Sunday, April 17, 2022


A Blushing Yellow Rose

This rose is supposed to be yellow!  It is flowering on the yellow rose bush.  But, this particular rose has pink-tinged petals!  It does have a red rose growing next to it - maybe that had an impact on the yellow rose?  I must say I like the resulting color!

It was daughter's last day at home and the day was a busy one, packing, re-packing, and packing some more!  The big suitcase wasn't quite big enough for all the things she wanted to take back, so, I suggested she took the smaller carry-on suitcase, as well.  She is allowed to take two checked in pieces free of charge as long as they weigh less than 50 lbs., each (or pay $75 for each piece that is overweight), as well as two carry on items.  She didn't want to check in two suitcases, but, she will take two carry on items.  There was quite a bit of weighing of suitcases, unpacking, packing, and re-weighing, but, now she has a suitcase weighing a little less than 50 lbs. to be checked in and two carry on items.

In between the packing and weighing and repacking, she picked lemons and oranges to take back with her, took a plate of cookies and a little Easter bunny figurine over to neighbor T and down the side window drapes so I could w/ash them and rehung them for me.  She also took down the pothos plant that was on top of a shelving unit in the family room and set it on the kitchen pass through counter, to make it easier for me to water it without having to climb up on the step stool.  

In the meantime, I did another load of laundry, trimmed daughter's hair, picked some chard leaves, cooked dinner, and did the dishes.

Chard Leaves

We had leftovers for lunch (I finished the Thai green curry and my daughter had some of the leftover salmon with rice).  For dinner, I made a shrimp curry, sauteed the chard leaves, and cooked a fresh pot of rice.  I froze most of the leftover shrimp curry for daughter to take back with her.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Daughter was able to pack all the things she wanted to take back with her
- Garden produce
- Daughter helping me with a few last minute housekeeping tasks before she leaves
- Phone chats with friends
- Being able to send some home-cooked food with daughter

Today's joyful activity was spending time with daughter and preparing one of her favorite dishes.

Plans for tomorrow will include taking my daughter to the airport.  

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.


  1. I guess a busy day didn't give you too much time to think about your daughter returning to her apartment. And in the midst of it all, you found time to take food to your neighbors.

    1. Yes, keeping busy helped. My daughter was teasing me, pointing out all the positives of being on my own: "You won't have to wash two people's dishes, you won't have to cook for two, you won't have as much laundry to do, you can vacuum anytime of the day", etc. Yes! LOL. But, we both knew that having her home was worth it all.

      Well, yes, I wanted to share some treats with neighbor T for Easter. :)

  2. The rose is very pretty however it has come about. Your daughter has done a lot of sorting for her return home and all should be well now. Enjoy your last day together, you are going to miss each other.

    1. It is a very pretty rose, isn't it? I rather like the coloring! My daughter had a list of everything she needed to take back with her as well as all the things she wanted to take! In the end, she managed to pack just about everything on her list. Only her small pair of scissors got misplaced, but, she can buy herself another pair, later. Yes, we are going to miss each other, but, she will be able to go about a bit more when she's on her own because she won't have to worry about bringing home germs and infecting me! :)

  3. Your daughter is awesome.

    The rose looks lovely, like a peace rose. It makes me think of soft sunsets.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa; I think she's pretty wonderful, myself! :D

      I do love the coloring on that rose. I wonder if new roses on that bush will revert to being yellow or continue to have a pink tinge to them!

