Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Tuesday's Update

The Front Garden in February

I had taken a photo of the front garden on January 20th and I thought I'd take another one on February 20th, too.  The garden is in full bloom, now, with the osteospermum, lantana, and euryops all in flower.  Some of the osteospermum have self seeded among the lantana, but, I don't have the heart to pull them out!  I am especially happy with the flower bed that borders the walkway to the front door:

Osteospermum Border

I called neighbor T, this morning, to check on her.  She said she was bruised, but, otherwise OK.  I told her I was very sorry I hadn't realized she was calling to me for help, yesterday.  She told me that I was the only neighbor she knew of to call, which made me feel even worse!  I also told her not to worry about trying to bring in the recycling bin; that I will bring it in.  Later, I took her recycling bin in for her and she called me to thank me.  I asked her if she was OK for dinner and she said yes.  

It was a mostly sunny but cool day, today.  Some areas received rain and other areas received snow and hail, but, we didn't receive any rain. I had a fairly relaxed day, today.  I brought in my trash cans and T's recycling bin, made turkey sandwiches for brunch and coconut flat bread for dinner (had them with leftover chicken curry), checked on T, chatted with cousin P, and with friend R, exchanged emails with a couple of friends, checked on the garden, and picked oranges.

In the back garden, we had to enlarge the heart around the moringa tree because some of the wildflowers we planted last year have self seeded and there were several phacelia seedlings growing just outside the planting bed:

A Bigger Heart!

In another part of the back garden, more wildflowers from last year have self seeded and the first calendula flower is blooming!  Calendula are also known as pot marigold and the leaves and flowers are edible.  

Calendula Flower

In the evening, I watched news, watched a couple of new episodes of a favorite TV program, and relaxed.

Today, I am grateful for:
- Neighbor T is doing OK
- I was able to bring her recycling bin in for her
- Weekly trash collecting
- Garden flowers
- Self seeding wildflowers

Today's joyful activity was spending time in the garden.

Sunset Skies

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. I like your garden heart & just like it, your heart is large & expands with kindness to your neighbours. The more we love, the more we can love. Glad to hear that neighbour T is feeling OK after her fall. If not the emergence necklace, maybe a cell phone in the pocket at all times. You have got to love flowers that self seed, my fingers are crossed that my Cosmos from last year are successful in self seeding, but I've got at least 3-4 months before I can tell :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou; that's such a lovely thing to say! T does have a cell phone which her daughter has been trying to get her to use (last year, her land line went down and T panicked and shouted for me to contact her daughter - that time, I heard her). I will suggest carrying the cell phone at all times. It's something I am trying to remember to do, myself!
      I hope your Cosmos have self seeded and you'll get lots of lovely flowers, later, this year, once the snow has melted and it has warmed up. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Lyssa. The front garden is at its best in early spring. :)

  3. Your front garden is lovely. You have some of my favorite flowers, lantana and calendula. I plant them every year in pots. I do understand feeling bad for not realizing your neighbor was calling to you. But you couldn't have known, and there is no fault in that. You are a kind and giving neighbor! Best, Celie

    1. Thank you, Celie; spring is when the front garden is at its best. I want to try and take a photo every month, at or about the same time, just to capture a feel of the front garden throughout the year.
      Thank you for your kind words, Celie; they are much appreciated. I try to follow that "Golden Rule" and do unto others as I would have them do for me, that's all. :) Hope you are having a good week. Stay warm!

  4. Your flowers make quite a show. How beautiful. In a few months, we'll have flowers like that, too. Well, maybe not quite as prolific as those but appreciated all the same.

    1. Thank you, June; your borders of chrysanthemums and azaleas put on quite a show, too! I am enjoying the osteospermum as they are at their best in the spring.

  5. So many flowers! Your garden looks beautiful.
    I'm glad T is doing okay. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Spring is the best time of the year for the front garden. It gets too hot in the summer.
      T is continuing to recover from her fall. We've told her she is not to worry about picking up things in the garden, etc.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Regine. Sorry for the delay in replying to your comment, but, it had gone to my Spam folder which I hadn't checked in a few weeks!

  7. Your front garden looks lovely and I do like your heart-shaped edging stones around your tree. I'm glad your neighbour is okay following her fall.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. The heart-shaped planting bed is all M's doing! :D T seems to be continuing to recover from her fall, thank goodness.
      Hope you are feeling better, today, and the cramps have gone away.

