Lahmajoon (Armenian Pizza) and Treats
Today, Saturday, was a lovely, sunny, warm day, with a high of 79F. However, according to the weather forecast, we will have cooler weather next week, with daytime highs in the 50s and 60s and night time lows of 34F on Wednesday night. I hope there won't be any frost damage to the plants in the garden!
This morning, we visited my friend A, at long last! I called her, first, to find out if she was feeling well enough for us to visit and she said yes. It was lovely to see her and her mother, who is visiting from Sri Lanka, again, and my daughter enjoyed visiting with A's two daughters. We all wore our masks and they understood when we declined to eat or drink anything. We didn't stay too long, just under one hour, as I didn't want to tire A too much. As we were leaving, A's daughter and mother gave us a bag with some bread rolls from a popular Cuban bakery and some sesame and jaggery (palm sugar) candy from Sri Lanka!
On the way home, we stopped to put gas to the car as I was nearing the quarter tank mark since I last put gas to the car at the end of December, on 12/28 to be exact. I put $50 worth of gas, today, since that is what I budget for gas, each month.
When we got home, we noticed that the modem had been delivered! Hurray! Daughter will install it, tomorrow (she was going to install it this evening, but, I pointed out that the customer service help line would have closed by then, in case she needed to call them; we decided it would be better to wait until they were open to install the modem).
After we came home, we had a late brunch of leftover pizza from last night's dinner (daughter) and bread rolls sandwiched with sliced sauteed chicken (me). Freshly picked oranges for dessert.
Daughter's friend A stopped by in the afternoon to have daughter try on an accessory to go with her maid of honor dress for A's upcoming wedding. I was wearing the scarf she had given me for Christmas and she noticed it, when I went to say Hi to her (once again, we were all wearing our masks).
Later in the afternoon, I washed the shed, washing down the inside walls and the cement floor. Plenty of spider webs and spiders, including a few black widow spiders, got washed away, along with the dust and dirt on the floor. I'm leaving it to dry, overnight. Tomorrow, I plan to clean the steel shelving unit that is still inside and rinse out the empty pots and planters, before putting things back in place.
Then, around 4:00 p.m., neighbor S called to say her mother had just made some lahmajoon and would I like to have some. She brought over the still warm lahmajoon, some gata (cookies) that her sister-in-law had made, and two pieces of bird's milk cake, which is a sort of torte with layers of cake and cream topped with chocolate ganache! Absolutely delicious!
Later, I did two loads of laundry, watched some figure skating on TV, did the dishes, tidied the kitchen a bit, and did the litter box. Called and spoke with friend R, as well, and I had a socially distanced chat with neighbor T's daughter, when we were both outside.
Today, I am grateful for:
- Being able to visit friend A and family
- A safe drive to A's and back
- The availability of gas for the car
- Receiving so many delicious food treats, from Cuban bread rolls to Sri Lankan sesame candy to Armenian pizzas and baked goods!
- What I was able to accomplish
Today's joyful activity was visiting friend A.
Plans for tomorrow include cleaning the stuff that have to go back to the shed.
How was your day? What are your plans for Sunday?