  4. The rose is beautiful, and the colour reminds me of a summer sunset.
    Wishing your lovely daughter a safe and smooth journey home. I'm sure she will be calling you on a regular basis. X

    1. I love the coloring of that rose! It looks apricot from a distance, but, up close, you can see the yellow and pink coloring.
      Thank you for your well wishes, Jules. Yes, we will be calling and video chatting regularly. :)

  5. It sounds like a busy productive day. I'm glad your daughter was able to take everything she wanted to with her and that, with a bit of juggling things around, she was able to meet the weight requirement for the cases. I'm sure you will make the most of the remainder of her time with you and I wish you both safe journeying tomorrow.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; it was a productive day! I think we got all the things done that we wanted to get done! Yes, she was able to pack everything she wanted to take and there was no problem at check in, she said. She's on her way back, now. :)

  6. Dear Bless, I hope you and your daughter had a safe journey ro the airport and that all went smoothly at the check-in. I know your altar light will be burning until you know she has arrived safely.
    That is a beautiful rose, maybe you have inadvertently grown a new variety!
    Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. You know me well! :) Yes, the altar light is on! We had a safe drive to the airport. My daughter said she had no trouble with checking-in - she had to open her suitcase because of all the food, but, the TSA agent was very friendly and wanted to know about the curry powder and spices, etc. Daughter just called to let me know her flight landed safely and she is on her way to the baggage claim area (hopefully, her suitcase arrived safely, too!). Her friend is on his way to pick her up, but, he will be a bit late due to some road closures; that just gives her some extra time to collect her luggage, etc. She'll let me know when she gets to her apartment.

      I love the coloring on that rose! I will have to see if any new flowers have the same coloring or goes back to being yellow!
      Happy Easter to you, too, Bushlady. :)

  7. The rose is really beautiful with the color variation. Do roses do that? Assume a color change?

    That's nice that your daughter helped you with the curtains before she left and it's very smart to move that pathos plant.

    Wishing your daughter safe travels today as she goes back to her apartment.
    (And you too as you drive to and from the airport ;)

    1. It is a pretty coloring, isn't it? I guess roses do that, although this is the first time I've seen it happen! It'll be interesting to see what color any future flowers on that bush will be!

      I appreciated daughter's help with the drapes and getting the plant down for me! I can now see the water damage at the top of the shelving unit (from watering the plant!) and am thinking that this might be the next item of furniture to be decluttered - as soon as I find other storage for the items stored on it!

    2. Oops, sorry, Debra; forgot to thank you for the well wishes for safe travels. I had a safe drive to the airport and back and daughter has had a safe flight. She called to let me know when her plane landed. She'll call me again, when she get to her apartment. :)

  8. That Rose is beautiful! Packing can be exhausting, decisions about what to include and leave out, lol. Its good that you spent a busy day together.

    1. I love the coloring on that rose! I am waiting to see how any new flowers on that bush will turn out.
      On all previous trips, my daughter has taken only a carry-on bag and her backpack. This is the first time she's taken a big suitcase as checked luggage. But, it all worked out fine and she is now in her apartment. :)

  9. I know you are going to miss your daughter terribly but I am so glad you had this protracted time together. Now lets all just hope covid does not rear its ugly head again!

    1. It was wonderful to have had such a long visit with my daughter! I hope Covid will fade into the background and stay dormant! It would be so much nicer if we could travel a bit more, without worrying about risks of getting infected and hospitalized, etc.

  10. I'm sure it's a relief to you that your daughter arrived safely. I hope she gets to her apartment safely as well, and finds it in good shape (although maybe very dusty!) You'll miss each other but will have fond memories of this extended time together. The rose is lovely and it probably turned colors just for you! My best to you, Celie

    1. Yes, it is a big relief, Celie, especially because she does not like to fly! She got to her apartment safely, too. She said she found things to be in good shape after being shut up for over a year. Yes, we will miss each other, but, it was great to have been together for the past year and a quarter.
      The rose is pretty, isn't it? I'm waiting to see if future flowers on that bush will show color changes, too. Thank you, Celie; hope you've had a good weekend. :)

  11. Lovely rose. I always hate packing, worrying that I will be over on weight, wondering how strict they will be. Sigh.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Ah, yes, packing - I had forgotten about the weight limit for checked in luggage! But, in the end, the case was under the weight limit.


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