Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February Grocery Shopping - Part 1

I put in an order of groceries on Sunday evening and picked it up, Monday at noon.  My groceries were brought to the car by Eric and I asked him about Jennifer and he told me that she is mostly working the closing shift.  I'm glad she's still there, even if I haven't seen her recently.

My last grocery shopping trip was on January 25th.   I had considered going shopping later that week to take advantage of a couple of sales, but, didn't.  I had $28.17 leftover from January's grocery budget of $200, which I brought forward to February and used up on this shopping order, to take advantage of salmon fillets being on sale, much to my daughter's delight!  Am I spoiling her?  Yes, I am, absolutely!  I probably won't be buying a lot of salmon once she goes back to Berkeley!  

This week's groceries included:

2 lb. ground turkey, on sale for $2.97/lb. (reg. price $5.99) = $5.94
3.4 lb. salmon, @ $7.99/lb. (reg. price $11.99) = $27.17 (Ha!  I still have exactly $1 left from the January budget!  LOL!)

1 doz. eggs = $2.49

1/2 gal. half & half = $3.99
1/2 gal. milk = $2.29

6 Bananas @ $.64/lb. = $1.54
1 Pineapple = $2.99
<1 lb. Cherries @ $3.98/lb. = $3.83
2.2 lb. Apples @$1.48/lb. = $3.41

Broccoli @ $1.98/lb. = $1.21
1 cucumber = $.99
3.35 lb. onions @ $.99/lb. = $3.32
2 lb .bag whole carrots = $1.99

3 boxes flavored rice mixes @$1 = $3.00

1 loaf multi-grain bread (24 oz.) = $1.99

1 bag (8 oz.) potato chips (reg. $4.39) = $1.97
1 bag (8 oz.) hot Cheetos (reg. $4.49) = $2.49*

2 bottles (@38 oz.), ketchup @ $2.99 (reg. price $4.39) = $5.98* 

2 boxes cereal (@10.8 oz) @ $1.49 (reg. price $4.99) = $2.98*

5 pack boxed mac & cheese (reg. price $6.29) = $4.49*

1 bottle (24 fl.oz.) pancake syrup (reg. price $5.49; brand name) = $1.99*

Total = $86.05

* Stock up items that were part of a "Buy 5 or more participating items and get $1 off per item" sale; some had coupons that could be applied to them, as well.  For example, the cereal was on sale for $1.99/box, but, I was able to apply a coupon for $1 off the purchase of 2 boxes, bringing the price per box down to $1.49.

I bought 2 bottles of ketchup because I had just finished the bottle I was using and that had been my spare bottle!  I had been holding out for a good sale to stock up and with prices on the rise, I figured this was as good a sale as I was going to get for a long time.  So, one bottle to use now and one for the pantry.   If this particular brand of ketchup (I'm not brand loyal on many things, but, ketchup is one of them!) goes on sale at a "good price" ($3 or under) in summer, then, I might buy another bottle or two; but, the company has recently announced price increases of up to 30% on a number of their products effective March, so, who knows what future "sale" prices will look like?  I used to have a price book, at one time, but, I have since given up on that!  Now, I aim for the current lowest price and am grateful that I can buy food and there is sufficient room in the grocery budget to afford the occasional splurges.  I know I am blessed to be able to do that.

Once again, my grocery budget for February is $200, plus $28.17 carried over from January = $228.17

Spent to date = $86.05

Balance left in the grocery budget: $228.17 - $85.06 =   $143.11

In addition to the groceries, I also bought a bouquet of flowers for $7.67 (including tax), which brought my total bill to $93.72, but, the flowers are not from my grocery budget.  


How is your February grocery shopping coming along?  Have you bought any groceries yet, this month?  


  1. Grocery prices are outrageous and seem to go up more every time I walk in a store. You did very well considering Bless. I've only spent $58 so far this month and that was mostly on our celebration dinner and just a few staples - it sure does add up fast these days. I shopped at the end of January and am now planning to make most meals out of what I have on hand and only shop good sales this month for the most part.

    1. Unfortunately, I don't see grocery prices coming down any time soon. But, at least, there are groceries available! You did well to keep the spending to under $60! :)

  2. Looks like you got some pretty good deals. We're using more convenience food now that we don't have a regular kitchen to work in and that's more expensive than some other options.

