided by neighbor S.

Rice and Curries

One of the home-cooked meals my daughter and I enjoyed during Thanksgiving week when she was home - rice, shrimp curry, asparagus "thel dala" (sauteed), cucumber salad.

Passionfruits on the Vine

There's food growing in the garden, too!

Oranges Ripening on the Tree

A very small crop of oranges, this year.

Food for the Honeybees (Rosemary Bush)

Do you see the bee in the sort of center of the photo on one of the rosemary flowers?  It was flying around too fast for me to get a good photo, but, it was enjoying the nectar!


And finally, the brunch I made for myself on Tuesday.  

I'm sorry I completely forgot to take photos of the Thanksgiving pies and cornbread, etc.  I was too distracted by other things that were happening at the same time.  

What's that?  Where's Dancer?  Well, he enjoyed a bit of turkey at Thanksgiving and by the time I remembered to take a photo, he was, sleeping it off!

Dancer Sleeps it Off

(Yes, I know, I posted this photo collage earlier, too; it's just been that kind of week!)


  1. How lovely to grow your own fruits & oh that birthday cake ice cream looks delicious. You could post the collage of Dancer every day & I'd be very happy to see him again.

    1. Home grown fruit are the best! That ice cream tastes just like frozen buttercream frosting! It's almost too sweet!
      Thank you for saying that about the collage of Dancer. :) I will take a few more photos of him to alternate with the collage! :D

  2. Food photos are always interesting. I do see the bee in your rosemary picture. :)

    1. Yay! You were able to spot the bee!
      I'm not a very good food photographer, but, I'm learning!

  3. Oh my gosh - what a topic. It's making me hungry looking at all the delicious food in your photos.
    Cancer was in a deep sleep from all the food lol

    1. Thank you, Debra. I was planning to take some more photos of the Thanksgiving meal, but, that didn't work out.
      Yes, Dancer enjoyed his taste of turkey! :D

  4. What a splendid group of food photos. Now I'm desperate for lunch!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I, too, got hungry looking at the photos some of the others had taken! :D

  5. Food for honeybees was a great idea! All that fruit still in your garden! I did my final garden tidy-up the other day, and pulled up all the remaining plants etc. BTW, do you remember you suggested I plant the seeds from the three chillies I grew last year? Well, I had to laugh: they yielded .... three chillies!!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. Yes, I've oranges, a few lemons, and passionfruit still ripening. Too funny about your chilli harvest! :D Better luck next year!

  6. Forgot to say that that was quite a birthday lunch from friend R.
    No wonder you put it in "lunch" quotes lol

    1. It was several days of lunches and dinners! :D

  7. Many thanks for joining in this month Bless. You've shown us some delicious food but for me, the shrimp curry is the winner.

    1. Thank you for hosting the monthly photo challenge. Yes, shrimp curry is one of my favorite things to eat! :D


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