  8. Your front garden is looking good, very colourful, and I like your idea of taking a photo of it every month.

    I'm glad that T is continuing to do well after her fall and hasn't had delayed shock from it. Try not to feel too bad that you didn't realise that she was calling for help. It highlights that something needs to be put in place to ensure that she always has a way of knowing that she can get help if such a thing were to happen again and it's proved that hoping a neighbour can hear her isn't really enough.

    I've spend a good part of the day taking my circle photos, and then meeting with J.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; maybe the front garden will be my version of "following a tree" over the course of a year! :)

      Thank you, too, for your kind words about my failure to realize T was calling for help. Yes, you are right; it just proves that relying on a neighbor to hear you isn't adequate and something more reliable needs to be put into place. It is also a very good reminder for me to have my cell phone with me at all times! Especially when I will be on my own, after next month!

      Sounds like you had a nice, relaxed day. Glad you were able to meet with J. :)

  9. The garden looks wonderful! So welcoming! Are all the gardens along your street as pretty and cheerful as this?
    I too like the heart flower bed! You should stuff it with pink or red busy lizzies or something (I know you already have stuff in it, I'm just fantasising!)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. Actually, quite a few of the other gardens look a lot better! Some still have green grassy lawns, several have xeriscaped their yards, and then, there is one yard that is absolutely stunning! Of course, there are a couple of yards that are nothing but weeds, too.

      The heart-shaped flower bed is full of phacelia seedlings! And a few California poppies. If even half the phacelia grow and flower, it will be full of purple flowers by late spring!

  10. Your garden sure is looking quite beautiful Bless! Glad to hear neighbor T is doing ok.

    1. Thank you, Martha. Hope all is well with you. :)

  11. Your garden is so beautiful. I can't wait for some colour in ours. It needs a lot of work this year.
    It's so kind of you to check on your neighbour, Bless, falling as you get older is such a worry isn't it.

    1. Thank you so much. I'm sure you'll have your garden looking great, soon. :)
      Yes, falling is definitely a concern as we get older! We have to be careful!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Your front garden is gorgeous with so many flowers and I love the heart shaped bed around the Moringa tree. Sunset photo is beautiful, too. I'm trying to figure out the other leaves in with the Calendula, they look familiar.

    Our weather yesterday created an icy crust on top of the snow and DH got the car stuck. We had the driveway plowed. The squirrels leave no footprints on the snow, and their snow tunnels are sealed off with ice. I did walk up the road to the mailbox but it was windy and I was glad of my heavier coat and wool scarf and hat. Winter is getting tedious!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The front garden is at its best, right now!
      The lacy leaves that look a bit like the leaves of carrots are the leaves of the California poppies. They, too, self seeded and are coming up! This year, I want to try and collect their seeds to scatter in other parts of the garden. The other leaves might be coreopsis.

      Oh, my! It sounds like it was very cold, yesterday! The poor squirrels! I'm glad you wrapped up warmly to go to the mailbox! We are supposed to go down to 36F tonight and 34F tomorrow night! There's snow in the higher elevations!

  14. Your front yard looks so lovely - full of lush color.
    Have you started a new topic for the year? The front garden on the 20th?
    That would make a nice collage at the end of the year!

    I'm glad T is doing better. I know it bothers you that you didn't hear her -But - you didn't hear her! Of course you would've helped her immediately but there is nothing you could've done because you were unaware that she needed help. Hopefully her daughter will get her one of those medical alarm/alert necklaces so she will be able to reach out more easily for aid if it happens again.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, I am hoping to take photos of the front garden as it changes over the course of the year! It'll be my new project of the year! :D

      Thank you, Debra. I didn't realize T needed help and wishing I had is not going to help! It is what it is! Hopefully, they will get some kind of alert system for her.

  15. Lovely skies.

    I am glad your neighbour is okay. Your garden looks fabulous. Perhaps that could be a project - taking a photo each month. I'd love to see how it changes throughout the year.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I thought you might enjoy seeing the flowers. Yes, that's what I am thinking of doing. Photographing the changes in the garden. :)

  16. Flowers in February - I am so jealous!!

    1. We are blessed to have flowers year-round! :)


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