    1. Thank you, June; I tried to get the best deals and what I bought will last for longer than just this week. Convenience foods are more expensive, but, it's probably less expensive than eating out while the kitchen is being remodeled. Do you have a slow-cooker/crock pot that you could plug in somewhere? If so, maybe you could make some stews, casseroles, roasts, etc. in it?

  3. I think you are so wise to pamper your daughter while she is still here. What a true gift you have with her extended stay. At least something good came from covid

    1. Thank you, Anne. Having her stay with me for the past year has been the best thing to come from Covid! A gift of time spent together. A little spoiling thrown into the mix will be fully worth it! :) She's made plans to go back at the end of March, assuming her office will reopen as scheduled during the first week in April. I'm already starting to miss her! LOL.

  4. That is a great deal on the salmon! You have some great food there.

    These days, if you see a good deal, you have to go for it. It would have been almost wrong to miss the salmon. I know what you mean about the ketchup. DH likes a brand of hot sauce and I'm waiting for it to go back on sale before buying. It's been about four months since it was a good price, but I went large last time so I can hold out a little longer.

    1. Thank you, Lyssa; $7.99/lb. seems to be the current "on sale" price. It's a bit of a splurge, but, I am saving on other things so it all evens out, in the end. :)

  5. I don't blame you spoiling your daughter while she is still with you, that's a nice thing to do. I'm sure she'll miss her shared meals with you when she has to return to her home and you will miss her. Good to know Jennifer is still at the grocery store, I had been hoping for an update. I do look for the offers too, I only buy the branded sauces, brown sauce, ketchup and salad cream as there is a definite difference in the unbranded ones.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. We are both going to miss each other when she goes back. Unless our Covid numbers come down a lot more, I don't know if I will see her again before late November (for Thanksgiving). Yes, it's good to know that Jennifer is still at the store, working. Maybe our paths will cross again! I've tried store brand products and other different brands for various items and often I can't tell the difference, in which case, I'll go with whatever is cheaper, but, there are a few products where I like a particular taste and then, I stay with that. :)

  6. I've just bought a few things to ring the changes for lunches but I haven't done a full shop yet for February. I'm using up things from the freezer and cupboards so I can probably go for the entire month with just one more top up for fresh produce.

    1. Sounds like you are doing great with your grocery shopping, Eileen. You will be able to put aside what you save from your grocery budget for other things. :)

  7. You got some good deals on your shopping trip. Yum - salmon :)
    Have you had a problem with your daughter's half & half? It's been a hit or miss item for me for about a month now.
    The last two pickups at Aldi's, they were out. I did get 2 pints substituted for the quart I ordered at another store so we are fine for husband's coffee for a while.

    I am loving the curbside pickups. Husband does as well. He goes and fetches the orders, takes his book along and complains they are out too quickly for him to get any real reading done. lol

    1. Thank you, Debra. I feel I could have had a lower total, but, there needs to be a little variety in the diet, too, and I stocked up on a few things.
      So far, they have had half & half in stock. The only problem is, too often, the best by date is only a few days away.
      That's good that you and your husband are liking the curbside pick ups. The Kroger-affiliated store I go to says to call the store if you are still waiting after 10 minutes and they are usually very good about bringing the groceries out within that time. I used to take a book to read, myself, but, now, I don't! I just people watch while I wait! :D

  8. You got some good deals, always worth stocking up when what you want is on special. It is agood to know you have a replacement when an item is getting used up.
    We had a baked bean crisis yesterday as I can no longer get the favourite canned ones, and I thought I still had the last freezer container of my homemade ones. Alas, it had already gone. Time to make more or break down and buy another brand.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I must admit that one of my reasons for stocking up now is concern over the supply chain issues. I am not a "prepper" by any means, but, we do rely on the grocery stores being stocked as and when we want to shop, don't we?
      I hope your baked beans crisis has an easy resolution. :)

  9. Spoil your daughter while you can! I think I might treat myself to some flowers. The house could do with some brightening up and nothing, absolutely nothing, is growing around here yet lol

    1. Thank you, Sharon; I intend to! :D The flowers I bought were to take to the cemetery (Monday was my mother's death anniversary - 16 years since she died), but, yes, do treat yourself to some fresh flowers! Or, drop some heavy hints to your husband - Valentine's Day coming up, and so forth! :D


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