Not Quite a Weathervane |
The neighbor's rooster is a frequent visitor in my garden, usually scratching around and taunting Mama Cat who mostly ignores him, unless he eats her kibbles and then, she'll chase him. Today, I noticed him up on the garage roof! Not quite sure what he was doing up there, but, if he was pretending to be a weathervane, he was not doing a good job of it!
Still Not a Weathervane! |
This has been a bit of a social week for us, although Monday's visit to see cousin V and my daughter's walk with a friend were cancelled.
It rained on and off all day on Tuesday and my daughter and I spent a relaxed day at home during the day. In the evening, however, two of my daughter's friends from school days visited for their annual holiday get together. These get togethers started when they were all in high school - my daughter and four of her friends would have a potluck lunch at school on the last day before the winter break. Once they graduated from high school, they continued to hold their holiday pot luck at our house. One year, just before the pandemic broke out, they held their holiday get together at a restaurant. Over the years, one or two of the girls dropped out, making their excuses for not attending the holiday get togethers. This year, it was just my daughter and her friends A and V, and V's 5 months old baby who is such a cutie! Everyone wore masks (except the baby, of course) and this year, there was no sharing of food as that required masks to be taken off. I stayed in the family room for the most part while they stayed in the living room, but, it was pleasant to hear them chatting and laughing.
On Wednesday, I visited neighbor S very briefly as I wanted to give her the euryops plant I had bought for her (she had admired my euryops plants and said she liked the yellow flowers). Then, we enjoyed our visit with Baby Yoda as posted, earlier.
Today, Thursday, has been another rainy day! Today, in the afternoon, we visited my cousin R. Her planned visit to Scotland had to be cancelled because her son's passport was damaged and they couldn't get a replacement passport in time. She was rather disappointed about it, but, was accepting of the situation. I had met her briefly at her sister's house on Christmas Day and I gave her her Christmas gift then. Today, I gave her an early birthday present (her birthday is next week). My daughter and I wore our masks during the visit which lasted about 15 or 20 minutes. When we were leaving, cousin R gave us three bags of clothes and a few other times that she had decluttered. Some of the items still had their tags on (they were gifts that didn't fit her, she said).
I had worn one of the blouses she had given us the last time and she was happy to see that I was wearing it.
After we came home, daughter and I tried on the clothes that cousin R had given us. The majority of them fitted daughter and some of the items fitted me. Daughter chose the items she wanted to take to Berkeley with her, including a lovely warm jacket (something she had been wanting to buy for herself) and a purse. I selected a few blouses for myself. There were two blouses that were too tight for us and my daughter will offer them to her friend A and if she doesn't want them, I will offer them to my friend R. Thanks to my cousin's generosity, my daughter and I will not need to buy any new clothes, next year! Such a blessing!
The big question is, will I declutter my closet to accommodate the new clothes? Or, will I add them to the existing clothes (and maybe buy another set of hangers for them?) That might be a question to ponder in the new year. But, for now, I have a dozen new to me blouses and cardigans to add to my wardrobe!
This evening, daughter's friend A is visiting and she and my daughter are doing some artwork together (once again, everyone is wearing masks).
Later tonight, daughter's friend P is bringing more vegan Vietnamese food and lemons from his sister's tree! I have a feeling that I might be making a batch of lemon marmalade this weekend! LOL.
In between visits and having visitors over, I've hemmed the dress my daughter will be wearing as a bridesmaid at her friend J's wedding (and gave her the rest of the spool of thread and a needle to take with her, just in case there are further repairs or adjustments that need to be made), done some laundry, and cleaned the kitchen a bit.
Today, I am grateful for:
- The much needed rain
- Visits with friends and cousins
- A safe drive to my cousin's and back
- New to us clothes!
- The many blessings I've received
Today's joyful activity was visiting my cousin.
Plans for tomorrow include more laundry and some tidying.
How is your week coming along? What are your plans for tomorrow?