Saturday, February 5, 2022


Osteospermum - White with Yellow Center

The majority of my white osteospermum have the typical purple center, but, there are a few plants with yellow centers and they remind me of daisies.  Of course, the common name for osteospermum is African Daisy.  

Another sunny and warm day (high of 70F) with a bit of a stiff breeze.  In the morning, I busied myself taking the trash and the recycling out to the bins, walking around the garden, and picking a couple of oranges which I cut up for us to eat.  I had the last of the milk rice with some leftover fish curry for brunch.  Daughter skipped brunch and had a late lunch of rice with the last piece of leftover chicken and other curries.  I made macaroni and cheese (from a boxed mix) for dinner, stirring in a can of tuna and chili powder into it.  We shared a fresh pear for dessert and snacked on popcorn, later!

M was here in the early evening to tend to the garden.  He watered and tidied the garden and planted the purple sweet potato top that I had rooted.  I gave him a small container of the Japanese purple mustard greens that I had cooked, to take home and try.  

Later in the evening, my daughter and I watched the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremonies on TV.  I look forward to watching the coverage of the games.  I grew up without TV (Sri Lanka didn't have TV services when I was living there); even now, I am thrilled to be able to watch news and other events as they take place, instead of reading about it in the newspaper, afterwards.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Another sunny and warm day
- Fresh oranges from the garden
- Leftovers and boxed mixes for easy meals
- M tending to the garden for me
- Being able to watch events on TV

Today's joyful activities included picking oranges and watching the Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. My husband watched the opening ceremonies and will watch all of the events he possibly can. lol
    As will my sister.
    Me - not so much. I used to be excited by many sports and certainly the Olympics. I'm not sure when I started to change, but I do find that I'm not drawn to it like I once was.
    Woke up to a little snow overnight. It hides all the flooding in the backyard from our snow melt topped with quite a bit of rain yesterday.
    Now things look all pretty again, deceptive as it is.

    1. I've been watching quite a bit of the coverage, today, too. Ideal knitting time, I thought, but, I did some mending, instead.
      Glad the snow is making your yard look pretty! All that melt water will seep into the ground, eventually, and water your plants in the spring and summer! We, on the other hand, are dry as a bone!

  2. I missed most of the opening ceremony but enjoyed the part I did see.

    I'm having an easy day today (Saturday) doing a bit of an admin catch up, and planning for some jollies in February and March.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the part you did see. :) Sounds like you've had a good day and I read your post about your new goals, but, haven't commented yet. Got a bit behind with my blog reading and commenting!

  3. The tv has meant that news is so much more immediate. Once upon a time people would be completely unaware. There is a story that during the English Civil War, as battle lines were being drawn up between two opposing forces, a farmer asked one of the soldiers what was happening. When he was told that the King and Parliament were at war he asked, 'what, have them two fallen out?'

    1. Sometimes, the news being so immediate can be a bit overwhelming, but, I've always been a bit of a news junkie! Well, at least from the time I was about 11 years, old. I'd cut newspaper articles and paste them in a big ledger book my mother got for me. I was a weird kid!

  4. I always enjoy watching the Olympics too. I'm a little jealous of your weather. I was expecting sunny and 70s today but got up to a chilly gray day - again! Enjoy the weekend Bless. :)

    1. Hope your weather improved over the weekend, Martha. We are having some lovely warm weather, here, and next week is supposed to be even warmer! :)

  5. Good old Mac and Cheese and Tuna - a delicious and quick meal!
    Sunny again today, freezing of course but the beauty of the scenery makes up for it. We will have a walk this afternoon.

    1. It's a good pantry meal for those days when I don't feel like cooking a curry, etc. :)
      Glad you are enjoying the sunny weather and the winter scenery. Hope you were able to have a nice walk. :)

  6. I grew up with only one channel and felt somewhat deprived compared to my friends. But we did have TV. It's great that you can still feel excitement when watching things in real time.

    1. I didn't subscribe to cable TV for the longest time and I think my daughter missed that, especially when her friends would talk about cable shows they watched. But, the few times she mentioned it to me, I would tell her I grew up without any TV and didn't see the point she was trying to make! LOL. But, yes, I do like watching news and most sports events, etc.

  7. Another lovely flower. I must admit that I don't watch a lot of regular television. I like watching mysteries and am currently watching (or rewatching) Brokenwood Mysteries. It is set in New Zealand. Hope you have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I like watching news, special events, and some documentaries, etc. But, otherwise, I don't watch a lot of shows on TV. I hope you are having a good weekend and staying warm!

  8. I didn't watch the opening ceremony and not too bothered about watching the Winter Olympics events either. Plenty of sport on TV at the moment but I find I'm not as keen on the football as my husband is.

    1. Each to her own, Eileen. :) My daughter isn't that interested in watching the Olympics, either, but, she watched the Opening Ceremony with me. The biggest game in American football is coming up, next weekend, when the Superbowl will be held in a stadium in southern California. It's one of the few football games I usually watch every year. :D What you call football over there is known as soccer, over here. :)


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